Найти книгу: "Myself"

Myself Myself

Автор: Adrian Gonzalez

Год издания: 0000

All by myself All by myself

Автор: Марина Йоргенсен

Год издания: 

Наконец-то! Современные женщины могут всё! То, о чем их предшественницы даже и мечтать не могли. Они догнали мужчин в правах, перегнали в достижениях, да и вообще способны заменить их на всех фронтах. И встает такой вопрос: а зачем? Неужели мужчины теперь совершенно не нужны – и если убрать гипотетического Васю из жизни гипотетической Маши, то трагедии, как в былые времена, уже не случится? Произведение входит в сборник «Маша минус Вася, или Новый матриархат».

The Way to myself The Way to myself

Автор: Андрей Алексеев

Год издания: 

The name of famous Novosibirsk entrepreneur Andrey Alekseev can be linked to such massive and successful projects as nationwide restaurant chain called “Vilka-Lozhka” and “Pechki-Lavochki”, as well as the “Bolshaya Medveditsa” shopping center. Some would ask: what else does that guy need?In this book, Andrey Alekseev tells about how you can find your own Way and follow it. He shares his experience of breaking bad habits, changing his attitude towards himself and towards people and business.Do you dream of finding more opportunities to realize your talents and become a well-known professional?Then this book is for you!Enjoy your trip!

«I LOVE MYSELF». Твой путь к счастливой жизни «I LOVE MYSELF». Твой путь к счастливой жизни

Автор: Алина Петровна Стефанская

Год издания: 

Автор книги Алина Стефанская искренне верит в то, что в каждом человеке скрыт огромный потенциал, который легко можно раскрыть, пересмотрев отношение к себе и миру. Она лично прошла все этапы к осознанию и теперь делится с вами своим опытом. В этой книге описаны конкретные шаги, единожды применив которые, вы сможете стать по-настоящему счастливым человеком на всю жизнь. Книга для тех, кто находится в поиске.

Cry Myself to Sleep: He had to escape. They would never hurt him again. Cry Myself to Sleep: He had to escape. They would never hurt him again.

Автор: Joe Peters

Год издания: 

The next book from the number one bestselling author of Cry Silent Tears.Joe was only five years old when he lost his voice. Only five years old when he was first beaten by his mother and raped by her boyfriend. And only nine years old when his mother sold him to a paedophile ring.At sixteen, Joe finally found the courage to escape and headed for Charing Cross station with no money in his pocket, no friends and nowhere to turn to. But the nightmare was far from over.Haunted by his harrowing past, Joe's life spiralled out of control. Living on the lonely streets of London, Joe turned down a dark path of crime and self-destruction and it seemed that he was bound for prison. Until the love of a good woman set him free…This is the ultimate story of triumph over evil, of survival and redemption. Heartbreaking, but unbelievably inspiring, it is a testament to the unbreakable resilience of a little boy who grew up into a remarkable man. Now that he has found his voice again, Joe speaks out against child abuse and helps support and protect other children whose lives have been blighted by it.

I Am No Longer Myself Without You: How Men Love Women I Am No Longer Myself Without You: How Men Love Women

Автор: Jonathan Rutherford

Год издания: 

Why do words fail men when they need them most? Why is the subject of what men want emotionally, shrouded in silence? This is a book that attempts, in the style of Blake Morrison and Richard Rayner, to put men’s experience of Love into words.’A slim, elegantly written account, packed with quotations from poetry, fiction, cinema, items from newspapers, popular culture and personal anecdote, which argues that silence in the face of emotion is the predominant male response. Inarticulacy is still the norm… Rutherford doesn’t offer solutions but his assessments are both thoughtful and revealing and his anecdotes, particularly those from his own experience, pinpoint why men do what they do… As befits this huge subject, his frame of reference is wide from T.S. Eliot to Francis Fukuyama, Families Without Fathers to Men Behaving Badly. Non academic in tone, this book is very much for Rutherford’s own generation, those in their 30s and 40s who have had the post-war upbringing he explores. It will have less to say to men in their 60s and 70s, though it might help them understand their sons. And women, emotionally articulate lot that they are, will love it.’ CAROLINE GASCOIGNE, Sunday Times