Найти книгу: "Coach to Coach"

Coach to Coach Coach to Coach

Автор: Martin Rooney

Год издания: 0000

Ответственность в международном праве. Coaching Ответственность в международном праве. Coaching

Автор: Майкл Соснин

Год издания: 

Coaching Maikl, чему посвящена эта часть общего правила по построению гармоничных связей между людьми? Well… ты знаком с понятием ЭГО? Если да, то мы будем здесь об этом говорить. Если ты слышишь это слово впервые в жизни… да оно может применяться и тогда, когда ты сидишь на сделке по покупке очередного нефтепровода.

Stage-coach and Tavern Days Stage-coach and Tavern Days

Автор: Earle Alice Morse

Год издания: 

Адаптация билингвальных детей в условиях эмиграции. Asociacion European Association Psychotherapy & Coaching Trainer Psy Positum EAPCT Адаптация билингвальных детей в условиях эмиграции. Asociacion European Association Psychotherapy & Coaching Trainer Psy Positum EAPCT

Автор: Alla Zelcer

Год издания: 

Пособие для родителей и учебных заведений. Существует множество ложных суждений, которые порождают все новые и новые мифы, вызывающие страх у родителей в связи с переездом в другую страну. Это пособие возникло в результате необходимости помочь родителям разобраться и преодолеть возможные трудности в адаптации ребенка, а также развеять мифы, связанные с этим вопросом.

The Art of Coaching Teams. Building Resilient Communities that Transform Schools The Art of Coaching Teams. Building Resilient Communities that Transform Schools

Автор: Elena Aguilar

Год издания: 

The missing how-to manual for being an effective team leader The Art of Coaching Teams is the manual you never received when you signed on to lead a team. Being a great teacher is one thing, but leading a team, or team development, is an entirely different dynamic. Your successes are public, but so are your failures—and there's no specific rubric or curriculum to give you direction. Team development is an art form, and this book is your how-to guide to doing it effectively. You'll learn the administrative tasks that keep your team on track, and you'll gain access to a wealth of downloadable tools that simplify the «getting organized» process. Just as importantly, you'll explore what it means to be the kind of leader that can bring people together to accomplish difficult tasks. You'll find practical suggestions, tools, and clear instructions for the logistics of team development as well as for building trust, developing healthy communication, and managing conflict. Inside these pages you'll find concrete guidance on: Designing agendas, making decisions, establishing effective protocols, and more Boosting your resilience, understanding and managing your emotions, and meeting your goals Cultivating your team's emotional intelligence and dealing with cynicism Utilizing practical tools to create a customized framework for developing highly effective teams There is no universal formula for building a great team, because every team is different. Different skills, abilities, personalities, and goals make a one-size-fits-all approach ineffective at best. Instead, The Art of Coaching Teams provides a practical framework to help you develop your group as a whole, and keep the team moving toward their common goals.

Get Better Faster. A 90-Day Plan for Coaching New Teachers Get Better Faster. A 90-Day Plan for Coaching New Teachers

Автор: Paul Bambrick-Santoyo

Год издания: 

“Make sure your students follow your instructions.” That sounds like a straightforward instruction, but in fact, it’s fairly abstract. What does a teacher actually have to do to make sure students are following? Even the leader delivering this direction may not know, and the first-year teacher almost certainly doesn’t. The vast majority of teachers are only observed one or two times per year on average—and even among those who are observed, scarcely any are given feedback as to how they could improve. The bottom line is clear: teachers do not need to be evaluated so much as they need to be developed and coached. In Get Better Faster: A 90-Day Plan for Coaching New Teachers, Paul Bambrick-Santoyo shares instructive tools of how school leaders can effectively guide new teachers to success. Over the course of the book, we break down the most critical actions leaders and teachers must enact to achieve exemplary results. Designed for coaches as well as beginning teachers, Get Better Faster is an integral coaching tool for any school leader eager to help their teachers succeed. It’s the book’s focus on the actionable—the practice-able—that drives effective coaching. By practicing the concrete actions and micro-skills listed here, teachers will markedly improve their ability to lead a class, producing a steady chain reaction of future teaching success. Though focused heavily on the first 90 days of teacher development, it’s possible to implement this work at any time. New and old teachers alike can benefit from the guidance of Get Better Faster and close their existing instructional gaps. Packed with practical training tools, including agendas, presentation slides, a coach’s guide, handouts, planning templates, and 35 video clips of real teachers at work, Get Better Faster will teach you: The core principles of coaching: Go Granular, Make Feedback More Frequent, Top action steps to launch a teacher’s development in an easy-to-read scope and sequence guide The four phases of skill building: Phase 1 (Pre-Teaching): Dress Rehearsal Phase 2: Instant Immersion Phase 3: Getting into Gear Phase 4: The Power of Discourse