Скачать книгу - It's the Customer, Stupid!. 34 Wake-up Calls to Help You Stay Client-Focused

Ruthlessly focus on what's convenient for customers, not what's convenient for you Ninety percent of dissatisfied clients will take their business elsewhere and never tell you why. However, ninety-five percent will become loyal customers again if their needs and problems are addressed and remedied. Speaker and salesperson Michael Aun shares these secrets and many more in It's the Customer, Stupid!, a guide to growing any business by gaining new customers, and, more importantly, by keeping the ones you have happy and coming back for more. This fun-to-read book explains common myths about sales and customer satisfaction, starting with the fact that most businesses think they're customer-centric, but they just aren't. Get proven steps to REALLY put your customer at the center of what you do Distinguish your business from the competition by understanding the principle that good sales ARE good service Author received the Toastmasters «World Championship of Public Speaking» award and is also a full-time businessman practicing what he preaches daily It's the Customer, Stupid! reveals key actions that will shake up your business approach. Your customers will love you for them, and you'll love the effect on sales!

Как создать продукт, который купят. Метод Lean Customer Development Как создать продукт, который купят. Метод Lean Customer Development

Автор: Синди Альварес

Год издания: 

Книга Синди Альварес «Как создать продукт, который купят» дополняет, расширяет и детализирует инновационные идеи, изложенные в международных бестселлерах «Четыре шага к озарению» Стива Бланка и «Бизнес с нуля» Эрика Риса. Новизна подхода Альварес в том, что она успешно распространяет методику развития потребителей за рамки сегмента стартапов. Предлагаемый ей метод Lean Customer Development применим в компаниях любого размера, от недавно созданных до признанных флагманов рынка. Прочитав книгу Синди Альварес, вы освоите стратегию и инструментарий для решения критически важной задачи современного бизнеса – как надежно проверить свои гипотезы и выйти на рынок с продуктом, который востребован покупателями.

Toppleton's Client: or, A Spirit in Exile Toppleton's Client: or, A Spirit in Exile

Автор: Bangs John Kendrick

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When Love Calls When Love Calls

Автор: Weyman Stanley John

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Form-Focused Instruction and Teacher Education Form-Focused Instruction and Teacher Education

Автор: Hossein Nassaji

Год издания: 

An overview of form-focused instruction as an option for second language grammar teaching. It combines theoretical concerns, classroom practices, and teacher education.

The journalists from the gateway. History of client clinics of the greatest cardinal The journalists from the gateway. History of client clinics of the greatest cardinal

Автор: Din Serdyuchenkova

Год издания: 

The first play is devoted to the everyday life of a provincial town. The second play is the author’s ironic fantasy. Plays are based on the author’s interpretation and processing of real events.