Найти книгу: "Exploring a Heritage"

Exploring a Heritage Exploring a Heritage

Автор: Группа авторов

Год издания: 0000

From a historical perspective, similarities among the Lutheran churches in Denmark, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden are easily understood. But these previously homogeneous northern societies, built on a Lutheran tradition with close ties between church and state, are now considered to be among the most secular in the world, as well as being impacted by a growing presence of other religions. These changes present a major challenge to the churches concerning how to relate to the state and how to be a «folk church.»
The goal of this volume is to explore how Lutheran identity presently shapes churches in the north. What are the burning issues engaging these churches at the beginning of the third millennium? Are there signs that they are affected by the global emergence of a theology and practice commonly known as Neo-Pentecostal or Charismatic? What is the situation for women in these churches embedded in societies ranked among the world's most egalitarian? In what ways does their Lutheran heritage influence how these churches shape themselves today?
The point of departure for this study is not a predetermined, normative understanding of what a Lutheran church is or should be, but the fact that the churches presented here represent what «Lutheranism» is today in this part of the world.

Contributors include Anne-Louise Eriksson, Steinunn Arnthrudur Bjornsdottir, Solveig Anna Boasdottir, Niclas Blader, Carl Reinhold Brakenhielm, Thomas Ekstrand, Arnfri?ur Gu?mundsdottir, Goran Gunner, Harald Hegstad, Hjalti Hugason, Roger Jensen, Halvard Johannessen, Peter Lodberg, Benedicte Hammer Pr?stholm, Karin Sarja, Ulrika Svalfors, Merete Thomassen, Marie Thomsen, Marie Vejrup Nielsen, and Else Marie Wiberg Pedersen.
The Heritage of Ancestors The Heritage of Ancestors

Автор: Флора Пирназарова

Год издания: 

This book presents the cycle of articles, denoted spiritual and cultural heritage of Uzbek, sent by our far and close ancestors – our grandparent and great-grandfathers, who fought for conservation and development cultural and moral traditions of Uzbek folk. There are traditions, particularly, of the family subject, wealth of the literature, poetries, memorials of architecture, public folklore and art, but the main – an image of the thinking, distinguishing Orient from the West. This book is of interest not only for culture-researchers, but also for all interesting by rainbow of multifarious and multicolored world cultures.

Археологическое наследие Беларуси. Archaeological Heritage of Belarus Археологическое наследие Беларуси. Archaeological Heritage of Belarus

Автор: Группа авторов

Год издания: 

Издание подготовлено по материалам, хранящимся в научных археологических фондах и представленным в археологической научно-музейной экспозиции Института истории НАН Беларуси. Содержит уникальные экспонаты, переданные учеными Института истории и исследователями, работающими в сфере образования и культуры, в государственные и ведомственные музейные экспозиции страны. Включает материалы, хранящиеся в музеях Минска, Полоцка, Витебска, Могилева, Гомеля, Гродно, Орши, Толочина, Шклова, Ветки и других населенных пунктов. Знакомит с материалами, раскрывающими богатство и своеобразие культуры белорусских земель с глубокой древности и до конца XVIII в., а также отображает весь спектр хозяйственно-производственной деятельности, быта, культурной и духовной жизни людей, населявших территорию нашей страны в разные эпохи, их связи с окружающим миром. Предназначена для научных работников, преподавателей учебных заведений, сотрудников музеев и всех, кто интересуется краеведением.

Estonian Cultural Heritage. Preservation and Conservation. 2005-2012 Estonian Cultural Heritage. Preservation and Conservation. 2005-2012

Автор: National Heritage Board, Tallinn Culture And Herit Arts

Год издания: 

Varske valjaanne votab kokku seni ilmunud muinsuskaitse aastaraamatute parimad palad aastatel 2005-2012.Tutvustamaks Eesti muinsuskaitse tegemisi-toimetusi ka inglisekeelsele lugejaskonnale annab kaesolev trukis hea ulevaate viimase seitsme aasta jooksul tehtud silmapaistvamatest toodest eri valdkondade malestistel. Eraldi rubriikidena on tahelepanu all linnaruum, kirikud, moisad, toostusparand, tehnoloogia ja arheoloogia. Koikide artiklite autorid on oma ala spetsialistid ning huvitavat lugemist leidub nii muinsuskaitse huvilistele, restauraatoritele, arhitektidele kui ka kunstiajaloolastele.Samuti annab kogumik suureparase voimaluse valisspetsialistidele tutvuda Eesti poneva restaureerimismaailmaga ning uurida suvitsi uhe voi teise objekti taassunnilugu. „Estonian Cultural Heritage. Preservation and Conservation. Vol. 1 2005-2012“ is the first edition in English summarizing a collection of articles from previously published national heritage yearbooks. It is an overview of the preservation and conservation of Estonian cultural heritage in the years of 2005-2012. Published by the Estonian National Heritage Board, Tallinn Culture and Heritage Department and the Department of Cultural Heritage and Conservation at the Estonian Academy of Arts

The Heritage of the Hills The Heritage of the Hills

Автор: Hankins Arthur Preston

Год издания: 

L'heritage de m'nonque L'heritage de m'nonque

Автор: Вильбишот А.

Год издания: