Найти книгу: "Inside the Dancer’s Art"

Inside the Dancer’s Art Inside the Dancer’s Art

Автор: Rose Eichenbaum

Год издания: 0000

<P>In this gorgeous book, the acclaimed photographer Rose Eichenbaum captures the spirit, beauty, and commitment of dancers along with the dancers' own words of wisdom and guidance. More than 250 color and black and white photographs are paired with inspirational quotes from legendary and emerging dancers, including Bill T. Jones, Katherine Dunham, Ann Reinking, Mark Morris, Pina Bausch, Jawole Willa Jo Zollar, Gregory Hines, Mitzi Gaynor, Desmond Richardson, Rennie Harris, Paul Taylor, Ohad Naharin, Tiler Peck, and many more. Here, words and images explore creativity, art making, the communicative power of the human body, the challenges of balancing everyday life with the physical and practical demands of the dancer's art, and more. In these intimate portraits, Eichenbaum reveals and celebrates the world of the dancer. Sensual and mesmerizing, these images will entrance dancer and non-dancer alike—as well as anyone who loves fine photography—with their powerful depiction of the human body.</P>
Forces inside us Forces inside us

Автор: Hey Luisa

Год издания: 

Внутри. Inside Внутри. Inside

Автор: Анна Арт

Год издания: 

О чём вы будете думать, если узнаете, что скоро умрёте? Будете ли вы в отчаянии рассказывать людям обо всём плохом, что вы сделали в этой жизни? Вряд ли… А если вы окажетесь с этими людьми в запертом помещении и это будет ваша единственная и последняя возможность рассказать о своих тайнах, которые терзали и мучили всю жизнь, но в которых страшно было признаться даже самим себе? Наркотики, предательства, измены. Что ещё скрывают 9 человек в ожидании неминуемой смерти?

Leadership from the Inside Out. Becoming a Leader for Life Leadership from the Inside Out. Becoming a Leader for Life

Автор: Kevin Cashman

Год издания: 

Leadership from the Inside Out, Kevin Cashman’s breakthrough business bestseller that clearly connected personal growth to leadership effectiveness, is now completely revised and updated with: • an explosion of new validating independent research • impressive new case studies • new tools and practices • an even more powerful virtual coaching experience  Still framed in seven simple yet profound “mastery areas,” this book serves as an integrated coaching experience that helps leaders understand how to harness their authentic, value-creating influence and elevate their impact as individuals, in teams, and in organizations. Cashman demonstrates that his trademark “whole-person” approach—we lead by virtue of who we are—is essential to sustained success in today’s talent-starved marketplace and provides a measurable return on investment. For everyone from CEOs to emerging leaders, this long-awaited second edition advances the art and science of leadership and is even more relevant today than when it was first published.

The Little Spanish Dancer The Little Spanish Dancer

Автор: Brandeis Madeline

Год издания: 

Two plays for dancers Two plays for dancers

Автор: William Butler Yeats

Год издания: