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El mandato del rey El mandato del rey

Автор: Jennifer Lewis

Год издания: 0000

Central Counterparties. Mandatory Central Clearing and Initial Margin Requirements for OTC Derivatives Central Counterparties. Mandatory Central Clearing and Initial Margin Requirements for OTC Derivatives

Автор: Jon Gregory

Год издания: 

Practical guidance toward handling the latest changes to the OTC derivatives market Central Counterparties is a practical guide to central clearing and bilateral margin requirements, from one of the industry's most influential credit practitioners. With up-to-date information on the latest regulations imposed after the global financial crisis, this book covers the mechanics of the clearing process and analyses the resulting consequences. Detailed discussion explains the ways in which the very significant clearing and margining rules will affect the OTC derivatives market and the financial markets in general, with practical guidance toward implementation and how to handle the potential consequences. Over-the-counter derivatives were blamed by many for playing a major role in the 2007 financial crisis, resulting in a significant attention and dramatic action by policymakers, politicians, and regulators to reduce counterparty credit risk which was seen as a major issue in the crisis. The two most important regulatory changes are the mandatory clearing of standardised OTC derivatives, and the requirements for bilateral margin posting in non-standard OTC contracts. Central Counterparties is a complete reference guide to navigating these changes, providing clarification and practical advice. Review the mitigation of counterparty credit risk with the historical development of central clearing Clarify the latest regulatory requirements imposed by Dodd-Frank, EMIR, Basel III and more Learn the mechanics of central clearing, with special attention to complex issues such as margin calculations, the loss waterfall, client clearing and regulatory capital rules Gain insight into the advantages and disadvantages of clearing and bilateral margin requirements, and the potential issues that arise As the clearing and margining mandates are phased in, the associated costs will be severe enough to dramatically shift the topology of the financial markets and transform the nature of risk. Central Counterparties provides the information, clarification and expert insight market practitioners need to get up to speed quickly.

Un Mandato De Reinas Un Mandato De Reinas

Автор: Морган Райс

Год издания: 

EL ANILLO DEL HECHICERO tiene todos los ingredientes para ser un exito inmediato: conspiraciones, tramas, misterio, caballeros aguerridos e incipientes relaciones repletas de corazones rotos, engano y traicion. Lo entretendra durante horas y satisfara a personas de todas las edades. Recomendado para la biblioteca habitual de todos los lectores del genero fantastico. -Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto MattosEL DECRETO DE LAS REINAS es el Libro#13 de la serie de best-sellers EL ANILLO DEL HECHICERO, qu empieza con LA SENDA DE LOS HEROES (Libro#1) . En EL DECRETO DE LAS REINAS, Gwendolyn lleva lo que queda de su nacion al exilio, navegando hacia las hostiles puertos del Imperio. Recibidos por el pueblo de Sandara, intentan recuperarse a escondidas, construir un nuevo hogar a la sombra de Volusia. Thor, decidido a rescatar a Guwayne, con sus hermanods de la Legion en su busqueda a traves del oceano, a las enormes cuevas que anuncian la Tierra de los Espiritus, encontrandose con impensables monstruos y exoticos paisajes. En las Islas del Sur, Alistair se sacrifica por Erec, pero un giro inesperado podria salvarlos a los dos. Darius lo arriesga todo para salvar al amor de su vida, Loti, aunque tenga que enfrentarse al Imperio el solo. Pero descubrira que su conflicto con el Imperio no ha hecho mas que empezar. Y Volusia continua su ascension, despues de asesinar a Romulo, de consolidar su dominio sobre el Imperio y convertirse en la despiadada reina que tenia que ser. ?Sobreviviran Gwen y su pueblo? ?Encontraran a Guwayne? ?Viviran Alistair y Erec? ?Rescatara Darius a Loti? ?Sobreviviran Thorgrin y sus hermanos?Con su sofisticada caracterizacion y construccion del mundo, EL DECRETO DE LAS REINAS es un relato epico de amigos y amantes, rivales y pretendientes, caballeros y dragones, de intrigas y maquinaciones politicas, de crecer, de corazones rotos, de engano, ambicion y traicion. Es un relato de honor y valentia, de sino y destino, de brujeria. Es una historia fantastica que nos lleva a un mundo que nunca olvidaremos y que gustara a personas de todas las edades y generos. Llamo mi atencion desde el principio y siguio.. Esta historia es una aventura sorprendente en la que todo pasa rapidamente, llena de accion desde el principio. No encontraras ni un solo momento aburrido. Paranormal Romance Guild {acerca de Transformacion}

La conquista del jeque - El mandato del jeque - El destino del jeque La conquista del jeque - El mandato del jeque - El destino del jeque

Автор: Оливия Гейтс

Год издания: 

El mandato del jeque El mandato del jeque

Автор: Оливия Гейтс

Год издания: 

Should Secret Voting Be Mandatory? Should Secret Voting Be Mandatory?

Автор: James Johnson

Год издания: 

The secrecy of the ballot, a crucial basic element of representative democracy, is under threat. Attempts to make voting more convenient in the face of declining turnout – and the rise of the “ballot selfie” – are making it harder to guarantee secrecy. <p>Leading scholars James Johnson and Susan Orr go back to basics to analyze the fundamental issues surrounding the secret ballot, showing how secrecy works to protect voters from coercion and bribery. They argue, however, that this protection was always incomplete: faced with effective ballot secrecy, powerful actors turned to manipulating turnout – buying presence or absence at the polls – to obtain their electoral goals. The authors proceed to show how making both voting and voting in secret mandatory would foreclose both undue influence and turnout manipulation. This would enhance freedom for voters by liberating them from coercion or bribery in their choice of both whether and how to vote.</p> This thought-provoking and insightful text will be invaluable for students and scholars of democratic theory, elections and voting, and political behavior.