Найти книгу: "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (Wisehouse Classics - Original 1792 Edition)"

A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (Wisehouse Classics - Original 1792 Edition) A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (Wisehouse Classics - Original 1792 Edition)

Автор: Mary Wollstonecraft

Год издания: 0000

A VINDICATION OF THE RIGHTS OF WOMAN: WITH STRICTURES ON POLITICAL AND MORAL SUBJECTS (1792), written by the 18th-century British feminist Mary Wollstonecraft, is one of the earliest works of feminist philosophy. In it, Wollstonecraft responds to those educational and political theorists of the 18th century who did not believe women should have an education. She argues that women ought to have an education commensurate with their position in society, claiming that women are essential to the nation because they educate its children and because they could be «companions» to their husbands, rather than mere wives. Instead of viewing women as ornaments to society or property to be traded in marriage, Wollstonecraft maintains that they are human beings deserving of the same fundamental rights as men. Wollstonecraft was prompted to write the Rights of Woman after reading Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Perigord's 1791 report to the French National Assembly, which stated that women should only receive a domestic education; she used her commentary on this specific event to launch a broad attack against sexual double standards and to indict men for encouraging women to indulge in excessive emotion. Wollstonecraft wrote the Rights of Woman hurriedly to respond directly to ongoing events; she intended to write a more thoughtful second volume but died before completing it. While Wollstonecraft does call for equality between the sexes in particular areas of life, such as morality, she does not explicitly state that men and women are equal. Her ambiguous statements regarding the equality of the sexes have since made it difficult to classify Wollstonecraft as a modern feminist, particularly since the word and the concept were unavailable to her. Although it is commonly assumed now that the Rights of Woman was unfavourably received, this is a modern misconception based on the belief that Wollstonecraft was as reviled during her lifetime as she became after the publication of William Godwin's Memoirs of the Author of A VINDICATION OF THE RIGHTS OF WOMAN (1798). The Rights of Woman was actually well received when it was first published in 1792. One biographer has called it «perhaps the most original book of [Wollstonecraft's] century».
The SAP R/3 Handbook, Second Edition The SAP R/3 Handbook, Second Edition

Автор: Jos? Antonio Hern?ndez

Год издания: 

Other enhancements and options that have been added and that you can find in this book are related to subjects such as the following: Availability is increased, and there are now further options for distributing the system, along with new powerful platforms. ? There is a new change and transport system, including all the facilities of the Transport Management System (TMS). ? In the ABAP workbench, there are a host of new utilities, a stepforward object?oriented ABAP, the replacement of matchcodes with search helps, and more. ? Windows NT is now a very popular platform with thousands of customers. For this reason, this new edition is operating system independent, dealing with both UNIX and Windows NT where appropriate. ? ? The authorization system and administrator duties have been facilitated with the profile generator. ? Since release 4.0 there is a new object?based monitoring architecture and alert monitors. ? The well?known OSS has now become SAPnet, with two variants: R/3 front end and Web front end. In this edition you will find lots of new things to discover and enjoy. I hope you enjoy this book and enjoySAP.

Язык программирования C++. Лекции и упражнения. Platinum Edition Язык программирования C++. Лекции и упражнения. Platinum Edition

Автор: С. Прата

Год издания: 

В новом издании популярной книги известного автора и специалиста по C++ рассматривается устоявшаяся версия языка, соответствующая стандарту ISO/ANSI. Изложение материала не привязано ни к какой конкретной реализации C++. В основе изложения материала лежит оригинальная методика, разработанная автором и неоднократно проверенная на различных группах пользователей. Книга охватывает обширный круг вопросов, необходимых для создания полноценных программ на C++, - от знакомства с основами синтаксиса языка до многочисленных новых функциональных возможностей C++, таких как классы, объекты, наследование, полиморфизм, виртуальные функции, стандартная библиотека шаблонов STL, RTTI и др. Практические задания к главам книги составлены на основе реальных проектов. Издание рассчитано на пользователей с любым уровнем подготовки. Для начинающих эта книга послужит превосходным учебником, а опытные программисты смогут воспользоваться ею в качестве справочника, облегчающего их ежедневный труд. Книгу можно рекомендовать как методическое пособие преподавателям высших и средних учебных заведений, а также в качестве учебника для студентов.

Forbes Woman (осень 2009) Forbes Woman (осень 2009)

Автор: Коллектив авторов

Год издания: 

Starting Electronics, Third Edition Starting Electronics, Third Edition

Автор: Brindley Keith

Год издания: 

This book originated as a collection of feature articles, previously published as magazine articles. They were chosen for publication in book form not only because they were so popular with readers in their original magazine appearances but also because they are so relevant in the field of introductory electronics — a subject area in which it is evermore difficult to find information of a technical, knowledgeable, yet understandable nature. This book is exactly that. Since its original publication, I have added significant new material to make sure it is all still highly relevant and up-to-date.

Forbes Woman (осень - зима 2009/2010) Forbes Woman (осень - зима 2009/2010)

Автор: Коллектив авторов

Год издания: