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Surviving Mars Surviving Mars

Автор: Arkadiusz Jackowski «Chruscik»

Год издания: 0000

Poradnik do gry Surviving Mars zawiera informacje pomocne w przejsciu gry, ulatwiajace odnalezienie sie w swiecie przedstawionym. W grze tej musisz stworzyc wlasna kolonie i zapewnic jej przetrwanie na Marsie. W tym poradniku pokazemy ci jak zaczac rozgrywke. Znajdziesz tutaj podstawowe porady i opis mechaniki. Umozliwi ci to szybki rozwoj w grze. Dowiesz sie co Ci potrzebne, zeby przetrwac. Jakie maszyny musisz zbudowac, aby rozwijac swoje spoleczenstwo. Nauczysz sie badac odpowiednie technologie, dbac o bezpieczenstwo mieszkancow. Dzieki temu poradnikowi Twoja kolonia na Marsie bedzie samowystarczalna i niezalezna od dostaw z Ziemi. Gra Surviving Mars to strategia, City Builder, ktory wrzuca Cie na czerwona planete z zadaniem stworzenia infrastruktury dla przyszlych kolonistow. W trakcie produkcji gry autorzy inspirowali sie dzielami kultowych tworcow science fiction, takich jak Isaac Asimov czy Arthur C. Clarke, oraz szeroko pojeta estetyka retrofuturyzmu. Tytul ten wymaga wiele skupienia, bowiem gracz musi jednoczesnie rozwijac kolonie, dbac o odpowiedni przyrost surowcow i nastroje kolonistow oraz tworzyc nowe technologie. Poradnik do gry Surviving Mars zawiera opisy, solucje i porady, ktore pomoga ci zagospodarowac niegoscinny swiat marsjanskiej ziemi. Dzieki naszemu poradnikowi pojmiesz mechanike gry, dowiesz jak rozwinac swoja kolonie oraz osiagnac samowystarczalnosc. Surviving Mars – poradnik do gry zawiera poszukiwane przez graczy tematy i lokacje jak m.in. Porady ogolne (Rozgrywka) Wybor tajemnicy (Rozgrywka) Czego nie robic? (Rozgrywka) Zalozenie bazy (Rozgrywka) Rozbudowa bazy (Rozgrywka) Wybor sponsora (Rozgrywka) Wybor miejsca ladowania (Rozgrywka) Wybor profilu dowodcy (Rozgrywka) Surowce (Rozgrywka) Technologia (Rozgrywka)
Managing the Matrix. The Secret to Surviving and Thriving in Your Organization Managing the Matrix. The Secret to Surviving and Thriving in Your Organization

Автор: Dawn Metcalfe

Год издания: 

A comprehensive guide to excelling in a complex matrix organization Debra was not in a good mood as she entered Johann’s office for their third meeting. One of her colleagues had just been promoted and, although the guy who got it was good, she didn’t think he was any better than her. Well, except at one thing, he was always playing politics – sucking up to the more senior guys and volunteering to be on any committee going. Debra knew the type – went to the same school, belonged to the same club – she didn’t have a hope against the kind of connections he had so she might as well give up. It seemed doing a good job just wasn’t enough around here. Debra and Johann work in an environment with multiple and complex reporting lines – in other words, a matrix. There’s room to “slip between the cracks” – if a person wants to take advantage of confusion over who is managing performance; or if they can’t make the necessary transition to self-management. Communication can be difficult even when there is an apparently shared language. Read how Johann and Debra work together to identify the skills needed to succeed in a matrix, and how using Emotional Intelligence (EI) can develop specific behaviours you can incorporate in your daily job. The result will help reduce stress and increase your chances of success. Dawn Metcalfe, Managing Director of PDS, based in Dubai, uses her experience as a coach and trainer to give us a behind the curtain look at how mentoring can help an individual develop the skills they need to survive and thrive in today’s complex work environments.

Surviving Your Serengeti. 7 Skills to Master Business and Life Surviving Your Serengeti. 7 Skills to Master Business and Life

Автор: Stefan Swanepoel

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Praise for SURVIVING YOUR SERENGETI «One of a kind. You'll actually know more about yourself after you read this book.»—KEN BLANCHARD coauthor of The One Minute Manager® and Leading at a Higher Level «Beautifully illustrates nature's basic survival strategies—and how they help you create a sense of meaning and purpose.»—SUSAN SCOTT New York Times bestselling coauthor of Fierce Conversations 7 Questions This Book Tackles 1. Are you experiencing a challenge that you wish to overcome? 2. Do you want to discover your hidden survival skills? 3. Do you have a goal you have yet to achieve? 4. Would you like to discover your instinctive strengths? 5. Can you benefit from problem-solving thinking? 6. Do you know someone who has potential to excel? 7. Are you looking for a positive message to share?

Seven Secrets of the Savvy School Leader. A Guide to Surviving and Thriving Seven Secrets of the Savvy School Leader. A Guide to Surviving and Thriving

Автор: Robert Evans

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The keys to having an outstanding career as a school leader. The American educational system is in crisis; trends of recent years have been extraordinarily hard on educators. An entire generation of school leaders is retiring, many of them early, and the number of candidates applying to replace them is plummeting. In many districts, applications have shrunk by nearly two-thirds. Seven Secrets of The Savvy School Leader hopes to counteract these glum statistics by giving both aspiring and experienced school leaders important survival tools, and encouraging long-term leaders to renew their faith in their own abilities. Describes the innate tensions inherent in leadership Explores the difference between dilemmas and problems Encourages leaders to make change by making meaning Offers guidance for being your best and bold self Written an expert on school leadership who has worked closely with thousands of schools over the years, the book will help anyone serving as or considering becoming a school administrator.

Surviving and Thriving in Uncertainty. Creating The Risk Intelligent Enterprise Surviving and Thriving in Uncertainty. Creating The Risk Intelligent Enterprise

Автор: Frederick Funston

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A new book to help senior executives and boards get smart about risk management The ability of businesses to survive and thrive often requires unconventional thinking and calculated risk taking. The key is to make the right decisions—even under the most risky, uncertain, and turbulent conditions. In the new book, Surviving and Thriving in Uncertainty: Creating the Risk Intelligent Enterprise, authors Rick Funston and Steve Wagner suggest that effective risk taking is needed in order to innovate, stay competitive, and drive value creation. Based on their combined decades of experience as practitioners, consultants, and advisors to numerous business professionals throughout the world, Funston and Wagner discuss the adoption of 10 essential and practical skills, which will improve agility, resilience, and realize benefits: Challenging basic business assumptions can help identify «Black Swans» and provide first-mover advantage Defining the corporate risk appetite and risk tolerances can help reduce the risk of ruin. Anticipating potential causes of failure can improve chances of survival and success through improved preparedness. Factoring in velocity and momentum can improve speed of response and recovery. Verifying sources and the reliability of information can improve insights for decision making and thus decision quality. Taking a longer-term perspective can aid in identifying the potential unintended consequences of short-term decisions.

Surviving Your Child's Adolescence. How to Understand, and Even Enjoy, the Rocky Road to Independence Surviving Your Child's Adolescence. How to Understand, and Even Enjoy, the Rocky Road to Independence

Автор: Carl Pickhardt

Год издания: 

Expert suggestions for guiding your child through the rough teenage years Does it sometimes seem like your teenager is trying to push you over the edge? Learn what your child is going through and what you can do to help your teen navigate this difficult period in this practical guide from psychologist and parenting expert Carl Pickhardt. In an easy-to-read style, Dr. Pickhardt describes a 4-stage model of adolescent growth to help parents anticipate common developmental changes in their daughter or son from late elementary school through the college age years. Provides unique advice for dealing with arguing, chores, the messy room, homework, and many other issues Offers best practices for teaching effective communication, constructive conflict, and responsible decision-making Includes ideas for protecting kids against the dangers of the Internet, bullying, dating, sexual involvement, and substance use An essential road map for parents looking to guide their children on the path to adulthood.