Найти книгу: "Object of Desire"

Object of Desire Object of Desire

Автор: William J. Mann

Год издания: 0000

"It's always been golden for you, Danny. You've always been the golden boy." Danny Fortunato seemed to have it all. He was cute, funny, sexy, smart–the hottest go-go boy in West Hollywood. When he danced on stage, all eyes were upon him and all men desired him. But something always kept Danny from ever really believing he was the golden boy that others said he was. . .Twenty years later, living in Palm Springs, Danny is celebrating his 41st birthday–although «celebrating» might not be the right word for how he feels about his life today. To the outside world, he's still golden: he still has his looks, and he still loves Frank, his boyfriend of nearly two decades. But something is missing in his life. Passion. Romance. Adventure. The same something that's been missing ever since that day when he turned fourteen, when his sister Becky disappeared and his whole world flipped upside-down. . .Filled with unforgettable warmth, incorrigible humor, and irresistible charm, Object of Desire takes readers through three milestone eras in one man's life–his youth in the 1970s, his days of abandon in the 1980s, and his more sober, reflective existence today–and reaffirms William J. Mann's reputation as one of gay fiction's major narrative powers."Mann's vivid style is a treat."– Publishers Weekly "Mann's writing is smart, aware and cognizant enough to take a well-practiced theme and give it a shot in the arm." – Instinct
Delphi 6. Программирование на Object Pascal Delphi 6. Программирование на Object Pascal

Автор: Никита Культин

Год издания: 

Книга является руководством по программированию в среде Delphi 6. В ней рассматривается весь процесс создания программы: от разработки алгоритма и диалогового окна до отладки и создания справочной системы. Материал включает ряд тем, которые, как правило, остаются за рамками книг, адресованных начинающим программистам: обработка символьной информации, использование динамических структур, работа с файлами, создание справочной системы. Рассматриваются вопросы работы с графикой, мультимедиа и базами данных. Приведено описание процесса создания анимации в Macromedia Flash 5, создание справочной системы при помощи программы Microsoft HTML Help Workshop. Книга отличается доступностью изложения, большим количеством наглядных примеров и адресована студентам, школьникам старших классов и всем изучающим программирование в учебном заведении или самостоятельно. Для начинающих программистов.

Desired Desired

Автор: Морган Райс

Год издания: 

In DESIRED (Book #5 in the Vampire Journals), Caitlin Paine wakes to discover that she has once again traveled back in time. This time, she has landed in eighteenth century Paris, an age of great opulence, of kings and queens – but also of revolution. Reunited with her true love, Caleb, the two of them finally have the quiet, romantic time together that they never had. They spend idyllic time together in the city of Paris, visiting its most romantic sites, as their love grows ever deeper. Caitlin decides to give up the search for her father, so that she can savor this time and place, and spend her life with Caleb. Caleb takes her to his medieval castle, near the ocean, and Caitlin is happier than she ever dreamed. But their idyllic time together is not destined to last forever, and events intercede that force the two of them apart. Caitlin once again finds herself united with Aiden and his coven, with Polly and with new friends, as she focuses again on her training, and on her mission. She is introduced to the lavish world of Versailles, and encounters outfits and opulence beyond what she ever dreamed. With never ending feasts and parties and concerts, Versailles is a world of its own. She is happily reunited with her bother Sam, who is also back in time, and having dreams of their father, too. But all is not as well as it seems. Kyle has traveled back in time, too – this time, with his evil sidekick, Sergei – and he is more determined than ever to kill Caitlin. And Sam and Polly each fall ever deeper into toxic relationships, which just might threaten to destroy everything around them. As Caitlin becomes a true and hardened warrior, she comes closer than ever to finding her father, and the mythical Shield. The climactic, action-packed ending, takes Caitlin through a whirlwind of Paris’ most important medieval locations, on a hunt for clues. But surviving this time will demand skills she never dreamed she had. And reuniting with Caleb will require her to make the hardest choices – and sacrifices – of her life.

Methodius Buslaev. The Scroll of Desires Methodius Buslaev. The Scroll of Desires

Автор: Dmitrii Emets

Год издания: 

В стародавние времена маг-алхимик Бругус изготовил свиток желаний, на который наложил заклинание усиления. Свиток он спрятал в одну из двух шкатулок, защищенных магией Света, и отправил их странствовать в лопухоидный мир. За прошедшие века свиток приобрел чудовищную магическую силу. Свиток желаний – артефакт нейтральный. Он может служить как Тьме, так и Свету. Ищут его златокрылые, ищут и стражи Мрака. Если Тартар обнаружит шкатулку со свитком первым, произойдет катастрофа… А еще мудрецы из Прозрачных Сфер утверждают, что история свитка напрямую будет связана с Дафной, стражем Света, и Мефодием Буслаевым – будущим повелителем Тьмы…

Конструкция Complex Object в английском языке. Правила и упражнения Конструкция Complex Object в английском языке. Правила и упражнения

Автор: Татьяна Олива Моралес

Год издания: 

В данной брошюре подробно рассматривается конструкция Complex Object (сложное дополнение) в английском языке на примерах и упражнениях по переводу с русского языка на английский для закрепления полученных навыков. Все упражнения адаптированы по методике © «Лингвистический Реаниматор». К упражнению, представляющему особую сложность, даны ключи (правильные ответы).

The Collected Works in Verse and Prose of William Butler Yeats. Volume 3 of 8. The Countess Cathleen. The Land of Heart's Desire. The Unicorn from the Stars The Collected Works in Verse and Prose of William Butler Yeats. Volume 3 of 8. The Countess Cathleen. The Land of Heart's Desire. The Unicorn from the Stars

Автор: William Butler Yeats

Год издания: