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Stories of Laughter and Lament Stories of Laughter and Lament

Автор: John Bryson

Год издания: 0000

Stories of Laughter and Lament, set among the filthy rich and the dirt poor, seven stories first selected and published by Penguin Books.<br /> <br />Widows<br />Charles Rand fell off his yacht, somewhere in the middle of the bay, on one of the first pale blue evenings of autumn. Later, the Coroner would be unable to fix that time more precisely than between six and ten o'clock. Newspapers, reporting that he had sailed off without crew, used terms which pictured Charles as a hardy loner. Anyone who knew him smiled at this.<br /> <br />So begins Widows, with the loss of the wealthy husband whom Dorothy Laird had caught, by playing her cards faultlessly, for marriage to the beautiful Elizabeth, her one child. Elizabeth is Dorothy's straight flush. This is the world of the Lairds.<br /> <br />Children Aren't Supposed to be Here at All<br />Troilus and Cassandra spend their days at a private school, are then alone until their parents come home from the office.<br /> <br />The best view in Sydney, panorama wall to wall, ten thousand dollars a foot. All that view, Troilus said, locks us in.<br /> <br />This is the world of Troilus and Cassandra. Troilus begins to spend more time alone in his room. Troilus has secreted an illegal kitten.<br /> <br />The Routine<br />An airplane journey, in reverie the narrator reprises scenes from the recent breaking up with his lover. His defence is hard-bitten cynicism. His neighbour in the next seat is spectacularly disabled.<br /> <br />He had a strangely taut face, of indeterminate age. Either thirty-five or very old, pallid cleft chin and lumpy nose. Describe it with artistic integrity:<br />Bent as a 1930 Labour politician's<br />Shapeless as a football after a wet game<br />Hit by a Bondi taxi, the trams were on strike<br />He is the other guy.<br />There.<br /> <br />But his shapeless neighbour displays a quiet brilliance with jokes, and likes to play the comedian, as a gift to his companion. Each is uniquely disabled, so a strong current of love begins between them. This is the world of the tragic human comedy.<br /> <br />Pedigrees<br />This is a world of croquet on the lawn, the breeding of horses for dressage, of dogs for the shows, and very little sanity.<br /> <br />It does not seem to be fear of falling which has made her unable, by herself, to move, although she is clinging to the bole of a white gum which overhangs the cliff. She is intent only on a bundle lying on the rocks fifty feet below her. It is the sodden and dislocated body of her daughter's rag doll Cindy. It is to take psychiatrists three months of gentle prying to release from Elinor's mind the belief over which it has closed. This belief is that she has thrown her own child over a cliff.<br /> <br />Inventory<br />A son of English Old Money, whose talents so far have won him note as a failure, expects Christmas dinner in Kent to win him derision from his father in front of his entire family.<br /> <br />But Sir George did not wait for Henry Edward Charles to recount, over the remains of the goose, the imminent failure of his second marriage, six years old in January; or the collapse of his racing stable, a draining of the finest blood ever exported from Ireland and New Zealand; or the sale of the few remaining blue-chip investments to pay his slandering creditors so he could remain in his club.<br /> <br />Ticket for Charity<br /> <br />When Charity Lord fell pregnant she told each of the six boys who were that month's quick loving, in turn, as they stumbled from the hotel.<br /> <br />Slow Billy, the dry-country farmer, became the boy who would marry her. He would also become the boy whose life is transformed by her fier
Love of Life. Selected Stories Love of Life. Selected Stories

Автор: Джек Лондон

Год издания: 

Представляемая на английском языке аудиоверсия рассказов Джека Лондона – это возможность услышать в оригинале один из лучших сборников автора. К тому времени, когда Лондон начал писать, он перепробовал десяток занятий: бродяжничал, был студентом, плавал матросом, состоял в социалистической партии, участвовал в марше безработных, искал золото на Клондайке. Все эти впечатления нашли непосредственное отражение в его творчестве, именно поэтому его произведения так реалистичны и наполнены подлинным дыханием жизни. Основой сюжета рассказа «Love of Life» («Любовь к жизни») послужили действительные события, происшедшие на Аляске, о которых писатель узнал из газет. Добавить к ним опыт голоданий и «хождений по мукам», которые пережил сам Лондон, его впечатления от пребывания на Аляске, – и прочный успех у читателя обеспечен. Love of Life The Story of Keesh The White Silence Grit of Women The Marriage of Lit-lit The White Man's Way The Story of Jees Uck

Очаровательная леди. Рассказы / Lawrence, David Herbert. The Lovely Lady. Stories Очаровательная леди. Рассказы / Lawrence, David Herbert. The Lovely Lady. Stories

Автор: Дэвид Герберт Лоуренс

Год издания: 

Романы «Сыновья и любовники», «Любовник леди Чаттерлей», шокировавшие когда-то широкую публику и принесшие автору скандальную известность, заслонили его не менее яркие рассказы, герои которых, несмотря на обстоятельства, сохраняют чувство собственного достоинства и веру в истинные ценности. На английском и русском языках. You Touched Me The Lovely Lady Ты тронула меня Очаровательная леди

Прозрение. Рассказы / Mansfield Katherine. Taking The Veil. Stories Прозрение. Рассказы / Mansfield Katherine. Taking The Veil. Stories

Автор: Кэтрин Мэнсфилд

Год издания: 

Кэтрин Мэнсфилд – английская и новозеландская писательница, мастер психологической новеллы. В данной аудиокниге представлены произведения К.Мэнсфилд на английском и русском языках. Taking the Veil The Young Girl The Lady's Maid Her First Ball Honeymoon A Cup of Tea Прозрение Юная особа Преданная служанка Первый бал Медовый месяц Чашка чая

The Day We Celebrate. Stories The Day We Celebrate. Stories

Автор: О. Генри

Год издания: 

О'Генри – американский писатель. Рассказы О'Генри отличаются изобретательной фабулой, неожиданными развязками и насмешливым юмором. Они образуют сказочно-авантюрную эпопею американской жизни, полную достоверных бытовых примет и метких авторских наблюдений. Подлинный герой О'Генри – «маленький американец» с его правом на счастье. Аудиокнига на английском языке. The Day We Celebrate The Unknown Quantity The Enchanted Profile A Dinner at- The Duplicity of Hargraves The Pimienta Pancakes Christmas by Injunction The Moment of Victory No Story A Municipal Report "The Guilty Party" The City of Dreadful Night Extradited from Bohemiа On Behalf of the Management

The Diary of Adam and Eve. Short Stories The Diary of Adam and Eve. Short Stories

Автор: Марк Твен

Год издания: 

Размышления главных персонажей новеллы – Адама и Евы – преподаны Твеном в форме дневниковых записей. Автор вновь поднимает вечный вопрос о земном существовании с двух точек зрения – мужской и женской. Сквозь юмор повествования о жизни этой пары проступает взгляд великолепного знатока человеческих слабостей. Твен благосклонно наблюдает за людьми с позиции скептически настроенного оптимиста. На английском языке. The Diary of Adam and Eva The 1000000 Bank-Note The Death Disk A Curious Dream A Medieval Romance Science vs. Luck The Man Who Put at Gadsby's