Найти книгу: "Bubble of deception"

Bubble of deception Bubble of deception

Автор: Movita Walker

Год издания: 0000

Обман [Bubble] Обман [Bubble]

Автор: Андерс де ла Мотт

Год издания: 

Хенрик Петерссон, известный как Эйч Пи, некогда вступил в странную Игру, в которой таинственный Гейм-мастер управляет людьми, как марионетками, заставляя их делать страшные вещи. Пережив ряд смертельно опасных злоключений, Эйч Пи вышел на самого Хозяина Игры. Тот сообщил ему, что Хенрика ждет последнее задание, после выполнения которого он сможет поступать так, как считает нужным: либо выйти из Игры, либо подняться на новый уровень. Но когда Эйч Пи узнает, что ему надо сделать, то буквально столбенеет. Оказывается, он должен взорвать свадебный кортеж шведской кронпринцессы… Задание из разряда невыполнимых. Или выполнимых, но ценою жизни. А отказаться от него нельзя – на кону судьба сестры Хенрика. Итак, Игра подходит к концу. Но еще есть время сыграть по своим правилам…

[bubble] [bubble]

Автор: Андерс де ла Мотт

Год издания: 

Samal ajal, kui HP Mangu raudsest haardest valja puuab rabeleda, alustab Rebecca uut karjaari PayTagi kasvava IT-impeeriumi turvaosakonnas. Kuid vanast pangaseifist leitud esemed tekitavad talle muret, ning taas on ta sunnitud abi palumiseks poorduma salaparase Tage Sammeri poole. Kas too on toepoolest isa vana sober, voi on asi nii, nagu HP vaidab – tegelikult on Sammer ManguJuht? Ja kes on oigupoolest need Mangust lahkunud Mangijad, kes HP-d taga ajavad; mida nad temast tahavad, ja veelgi tahtsam: milline on lapsepolvesobra Mange Sandstromi, alias Farook Al-Hassani osa kogu loos? Sel ajal, kui Stockholmis valmistutakse jarjekordselt printsessi pulmadeks, satuvad HP ja Rebecca taas eluohtlikule rajale. Aga kui tegelikkus on koigest mang, kuidas siis eristada sopru vaenlastest? Voi kas vaenlane voib hoopis sobraks osutuda? [bubble] on teravalt tanapaevane thriller teemal, kuidas digitaalse jarelevalve tingimustes puutakse tekitada turvalisi mulle, olgu nendeks siis pangaseifid voi hiiglaslikud serverihallid. Kuid nii vaikestel kui ka suurtel mullidel on uks uhine omadus – varem voi hiljem need lohkevad…

Leadership and Self-Deception. Getting out of the Box Leadership and Self-Deception. Getting out of the Box

Автор: The Arbinger Institute

Год издания: 

This phenomenal bestseller – over 700,000 copies sold – changes readers’ lives and helps them transform their organizations. In this new edition, the text has been updated and revised throughout to make it even more readable and powerful and a new section has been added that details the many different ways that people are using the book.

A Master of Deception A Master of Deception

Автор: Marsh Richard

Год издания: 

Next Generation Assessment. Moving Beyond the Bubble Test to Support 21st Century Learning Next Generation Assessment. Moving Beyond the Bubble Test to Support 21st Century Learning

Автор: Linda Darling-Hammond

Год издания: 

A forward-thinking look at performance assessment in the 21st century Next Generation Assessment: Moving Beyond the Bubble Test to Support 21st Century Learning provides needed answers to the nation's growing concerns about educational testing in America. Drawing on research and the experiences of leading states and countries, this new book examines how performance assessments can offer a feasible alternative to current high stakes tests. As parents, educators, and policymakers have increasingly criticized the effects of the teaching to the test mandate from the No Child Left Behind Act, the need for this resource has never been more critical. This summary volume to Beyond the Bubble Test speaks to the nationwide unease about current tests' focus on low-level skills, like recalling and restating facts, rather than higher-order skills such as problem-solving, analyzing, and synthesizing information. It illustrates how schools can use authentic assessments to improve teaching and learning as they involve students in conducting research, designing investigations, developing products and solutions, using technology, and communicating their ideas in many forms. This important book: Serves as a must-have resource for those interested in the most current research about how to create valid and reliable performance assessments Explains how educators can improve practice by developing, using, and scoring performance assessments Helps policymakers and educators accurately assess the benefits and possibilities of adopting performance assessments nationally If you're an educator, researcher, graduate student, district administrator, or education policy specialist, Next Generation Assessment is an indispensable resource you'll turn to again and again.