Найти книгу: "Mind Easing"

Mind Easing Mind Easing

Автор: Bick Wanck

Год издания: 0000

Ленд-лизовские. Lend-leasing Ленд-лизовские. Lend-leasing

Автор: Василий Аксенов

Год издания: 

Перед вами не игра и не фальсификация. Это – последний роман Василия Аксенова, публикуемый, к огромному сожалению, уже после смерти Автора. Неоконченный автобиографический роман о детстве и юности, сильный и красивый, под стать самому автору, – не просто портрет совсем еще юного Аксенова, увиденного самим же собой с высоты прожитых лет. Это памятник эпохе богатырей, чья молодость пришлась на ужасные годы Великой Отечественной и чью судьбу определила война на годы вперед. Аксенов, как никто, умел в своих книгах концентрировать счастье мира – щедро делиться им с читателем, даря шанс взглянуть на порой грустные и страшные вещи взглядом мужественным и светлым. Роман выходит с короткими предисловиями-репликами коллег и друзей Аксенова, каждый из которых вспомнил об авторе что-то очень личное и доброе, словно по кирпичикам воссоздавая образ Аксенова – философа, стиляги, борца и просто очень обаятельного человека. «Ленд-лизовские. Lend-leasing» – и финал, и одновременно начало Большого творческого пути, последнее звено в цепи произведений Аксенова, смыкающееся с первыми повестями, принесшими автору успех и любовь миллионов. Эта книга – подарок всем читателям Аксенова, сегодняшний привет из далекого прошлого и напоминание о том, что настоящие писатели никогда не умирают.

The pleasing instructor, or Entertaining moralist The pleasing instructor, or Entertaining moralist

Автор: Группа авторов

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «The pleasing instructor, or Entertaining moralist : Consisting of select essays, relations, visions, and allegories, collected from the most eminent English authors : to which are prefixed, new thoughts on education / [Comp. by A. Fisher]».

The Story of the Teasing Monkey The Story of the Teasing Monkey

Автор: Bannerman Helen

Год издания: 

Positively Smarter. Science and Strategies for Increasing Happiness, Achievement, and Well-Being Positively Smarter. Science and Strategies for Increasing Happiness, Achievement, and Well-Being

Автор: Donna Wilson

Год издания: 

Positively Smarter brings together seven principles for connecting the science of neuroplasticity to practical strategies for enhancing the synergy of happiness, achievement, and physical well-being. Moving beyond common myths, the text builds an evidence-based paradigm to empower readers to take practical steps to move forward. Brings together current research on cognitive psychology, education (learning), and implications of neuroscience to suggest powerful ways to enhance the kind of cognitive function and productivity that leads to happiness and success Applies implications of current research showing that happiness is a skill and that positive affect can lead to higher levels of creative problem solving, productivity, achievement, and well-being Shares research and strategies for supporting physical activity and nutrition that may enhance neuroplasticity, cognitive performance, and positive affect Puts learners first and then brings in the science, presenting creative or adaptive strategies that can be applied in the real world Includes action assessments to guide readers in taking concrete steps to achieve the goals they set for themselves Identifies deeply held assumptions that innate talent, genes, socioeconomic status, and ethnicity mean that a significant percentage of the population lacks the neurocognitive potential to achieve at higher levels Draws on the authors’ research from a broad range of fields in order to maximize the positive impact of a synergistic approach

Commonsense Leadership. No Nonsense Rules for Improving Your Mental Game and Increasing Your Team's Performance Commonsense Leadership. No Nonsense Rules for Improving Your Mental Game and Increasing Your Team's Performance

Автор: Jack Llewellyn H.

Год издания: 

Win the mental game before you ever step out on the field Commonsense Leadership is the playbook for leaders who want to win. From rallying the team to hitting it out of the park, every leader needs to understand the mental game. It's what separates winners from survivors, and champions from second place—it's what gives your team the edge, and the strength to forge ahead through adversity. This book shows you how to boost performance with tips and advice gathered over 45 years of working with major corporations and world-class athletes. Whether your team battles on the field or in the boardroom, the mental component is a critical factor in determining outcomes—and left neglected, can become the number-one driving force behind failure. A winning team must be highly skilled, but they must also be resilient, motivated, attentive, and ready to charge the field. Skills can be taught, but the mental factor comes from the environment and the leadership. This book shows you how to boost performance, with real-world solutions for instilling that razor-sharp mental edge. Emerge from setbacks stronger and more agile Learn to thrive on stress and play on the emotional edge Build a culture and environment that fosters motivation Adopt practical strategies for leading your team to win When equal opponents are matched, winning ultimately comes down to mindset. Although sports analogies are ubiquitous in corporate leadership, the mental development aspect is too often ignored—but those who play the mental game and play it well have an unmistakable edge. Commonsense Leadership reveals the secrets to motivation and performance, with practical techniques for building a winning team.