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God's Wounds: Hermeneutic of the Christian Symbol of Divine Suffering, Volume Two God's Wounds: Hermeneutic of the Christian Symbol of Divine Suffering, Volume Two

Автор: Jeff B. Pool

Год издания: 0000

This book constitutes the second volume of a three-volume study of Christian testimonies to divine suffering: God's Wounds: Hermeneutic of the Christian Symbol of Divine Suffering, vol. 2, Evil and Divine Suffering. The larger study focuses its inquiry into the testimonies to divine suffering themselves, seeking to allow the voices that attest to divine suffering to speak freely, then to discover and elucidate the internal logic or rationality of this family of testimonies, rather than defending these attestations against the dominant claims of classical Christian theism that have historically sought to eliminate such language altogether from Christian discourse about the nature and life of God. This second volume of studies proceeds on the basis of the presuppositions of this symbol, those implicit attestations that provide the conditions of possibility for divine suffering-that which constitutes divine vulnerability with respect to creation-as identified and examined in the first volume of this project: an understanding of God through the primary metaphor of love («God is love»); and an understanding of the human as created in the image of God, with a life (though finite) analogous to the divine life-the imago Dei as love. The second volume then investigates the first two divine wounds or modes of divine suffering to which the larger family of testimonies to divine suffering normally attest: (1) divine grief, suffering because of betrayal by the beloved human or human sin; and (2) divine self-sacrifice, suffering for the beloved human in its bondage to sin or misery, to establish the possibility of redemption and reconciliation. Each divine wound, thus, constitutes a response to a creaturely occasion. The suffering in each divine wound also occurs in two stages: a passive stage and an active stage. In divine grief, God suffers because of human sin, betrayal of the divine lover by the beloved human: divine sorrow as the passive stage of divine grief; and divine anguish as the active stage of divine grief. In divine self-sacrifice, God suffers in response to the misery or bondage of the beloved human's infidelity: divine travail (focused on the divine incarnation in Jesus of Nazareth) as the active stage of divine self-sacrifice; and divine agony (focused on divine suffering in the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth) as the passive stage of divine self-sacrifice.
Italiano in cinque minuti. Volume 1. Italiano in cinque minuti. Volume 1.

Автор: Galasso Sabrina, Trama Giuliana

Год издания: 

Грамматические и лексические упражнения по итальянскому языку.

Renault Symbol выпуска c 2002 до 2008 года Renault Symbol выпуска c 2002 до 2008 года

Автор: Коллектив авторов

Год издания: 

Книга серии «Экономим на сервисе» адресована владельцам автомобилей Renault Symbol выпуска c 2002 до 2008 г. В издании приведены иллюстрированные рабочие операции по самостоятельной замене автомобильных «расходников», не требующие использования сложного специального инструмента и технической подготовки владельца автомобиля.

Russia and Norway. Physical and Symbolic Borders Russia and Norway. Physical and Symbolic Borders

Автор: Сборник статей

Год издания: 

The book is a collection of papers presented at the conference «Russia and Norway: Physical and Symbolic Borders» held in St Petersburg in April 2005 in connection with the opening of the exhibition «Norway – Russia. Neighbours through the ages». In the book different aspects of the history of the Norwegian-Russian border are covered by historians from Moscow, St Petersburg, Arkhangelsk, Copenhagen, Cambridge, Bergen and Tromso. The papers are diverse and refer to different chronological periods. One group of articles deals with problems connected with the medieval border treaties between Norway and Novgorodian Russia, others with the diplomatic history of the border convention of 1826, as well as its effect on ethnic minorities living in the border area. One author addresses the present-day delimitation controversy between Norway and Russia in the Barents Sea. Other articles deal with symbolic borders, for example, barriers in translating Russian literature into Norwegian, and borders between the two cultures, experienced by the Russian emigrants in Norway after the Russian Revolution. And finally, there are articles without explicit references to the concept of borders, where the authors investigate in more general terms different aspects of Norwegian-Russian relations.

Das concrete Allgemeine der Weltgeschichte von Christian Kapp Das concrete Allgemeine der Weltgeschichte von Christian Kapp

Автор: Christian Kapp

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Das concrete Allgemeine der Weltgeschichte / von Christian Kapp».

A view of the internal evidence of the Christian religion A view of the internal evidence of the Christian religion

Автор: Soame Jenyns

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «A view of the internal evidence of the Christian religion / [by Soame Jenyns]».