Найти книгу: "Uber die Entstehung der Arten"

Uber die Entstehung der Arten Uber die Entstehung der Arten

Автор: Charles Darwin

Год издания: 0000

Setost saarteni Setost saarteni

Автор: Heidi Vihma

Год издания: 

Raamatusse “Setost saarteni“ on kokku kogutud retseptid, mille jargi Eesti kodudes on suua tehtud minevikus ja tehakse ka nuud. See on omamoodi Eesti kulinaarse rahvaparandi kogu, mis sisaldab mitte profikokkade voi toidutoimetajate fantaasiaid, vaid retsepte, mille jargi Eesti kodudes toepoolest suua tehakse ja mis on kasutusel tegelikus elus. Nende hulgas on nii argiseid kui ka pidulikke roogasid, on niisuguseid, mille emad ja vanaemad kunagi vihikusse kirja pannud, ent ka selliseid, mis kannavad uue aja vaimu ning on tehtud veidike isemoodi. “Setost saarteni“ on kogumik parimatest paladest, mida Eesti koogil on pakkuda.

Riigikogu liikme Marten Moksi salajane elu Riigikogu liikme Marten Moksi salajane elu

Автор: Helen Kait

Год издания: 

Marten Moks teab, et on korralikult ambrisse astunud. Uued valimised on aga tulemas ja mugava araolemise aeg riigikogus kuidagi vaga ootamatult viimase veerandi peale tiksunud. Seega tuleb kiiresti midagi ette votta. Geniaalse mottevalgatuse ajel palgatud suhtekorraldaja kinnitab, et abi oleks mone vaenuliku meediakanali kodustamisest. Valjavalituks osutub pruunilokiline, vaikest kasvu, kergesti mojutatav teleajakirjanik Svetlana, kes on „taitsa kenake“, nagu Moks rahulolevalt nendib.

Bartending For Dummies Bartending For Dummies

Автор: Ray Foley

Год издания: 

Make and serve drinks like a pro This latest edition of Bartending For Dummies features over 1,000 drink recipes in an A-Z format with clear, easy-to-follow instructions. This 5th Edition also provides over 40 new cocktails ideas for those who want to know how to serve cocktails professionally, for themselves, or for their guests. Detailed information on how to properly stock a bar with the latest and greatest glassware and tools Expanded coverage on making exotic frozen/blended specialties and specialty coffees Experimenting with the new flavor/buzz in Bourbons and Scotches: honey The latest flavored rums, gins, ryes, and of course vodkas (buttered, waffle, sherbet, and marshmallow flavored are just a few new editions) New coverage devoted to craft distillers Fun, new ways to garnish drinks (even flaming options), rim, and serve drinks like a master mixologist Tips on creating unique punches and even non-alcoholic drinks The latest tips and advice on curing hangovers and hiccups If you're interested in crafting traditional or modern cocktails, Bartending For Dummies has you covered.

QR Codes Kill Kittens. How to Alienate Customers, Dishearten Employees, and Drive Your Business into the Ground QR Codes Kill Kittens. How to Alienate Customers, Dishearten Employees, and Drive Your Business into the Ground

Автор: Scott Stratten

Год издания: 

Easy to digest tips and tools on how not to run a business Experts are constantly telling us what we need to be doing to improve our businesses. Hundreds of books in the market are filled with advice from these experts. But how can you filter out all of the bad advice, misinformation, and misuse of business tools that is out there? None of us needs another list of what we should be doing. QR Codes Kill Kittens tells you what not to do. Easy to digest, easy to avoid. The book is separated into several sections, and each will include a story related to the topic in addition to tips and explanations on what not to do. Includes real-life examples along with tips and guidance on experts, human resources, marketing/branding, networking (in person and online), public relations, and customer service Written by Scott Stratten, author of UnMarketing and the President of UnMarketing.com, a company that combines efforts in viral, social, and authentic marketing; he has appeared on Mashable.com and CNN.com, and in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Fast Company It doesn't do you any good to do a few things right and a lot of things wrong. Find out what not to do. If reading this book saves just one kitten's life, it's worth it.

Darwins Traum. Die Entstehung des menschlichen Bewusstseins Darwins Traum. Die Entstehung des menschlichen Bewusstseins

Автор: Adolf Heschl

Год издания: 

Nach seinem erfolgreichen Werk «Das intelligente Genom» befasst sich Adolf Heschl in seinem neuen Buch mit der Entstehung des Bewusstseins wahrend der Evolutionsgeschichte. Unterhaltsam und leicht zuganglich geschrieben wartet der Autor nicht nur mit neuen Erkenntnissen aus der Primatenforschung auf, sondern verbindet sie mit Einsichten aus der Verhaltensforschung, Psychologie und Molekularbiologie. Insbesondere die Bedeutung des Lebensraumes der Primaten sowie der Anpassung an verschiedene okologische Nischen fur die Entwicklung des Bewusstseins und unseres Sozialverhaltens werden erlautert und der Autor kommt zu uberraschenden Schlussfolgerungen, die ein neues Licht auch auf Theorien der Psychologie, wie die Freudsche Bewusstseinstheorie, werfen.