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El Viaje De Los Heroes El Viaje De Los Heroes

Автор: Cristian Taiani

Год издания: 0000

En el mundo de Inglor una aparente paz esta a punto de ser socavada por un antiguo y malvado hechizo, una oscuridad que ya en el pasado habia causado la mayor guerra que las Siete Tierras habian visto. Cantada y narrada por los bardos como la Guerra Sangrienta, hombres y elfos participaron abandonados por el mas antiguo linaje de enanos, gloriosa fue la batalla donde el Sin Nombre y su subdito Zetroc fue cazado. Veinte anos despues, el mal vuelve a las calles de Radigast, la capital de las Siete Tierras, y en su camino se encuentra con Rhevi, una chica mitad humana y mitad elfa que crecio entre el amor del abuelo Otan, dueno de la posada, el Oso Blanco, Tras el abandono de la madre elfa, el padre, perdido en el dolor, se alista en el ejercito del emperador Adon Vesto, la pobre chica pierde todo rastro de el, la chica que suena con dejar la realidad de esa ciudad que no la acepta tendra la forma de cumplir su deseo, ?pero a que precio? Un chico flaco con un alma noble pero con un temperamento arrogante acaba de convertirse en mago despues de una vida como recluso en la academia de magia mas codiciada de Inglor, entrenado en las artes arcanas por los maestros mas habiles comandados por el director Searmon, mentor y amigo del mago huerfano, el unico puente con su misterioso pasado. Los dos chicos se encontraran durante una fiesta en la posada, pero el feliz encuentro los pondra frente a un hombre misterioso que los llevara a un largo viaje bajo un juramento que parecera mas bien una maldicion. Durante su peregrinacion se encontraran con Adalomonte, el guerrero de ojos rubios sin un pasado claro, marcado por el simbolo del lobo y el leon, la efigie de los hermanos que se cree que son dioses. Tres de ellos desafiaran el destino en busca de la libertad iniciando un viaje que los pondra frente a descubrimientos y misterios mas grandes que ellos, entre la magia, las guerras, los enanos, los dragones y el viaje en el tiempo se encontraran para convertirse en los heroes que Inglor estaba esperando. Se encontraran con los elfos de la Luz Elros Anarion, los hermanos gnomos a bordo de su nave artefacto, las profecias legendarias, los excentricos piratas capitaneados por el terrible corsario Frasso y los malvados elfos de la Oscuridad. Cruzaran el caluroso desierto de Azir hasta que descubran los arcaicos secretos escondidos por el tiempo y la oscuridad sin nombre
How to Draw Comic Book. Heroes and Villains How to Draw Comic Book. Heroes and Villains

Автор: Hart Christopher

Год издания: 

Aspiring comic artists receive a fine how-to-draw guide which provides lessons from other comic book artists on how to draw heroes and monsters. From monster anatomy to action scenes, this includes many specific tips.

A Quest of Heroes A Quest of Heroes

Автор: Морган Райс

Год издания: 

From #1 Bestselling author Morgan Rice comes the debut of a dazzling new fantasy series. A QUEST OF HEROES (BOOK #1 IN THE SORCERER’S RING) revolves around the epic coming of age story of one special boy, a 14 year old from a small village on the outskirts of the Kingdom of the Ring. The youngest of four, the least favorite of his father, hated by his brothers, Thorgrin senses he is different from the others. He dreams of becoming a great warrior, of joining the King’s men and protecting the Ring from the hordes of creatures on the other side of the Canyon. When he comes of age and is forbidden by his father to try out for the King’s Legion, he refuses to take no for an answer: he journeys out on his own, determined to force his way into King’s Court and be taken seriously. But King’s Court is rife with its own family dramas, power struggles, ambitions, jealousy, violence and betrayal. King MacGil must choose an heir from amongst his children, and the ancient Dynasty Sword, the source of all their power, still sits untouched, waiting for the chosen one to arrive. Thorgrin arrives as an outsider and battles to be accepted, and to join the King’s Legion. Thorgrin comes to learn he has mysterious powers he does not understand, that he has a special gift, and a special destiny. Against all odds he falls in love with the king’s daughter, and as their forbidden relationship blossoms, he discovers he has powerful rivals. As he struggles to make sense of his powers, the king’s sorcerer takes him under his wing and tells him of a mother he never knew, in a land far away, beyond the Canyon, beyond even the land of the Dragons. Before Thorgrin can venture out and become the warrior he yearns to be, he must complete his training. But this may be cut short, as he finds himself propelled into the center of royal plots and counterplots, ones that may threaten his love and bring him down—and the entire kingdom with him. With its sophisticated world-building and characterization, A QUEST OF HEROES is an epic tale of friends and lovers, of rivals and suitors, of knights and dragons, of intrigues and political machinations, of coming of age, of broken hearts, of deception, ambition and betrayal. It is a tale of honor and courage, of fate and destiny, of sorcery. It is a fantasy that brings us into a world we will never forget, and which will appeal to all ages and genders. It is 82,000 words.

A Quest of Heroes: The graphic novel. Episode 1 A Quest of Heroes: The graphic novel. Episode 1

Автор: Морган Райс

Год издания: 

Here is episode #1 in the graphic novel adaptation of the #1 Bestselling epic fantasy novel A QUEST OF HEROES, with over 900 five star reviews! From #1 Bestselling author Morgan Rice comes the debut of a dazzling new fantasy series. A QUEST OF HEROES (BOOK #1 IN THE SORCERER’S RING) revolves around the epic coming of age story of one special boy, a 14 year old from a small village on the outskirts of the Kingdom of the Ring. The youngest of four, the least favorite of his father, hated by his brothers, Thorgrin senses he is different from the others. He dreams of becoming a great warrior, of joining the King’s men and protecting the Ring from the hordes of creatures on the other side of the Canyon. When he comes of age and is forbidden by his father to try out for the King’s Legion, he refuses to take no for an answer: he journeys out on his own, determined to force his way into King’s Court and be taken seriously.

Стальной титан – герой XXI века. Heroes World, Season 1 Стальной титан – герой XXI века. Heroes World, Season 1

Автор: Артём Сериков

Год издания: 

«Стальной титан – герой XXI века» – удивительная книга для любителей научной фантастики и боевиков. Книга рассказывает об известном американском миллионере, который попадает в нелёгкую ситуацию, из которой ему предстоит выбираться. Книгу вы сумеете прочитать на одном дыхании, и она вас не заставит скучать.

The Heroes of the School: or, The Darewell Chums Through Thick and Thin The Heroes of the School: or, The Darewell Chums Through Thick and Thin

Автор: Chapman Allen

Год издания: