Скачать книгу - Hedge Fund Investing. A Practical Approach to Understanding Investor Motivation, Manager Profits, and Fund Performance

A comprehensive guide to alternative investments and a valuable study companion for the CFA, CAIA, FRM and other professional examinations that include hedge fund investing The 2nd Edition offers new material related to portfolio financing, how funds are sold, liquid alternatives, and the challenges faced when trying to value hedge fund management companies. This edition includes updated power point slides, and a companion workbook with an updated set of end of chapter problems and a revised set of over 150 test bank questions. Hedge Fund Investing is a complete guide to alternative investments for students and professionals alike. Written to align with the CAIA curriculum, this book is much more than just an exam preparation resource—it's a fully comprehensive guide to hedge fund investing in today's market, designed to provide professionals with the deep understanding they need to operate effectively. Broad coverage under the alternative investment umbrella includes discussion about hedge funds, derivatives, investment banking, and commercial banking, with specific guidance toward trading, strategy, portfolio management, performance metrics, due diligence, and more. A full set of ancillary materials helps bring this book into the classroom, and provides rigorous reinforcement of the material presented in the text. Alternative investment expertise has become central to the asset management and institutional investment community. This book facilitates clear understanding of the intricacies of the field and guides you through the practical skills needed to successfully navigate this diverse set of asset classes. Recognize hedge fund trends, flows, and characteristics Examine major hedge fund strategies and how they interact Learn the technical side of financing, settlement, and clearance Measure fund performance and optimize contributing factors Hedge funds and other alternative investments are known for their high reward, but they also come with significant risk. The investment professional's role is to minimize these risks while maximizing reward, but the nuanced nature of these assets dramatically complicates the task. Hedge Fund Investing details every aspect to give you the deep and instinctual understanding you need to operate effectively within the alternative investment sphere.

Testing SAP R/3
A Manager’s Step-by-Step Guide Testing SAP R/3 A Manager’s Step-by-Step Guide


Год издания: 

Planning, preparing, scheduling, and executing SAP test cycles is a time-consuming and resource-intensive endeavor that requires participation from several project members. SAP projects are prone to have informal, ad-hoc test approaches that decrease the stability of the production environment and tend to increase the cost of ownership for the SAP system. Many SAP project and test managers cannot provide answers for questions such as how many requirements have testing coverage, the exit criteria for a test phase, the audit trails for test results, the dependencies and correct sequence for executing test cases, or the cost figures for a previously executed test cycle. Fortunately, through established testing techniques predicated on guidelines and methodologies (i.e., ASAP SAP Roadmap methodology, IBM’s Ascendant methodology, and Deloitte’s ThreadManager methodology), enforcement of standards, application of objective testing criteria, test case automation, implementation of a requirements traceability matrix (RTM), and independent testing and formation of centralized test teams, many of the testing risks that plague existing or initial SAP programs can be significantly reduced. This book is written for SAP managers, SAP consultants, SAP testers, and team leaders who are tasked with supporting, managing, implementing, and monitoring testing activities related to test planning, test design, test automation, test tool management, execution of test cases, reporting of test results, test outsourcing, planning a budget for testing activities, enforcing testing standards, and resolving defects.

Secure PHP Development: Building 50 Practical Applications Secure PHP Development: Building 50 Practical Applications

Автор: Mohammed J. Kabir

Год издания: 

The personal home page (PHP) server-side scripting language is particular well adapted to connecting HTML-based web pages to a backend database for dynamic content. This book explains the entire nuts-and-bolts process of the PHP application life cycle: requirements, design, development, maintenance and tuning. It shows how PHP can be used to design and develop highly manageable and secure applications to solve practical problems.

Карты ума. MindManager Карты ума. MindManager

Автор: Копыл В.И.

Год издания: 

Mind Manager – это программа для работы с ментальными картами, которые помогут ускорить процесс изучения учебных материалов, повысить степень запоминания информации, увеличить продуктивность работы и улучшить качество стратегического планирования. Способы создания, просмотра, редактирования и печати ментальных карт, добавление ветвей, подтем, комментарием и примечаний, вставка в карту документов, гиперссылок и информационных маркеров, а также организация мозгового штурма – это и многое другое можно найти в данной книге. Издание хорошо иллюстрировано и рассчитано на неподготовленных пользователей.

Let's Speak English. Case 2. Company Departaments and Managers Let's Speak English. Case 2. Company Departaments and Managers

Автор: Коллектив авторов

Год издания: 

Аудиокурс делового английского языка – ваш учитель и гид по вопросам международных бизнес контактов. Вы не только получите представление об английском языке делового этикета. Вас ожидают актуальные бизнес ситуации, увлекательное путешествие в реальный мир современного бизнеса. Курс составлен с учетом специфики речевого поведения англичан и американцев, не требует одновременного использования словаря: все ситуации и диалоги воспроизводятся с переводом на русский язык. Курс делового английского языка представлен 4-мя уроками, каждый из которых состоит из ряда тем, объединенных в единую сюжетную линию. Предназначен для самостоятельного изучения языка современного делового этикета и рассчитан на широкий круг лиц.

Практическая грамматика английского языка. Упражнения и комментарии / Practical English Crammar. Exercises and Comments. Учебное пособие Практическая грамматика английского языка. Упражнения и комментарии / Practical English Crammar. Exercises and Comments. Учебное пособие

Автор: В. В. Гуревич

Год издания: 

Пособие охватывает все разделы английской грамматики, с относительно элементарного уровня до продвинутого. Материал представлен в виде активных заданий, имеющих речевую направленность, и включает упражнения, отрывки связанных текстов (в основном юмористического характера). Для студентов высших учебных заведений, учащихся старших классов школ, а также для всех изучающих английский язык.