Скачать книгу - The Secret of Happy Parents: How to Stay in Love as a Couple and True to Yourself

Bestselling authors and communication and parenting experts Steve and Shaaron Biddulph bring you a humorous, loving guide to creating a successful long-term relationship.Illustrations are best viewed on a tablet.This highly readable book guides you through the ups and downs of life as a couple or family and gives you the skills you need to survive as a loving partner and parent.Everybody wants to find love, but in the real world love is something you learn one day at a time. Being a good partner or parent takes courage, honesty and a sense of humour – this book will help you with all three.The message of this entertaining and informative book is that ALL healthy couples have clashes, and sexual and communication problems can act as sparks that ignite new honesty and closeness – you just need to learn how to deal with them in the right way.This essential guide for anyone looking for advice on how to deal with life as a couple or a family includes:• How to grow commitment in small, safe steps.• Love, Lust and Liking – telling them apart and bringing them together.• Diagnosing your ‘couple style’.• The ‘make-or-break’ crises that every marriage or partnership has – and how to use them to make your relationship stronger.• The Sex-Romance alliance – love that gets better.• How children can help us grow up and develop a more fulfilling relationship.

Sams Teach Yourself SAP R/3 in 10 Minutes Sams Teach Yourself SAP R/3 in 10 Minutes

Автор: Simon Sharpe

Год издания: 

Sams Teach Yourself SAP R/3 in 10 Minutes covers general tasks including basic navigation skills, working with master data, and running reports. With timesaving tips, plain english definitions, panic button advice, and easy-to-follow tutorials that can be completed in 10 minutes or less, you will be immediately productive. This book covers the general SAP functions that every end-user of SAP-based applications must know. It focuses on the user interface, access issues, and basic navigation skills using mini-tutorials. You’ll learn all the essential tasks for running SAP-based applications smoothly and easily. Ten minutes is all you need to learn how to log on to SAP R/3, access the SAP R/3 modules, use basic navigation skills, work with master data, generate reports, read and interpret common error messages, and access extensive online help features.

Sams Teach Yourself Lotus Notes 7 in 10 Minutes (Sams Teach Yourself in 10 Minutes) Sams Teach Yourself Lotus Notes 7 in 10 Minutes (Sams Teach Yourself in 10 Minutes)

Автор: Burke Dorothy

Год издания: 

Book Description In today's fast paced world, we're lucky to get spare time each day to think, relax, read, take a nap...Who has time to learn something new? You do. Sams Teach Yourself Lotus Notes 7 in 10 Minutes is an essential reference guideto Lotus Notes 7 with practical answers for people who need fast results. Broken into concise ten minutes sections, you will learn about the features of Lotus Notes 7, including: E-mail Calendar Web Conferencing TeamRoom Discussion Templates Discover Folders Discover and master the use of features that you didn't even know existed with Sams Teach Yourself Lotus Notes 7 in 10 Minutes.

Счастливый Принц. Сказки / The Happy Prince. Tales Счастливый Принц. Сказки / The Happy Prince. Tales

Автор: Оскар Уайльд

Год издания: 

В философских сказках, которые писатель никогда не называл сказками, нашли отражение взгляды самого автора о превосходстве искусства над жизнью и опровержение этих взглядов самой жизнью. Все герои Уайльда – Принц и Ласточка, Соловей и Роза, мальчик Ганс и Мельник, Ракета и Великан – стремятся к счастью, но так и не находят его… Данная аудиокнига на русском и английском языках. The Happy Prince The Nightingale and the Rose The Selfish Giant The Devoted Friend The Remarkable Rocket Счастливый Принц Соловей и Роза Великан-эгоист Верный друг Замечательная Ракета

Лицензия на happy end Лицензия на happy end

Автор: Галина Романова

Год издания: 

Она всегда знала, чего хочет от жизни. И всегда поступала так, как хотела. Мама за это называла Екатерину эгоисткой. Бывший муж – идиоткой и сволочью. Друзья – баловнем судьбы. Друг, правда, был всего один, но зато какой… Вот с ним Екатерина Старкова и поссорилась. Уехала в богом забытый городишко развеять тоску. Сняла полдома у местной жительницы, освоила окрестности, а потом… заскучала. Развлекаясь ненавязчивым наблюдением за молодым таинственным соседом, она подумать не могла, к чему приведет нечаянный интерес. Во-первых, ее обвинят в страшном преступлении. Во-вторых, ее жизнь окажется под угрозой. А в-третьих… достаточно и первых двух пунктов, чтобы сойти с ума. И самое главное, помощи ждать неоткуда!!!

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Автор: Дж. К. Роулинг

Год издания: 

"'There is a plot, Harry Potter. A plot to make most terrible things happen at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year.'" Harry Potter's summer has included the worst birthday ever, doomy warnings from a house-elf called Dobby, and rescue from the Dursleys by his friend Ron Weasley in a magical flying car! Back at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for his second year, Harry hears strange whispers echo through empty corridors – and then the attacks start. Students are found as though turned to stone… Dobby's sinister predictions seem to be coming true. Pottermore has now launched the Wizarding World Book Club. Visit Pottermore to sign up and join weekly Twitter discussions at WW Book Club.