Найти книгу: "Applied Chemometrics for Scientists"

Applied Chemometrics for Scientists Applied Chemometrics for Scientists

Автор: Группа авторов

Год издания: 0000

The book introduces most of the basic tools of chemometrics including experimental design, signal analysis, statistical methods for analytical chemistry and multivariate methods. It then discusses a number of important applications including food chemistry, biological pattern recognition, reaction monitoring, optimisation of processes, medical applications. The book arises from a series of short articles that have been developed over four years on Chemweb (www.chemweb.com).
Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language

Автор: Ronald P. Cody, Jeffrey K. Smith

Год издания: 

This book is intended to provide the applied researcher with the capacity to perform statistical analyses with SAS software without wading through pages of technical documentation. The researcher is provided with the necessary SAS statements to run programs for most of the commonly used statistics, explanations of the computer output, interpretations of results, and examples of how to construct tables and write up results for reports and journal articles.

Английский язык для экономистов. English Course for Students in Applied Economics Английский язык для экономистов. English Course for Students in Applied Economics

Автор: Серафима Зайцева

Год издания: 

Учебное пособие составлено на основе учебной программы курса английского языка для студентов экономических факультетов, вузов и колледжей и рассчитано на 120 аудиторных часов. Цель пособия – развитие навыков чтения профессионально ориентированных текстов, совершенствование коммуникативных навыков устной и письменной речи на основе текстов по прикладной экономике.

Films and Levels. Human Being Theory applied Films and Levels. Human Being Theory applied

Автор: Jacob Feldman

Год издания: 

Every serious course contains a textbook and a problem-solving book. This is a solving-problems book after textbook named “Human Being Theory (for Dummies)”. Author analyzes 15 selected films (1994—2016) using concepts of levels and temperaments from the textbook.

Прикладная экономика. Учебник по английскому языку / Applied Economics. Study Pack Прикладная экономика. Учебник по английскому языку / Applied Economics. Study Pack

Автор: А. В. Захарова

Год издания: 

Учебник создан с учетом требований федерального государственного образовательного стандарта высшего профессионального образования, а также образовательных стандартов, принятых в НИУ ВШЭ. Материал учебника позволяет не только развивать и совершенствовать языковые и общеакадемические умения и навыки, но и формировать языковую компетентность, лежащую в основе будущей профессиональной деятельности. Для успешного освоения материала необходимо владение английским языком на уровне В2. Для студентов экономических специальностей, изучающих английский язык для профессиональных целей.

A Risk Professional's Survival Guide. Applied Best Practices in Risk Management A Risk Professional's Survival Guide. Applied Best Practices in Risk Management

Автор: Clifford Rossi

Год издания: 

Balanced, practical risk management for post – financial crisis institutions Fundamentals of Risk Management fills a critical gap left by existing risk management texts. Instead of focusing only on quantitative risk analysis or only on institutional risk management, this book takes a comprehensive approach. The disasters of the recent financial crisis taught us that managing risk is both an art and a science, and it is critical for practitioners to understand how individual risks are integrated at the enterprise level. This book is the only resource of its kind to introduce all of the key risk management concepts in a cohesive case study spanning each chapter. A hypothetical bank drawn from elements of several real world institutions serves as a backdrop for topics from credit risk and operational risk to understanding big-picture risk exposure. You will be able to see exactly how each rigorous concept is applied in actual risk management contexts. Fundamentals of Risk Management includes: Supplemental Excel-based Visual Basic (VBA) modules, so you can interact directly with risk models Clear explanations of the importance of risk management in preventing financial disasters Real world examples and lessons learned from past crises Risk policies, infrastructure, and activities that balance limited quantitative models This book provides the element of hands-on application necessary to put enterprise risk management into effective practice. The very best risk managers rely on a balanced approach that leverages every aspect of financial operations for an integrative risk management strategy. With Fundamentals of Risk Management, you can identify and control risk at an expert level.