Найти книгу: "UFOs Over Canada"

UFOs Over Canada UFOs Over Canada

Автор: John Robert Colombo

Год издания: 0000

UFOs Over Canada presents in highly readable style sixty eye-witness accounts of UFO activity over Canada. For the first time, in one book, contributors from accross the country recount their personal experiences in their own words.
How Canada Was Won: A Tale of Wolfe and Quebec How Canada Was Won: A Tale of Wolfe and Quebec

Автор: Brereton Frederick Sadleir

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My Strange Rescue and other stories of Sport and Adventure in Canada My Strange Rescue and other stories of Sport and Adventure in Canada

Автор: Oxley James Macdonald

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A Girl of the North. A Story of London and Canada A Girl of the North. A Story of London and Canada

Автор: Jones Susan Morrow

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Canada in Flanders. Volume III Canada in Flanders. Volume III

Автор: Roberts Charles G. D.

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Famous Firesides of French Canada Famous Firesides of French Canada

Автор: Alloway Mary Wilson

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