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Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. A Practical Resource for Managers and Executives Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. A Practical Resource for Managers and Executives

Автор: Aaron Murphy G.

Год издания: 0000

A thoroughly pragmatic guide to the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) This is a critical FCPA training resource for executives, managers, sales, marketing, finance and accounting personnel, as well as high level professionals. The ideal resource for any business that takes FCPA compliance seriously and truly desires to foster a deep understanding of real-world corruption issues in their employees A great resource for business school courses on international business or business ethics and anyone interested in understanding these issues for their own professional growth Includes in-depth analysis of all major FCPA risk areas, including discussions of how FCPA issues arise in real-world business situations Covers all aspects of bribery and FCPA compliance issues to ensure that your business is not exposing itself to financial scandal or criminal prosecution FCPA compliance is mandatory for nearly all international businesses operating in today's global economy. This book serves as the perfect training tool to mitigate your organization's risk to FCPA violations, which is one of the top enforcement priorities for the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Praise for Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: A Practical Resource for Managers and Executives «Aaron Murphy's book is absolutely fantastic. As a seasoned lawyer and compliance professional, having worked for fortune 100 companies with global operations for many years and being an FCPA expert myself, I have never come across a more detailed yet easy to read book on FCPA. It contains practical advice and provides examples that are put into context, that the reader can easily relate to and that take into consideration different cultures and customs. A must read for any individual/ organization doing business abroad.» —Fabiana Lacera-Allen, Senior Vice President & Chief Compliance Officer, Elan Drug Technologies «This book is essential reading for anyone conducting business outside US borders. Executives, managers, sales, marketing, finance, and legal professionals will find sound practical advice to protect themselves and their companies from FCPA violations when operating globally. Much more than a general survey, this book offers scores of real world examples and serves as an easy-to-read, how-to resource for employees at all levels of a company. It will be a valuable reference tool for many years to come.» —Jeff Taylor, former US Attorney for the District of Columbia and former counselor to Attorneys General John Ashcroft and Alberto Gonzales «If you are a manager involved in any kind of international dealings—which is to say, if you work for any major firm in today’s global marketplace—you need to study Aaron Murphy’s comprehensive, precise and highly readable analysis of life under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). Few FCPA violations are intentional, yet the consequences even of unwitting violations can be drastic for you, your colleagues, and your firm. Murphy’s book shows why business practices perfectly acceptable at home are federal crimes in other settings, how to think your way through ambiguous situations, and—perhaps most important—when to get expert advice. It is a field guide to a world where authority and discretion are all too often up for sale, and a resource that will help you avoid trouble—and even succeed—within the bounds of this crucial yet little-understood legislation.» —Michael Johnston, Charles A. Dana Professor of Political Science, Colgate University "Every businessperson working in the emerging markets should read and understand the way in which their actions and behaviour may fall subject to the FCPA. This
Secure PHP Development: Building 50 Practical Applications Secure PHP Development: Building 50 Practical Applications

Автор: Mohammed J. Kabir

Год издания: 

The personal home page (PHP) server-side scripting language is particular well adapted to connecting HTML-based web pages to a backend database for dynamic content. This book explains the entire nuts-and-bolts process of the PHP application life cycle: requirements, design, development, maintenance and tuning. It shows how PHP can be used to design and develop highly manageable and secure applications to solve practical problems.

The Bulgarian Language in Practice: A Basic Course in Contemporary Bulgarian as a Foreign Language The Bulgarian Language in Practice: A Basic Course in Contemporary Bulgarian as a Foreign Language

Автор: Eleonora Ivanova

Год издания: 

Начальный курс болгарского языка для иностранцев, включающий в себя 25 уроков (с текстами, диалогами, грамматическими комментариями и упражнениями), приложения и словарь. В приложениях содержатся тексты для дополнительной работы, краткий справочник по морфологии, а также иллюстрированную подборку бытовой лексики по ряду тем. Аудиоматериалы записаны болгарскими дикторами и актерами без использования английского языка. Все тексты звучат в естественном темпе, с безупречными произношением и интонацией.

The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg

Автор: Марк Твен

Год издания: 

В знаменитой новелле «The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg» («Человек, который совратил Гедлиберг») некий человек, случайно уязвленный добропорядочными гражданами маленького городка, жестоко мстит им, сооружая хитроумную интригу. Честное имя тихого Гедлиберга уничтожено – с жителей слетают маски, их грехи и пороки предстают перед читателем во всей красе. На английском языке.

Let's Speak English. Case 2. Company Departaments and Managers Let's Speak English. Case 2. Company Departaments and Managers

Автор: Коллектив авторов

Год издания: 

Аудиокурс делового английского языка – ваш учитель и гид по вопросам международных бизнес контактов. Вы не только получите представление об английском языке делового этикета. Вас ожидают актуальные бизнес ситуации, увлекательное путешествие в реальный мир современного бизнеса. Курс составлен с учетом специфики речевого поведения англичан и американцев, не требует одновременного использования словаря: все ситуации и диалоги воспроизводятся с переводом на русский язык. Курс делового английского языка представлен 4-мя уроками, каждый из которых состоит из ряда тем, объединенных в единую сюжетную линию. Предназначен для самостоятельного изучения языка современного делового этикета и рассчитан на широкий круг лиц.

Практическая грамматика английского языка. Упражнения и комментарии / Practical English Crammar. Exercises and Comments. Учебное пособие Практическая грамматика английского языка. Упражнения и комментарии / Practical English Crammar. Exercises and Comments. Учебное пособие

Автор: В. В. Гуревич

Год издания: 

Пособие охватывает все разделы английской грамматики, с относительно элементарного уровня до продвинутого. Материал представлен в виде активных заданий, имеющих речевую направленность, и включает упражнения, отрывки связанных текстов (в основном юмористического характера). Для студентов высших учебных заведений, учащихся старших классов школ, а также для всех изучающих английский язык.