Найти книгу: "Personal Next"

Personal Next Personal Next

Автор: Melinda Harrison

Год издания: 0000

Original Research: The book deeply explores career transition, mapping it on an arc that all high-performers move through. Based on Harrison’s ground-breaking, original research into the experiences of elite athletes, Personal Next explains the nine key PRACTICES that are in play in high performance when successfully navigating transition from one stage of work activity to another. The High Performer in Transition: The book illuminates the psychological and emotional impacts of high-level athletic life. It draws parallels between the experiences of elite athletes with those of high-performers in business and the arts, and offers practical understanding for all readers who are navigating career and life transitions. The common thread is that all have achieved in the past, are now in a period of pause, and are in pursuit of new meaning. After the Podium: There has been much in the press recently about negative aspects of sport (e.g., hazing and other abusive relationships, injuries, addiction). This coaching book delves into the positives and negatives of elite training and performance, demystifying the athlete’s journey and making real the many challenges faced when the spotlight turns away from the athlete. The book gives guidance for how athletes and others can use the formidable experiences they’ve had to date to tackle new challenges. Public Fascination: The public fascination with the success journeys of elite athletes and the lessons to be learned from them is evident in the billions of people worldwide who have tuned in to the Olympic games. (An estimated 3.5 billion people watched the Rio Olympics in 2016.) High-performers learn and can relate to the unique circumstances that affect the athlete and how these lessons from sport can be applied to their own career and life changes.
История русской литературы XX века. Первая половина. Книга 2: Personalia История русской литературы XX века. Первая половина. Книга 2: Personalia

Автор: Коллектив авторов

Год издания: 

Las Finanzas Personales y la Vida Las Finanzas Personales y la Vida

Автор: Maurisio Pantokha Agirre

Год издания: 

Este libro trata de las finanzas y asuntos con los que se chocan las personas comunes y corrientes en la vida diaria, desde los ninos hasta los ancianos, familias, propietarios de bienes, emprendedores, etc, en lo que concierne a la satisfaccion de sus necesidades vitales relacionadas a sus actividades y a las interacciones con los bancos, seguros, etc… Cada lector podra elegir el tema de mayor interes para poder manejar inteligentemente su economia en las diferentes fases de su vida.

Personalijuhtimise kasiraamat 2012. 2., taiendatud trukk Personalijuhtimise kasiraamat 2012. 2., taiendatud trukk

Автор: Riina Varts, Katrina Laurson

Год издания: 

Viis aastat on moodas eelmise ja Eesti esimese kasiraamatu ilmumisest. Otsustasime seda seiklust korrata, sest maailm ja personalijuhtimise valdkond Eestis on vahepeal oluliselt edasi arenenud. Tegu pole kordustrukiga vaid taiesti uue raamatuga. Votsime aluseks kull vana valjaande, aga kirjutasime seda edasi, tegime taiesti uue raamatu. Ka autorid on osaliselt uued. Vahepeal on muutunud ka PARE strateegia, oleme PARE Akadeemiaga sisenemas Eesti koolitus-arendusturule. Kasiraamat on Akadeemia uks alussammastest.Raamatus leiavad kasitlemist jargmised teemad:1. Organisatsiooni strateegia ja personalistrateegia2. Personali planeerimine3. Too analuus4. Personali varbamine ja valik5. Tulemusjuhtimine6. Personaliarendus ja koolitus7. Tasustamine8. Organisatsiooniuuringud9. SisekommunikatsioonMeie kasiraamatu autoriteks on personalijuhtimise valdkonna vaieldamatud liidrid ja asjatundjad. Koik nad on ka praktikud ja see pole juhus. Paljud meie autoritest loevad personalijuhtimise loenguid eri oppeasutustes, sealhulgas PARE enda koolitustel ja arenguprogrammides.

Idioms and Proverbs on Personal Issues. Учебное пособие Idioms and Proverbs on Personal Issues. Учебное пособие

Автор: Александра Александровна Егурнова

Год издания: 

Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов высших учебных заведений. Содержит 12 разделов личной тематики, направленных на изучение идиоматических выражений и паремий английского языка.

The Personal History of David Copperfield The Personal History of David Copperfield

Автор: Чарльз Диккенс

Год издания: