Скачать книгу - Strategic Benchmarking Reloaded with Six Sigma. Improving Your Company's Performance Using Global Best Practice

A new update of the classic text on benchmarking Strategic Benchmarking Reloaded with Six Sigma updates benchmarking, the revolutionary business performance methodology, by adding statistical concepts from Six Sigma. These two methodologies combine to form a powerful platform for improving any company's overall performance. This new revision reviews the first twenty-five years of development in benchmarking and features new appendices, case studies, and topics, making this the most complete and comprehensive coverage of the subject available. Topics include: Stimulating business improvement with benchmarking Linking Six Sigma to strategic planning and benchmarking Understanding the essence of process benchmarking Making statistical comparisons in benchmarking Applying benchmarking results for maximum utility Reviewing lessons learned from old case studies Conducting a strategic benchmarking study Performing an operational benchmarking study Mainstreaming benchmarking into strategic planning Creating a sustainable benchmarking capability Plus: appendices covering the benchmarking code of conduct, operating procedures, and Web resources

Photoshop CS2 Raw: Using Adobe Camera Raw, Bridge, and Photoshop to Get the Most Out of Your Digital Camera Photoshop CS2 Raw: Using Adobe Camera Raw, Bridge, and Photoshop to Get the Most Out of Your Digital Camera

Автор: Aaland Mikkel

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The RAW file format is the uncompressed data file captured by a digital camera's electronic sensor. When your camera saves an image in RAW format, settings like white balance, sharpening, contrast and saturation are not applied to the image but are saved instead in a separate header. Because RAW files remain virtually untouched by in-camera processing, they are essentially the digital equivalent to exposed but undeveloped film. This makes RAW an increasingly popular format with amateur and professional digital photographers, because it affords greater flexibility and control during the editing process-if you know how to work with RAW files. Most digital camera manufacturers supply their own software for converting RAW data, as do some third party vendors. Increasingly, however, the RAW converter of choice is a plug-in included in the latest version of Adobe Photoshop, the most popular and widely-used digital image editing tool in the world. Adobe Photoshop CS2 is emerging as the best place to edit RAW images, and the best way to master this new format is with Photoshop CS2 RAW. An important book dedicated to working with RAW in Photoshop, this comprehensive guide features a unique design that helps readers grasp the subject through visual instruction and prompts. The entire RAW process is explored, from shooting to using the Adobe plug-in converter and new Bridge navigation software. The primary focus of Photoshop RAW is, as the title suggests, Photoshop editing technique: automating RAW workflow, correcting exposures, extending exposure range, manipulating grayscale and working with the new DNG (Digital Negative) open standard that Adobe supports. Presented by photographer Mikkel Aaland, a pioneer of digital photography and author of eight books, including O"Reilly"s Photoshop for the Web and the award-winning Shooting Digital, Photoshop CS2 RAW investigates and instructs in an accessible visual style. Required reading for professionals and dedicated photo hobbyists alike.

The Bulgarian Language in Practice: A Basic Course in Contemporary Bulgarian as a Foreign Language The Bulgarian Language in Practice: A Basic Course in Contemporary Bulgarian as a Foreign Language

Автор: Eleonora Ivanova

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Начальный курс болгарского языка для иностранцев, включающий в себя 25 уроков (с текстами, диалогами, грамматическими комментариями и упражнениями), приложения и словарь. В приложениях содержатся тексты для дополнительной работы, краткий справочник по морфологии, а также иллюстрированную подборку бытовой лексики по ряду тем. Аудиоматериалы записаны болгарскими дикторами и актерами без использования английского языка. Все тексты звучат в естественном темпе, с безупречными произношением и интонацией.

The White Company The White Company

Автор: Артур Конан Дойл

Год издания: 

This spirited account of the exploits of a crew of Saxon archers during the Hundred Years War features cameo appearances by historical figures such as Edward III and the Black Prince. Flavorful and realistic in its depictions of medieval life, the novel combines the excitement of a rugged adventure with the romance of chivalry.

Let's Speak English. Case 2. Company Departaments and Managers Let's Speak English. Case 2. Company Departaments and Managers

Автор: Коллектив авторов

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Аудиокурс делового английского языка – ваш учитель и гид по вопросам международных бизнес контактов. Вы не только получите представление об английском языке делового этикета. Вас ожидают актуальные бизнес ситуации, увлекательное путешествие в реальный мир современного бизнеса. Курс составлен с учетом специфики речевого поведения англичан и американцев, не требует одновременного использования словаря: все ситуации и диалоги воспроизводятся с переводом на русский язык. Курс делового английского языка представлен 4-мя уроками, каждый из которых состоит из ряда тем, объединенных в единую сюжетную линию. Предназначен для самостоятельного изучения языка современного делового этикета и рассчитан на широкий круг лиц.

Develop Your Reading Skills: Comprehention and Translation Practice / Обучение чтению и переводу (английский язык). Учебное пособие Develop Your Reading Skills: Comprehention and Translation Practice / Обучение чтению и переводу (английский язык). Учебное пособие

Автор: О. В. Сиполс

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