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Dying City Dying City

Автор: Christopher Shinn

Год издания: 0000

“The finest new American play I’ve seen in a long while . . . Dying City is a political play and also a psychodrama about what Arthur Miller called the politics of the soul. It’s about public conscience and private grief, and real and symbolic catastrophes.”— The New York Observer “Anyone who doubts that Mr. Shinn is among the most provocative and probing of American playwrights today need only experience the . . . sophisticated welding of form and content that is Dying City .”— The New York Times In Christopher Shinn’s new play Dying City , a young therapist, Kelly, whose husband Craig was killed while on military duty in Iraq, is confronted a year later by his identical twin Peter, who suspects that Craig’s death was not accidental. Set in a spare downtown-Manhattan apartment after dark, scenes shift from the confrontation between Peter and Kelly, to Kelly’s complicated farewell with her husband Craig. Shinn’s creepy, sophisticated drama—infused with references to 9/11 and the war in Iraq—explores how contemporary politics and recent history have transformed the lives of these three characters. Christopher Shinn was born in Hartford, Connecticut, and lives in New York. His plays include Where Do We Live , Other People , What Didn’t Happen , and On the Mountain , which have been widely produced in New York, across the United States, and in London. He is the recipient of an OBIE Award in Playwriting, as well as the Robert S. Chesney Award. He teaches playwriting at The New School for Drama.
The Adventure of the Dying Detective The Adventure of the Dying Detective

Автор: Артур Конан Дойл

Год издания: 

Mrs. Hudson has been through a lot as the landlady of Sherlock Holmes. But nothing has worried her as much as the private detective being too sick to leave his bed. She calls for his partner, Dr. John Watson, to attend him. Can Watson bring a specialist to cure this dying detective or was it all an act?

Работа или бизнес. Permanent studying Работа или бизнес. Permanent studying

Автор: Майкл Соснин

Год издания: 

Permanent studying – Maikl, как мне достичь совершенства в своей жизни, во всех ее аспектах, я хочу быть первым во всем, не меньше? – Well… ты должен учиться. Процесс учебы должен сопровождать тебя каждый твой день. Когда ты просыпаешься утром ты обязан спросить себя, чему, где и когда сегодня ты будешь учиться. Когда ты ложишься спать вечером, ты спрашиваешь себя о результатах.

1309. Kill the love that's dying. Сборник поэзии 1309. Kill the love that's dying. Сборник поэзии

Автор: Алина Каспо

Год издания: 

В какой-то момент я остановилась. Сделала паузу. Я постоянно убегала от себя, боялась остаться наедине со своими мыслями, но сейчас мне это просто необходимо. Раньше я боялась говорить о том, что происходит у меня в душе, мне не о чем было говорить с людьми. Мне было проще поговорить с самой собой, с текстами, с заметками в блокноте, но рассказать всё какому-то определённому человеку я не могла. Потеряв свои крылья, я опустилась на самое дно. Благодаря этому я обрела новый смысл.

Beadle's Dime National Speaker, Embodying Gems of Oratory and Wit, Particularly Adapted to American Schools and Firesides Beadle's Dime National Speaker, Embodying Gems of Oratory and Wit, Particularly Adapted to American Schools and Firesides

Автор: Various

Год издания: 

27 Club. How the idols were dying. Sex, drugs and rock and roll 27 Club. How the idols were dying. Sex, drugs and rock and roll

Автор: Jim Jones

Год издания: 

Forever young musicians. Full list and rare facts. The list of «27 Club» is not limited to Amy Winehouse and Jim Morrison. In this unusual club more than 40 names! Richie Edwards, Dmitry Chekov, Alexander Korzhov, Mia Katherine Zapata, Igor Chumychkin, Pete da Freitas and many others! So talented, so young. What other beautiful music could they give the world if they did not leave so early?