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Trzy dialogi miedzy Hylasem i Filonousem Trzy dialogi miedzy Hylasem i Filonousem

Автор: George Berkeley

Год издания: 0000

Miedzy ustami a brzegiem pucharu Miedzy ustami a brzegiem pucharu

Автор: Rodziewiczowna Maria

Год издания: 

Opowiesc o tym, jak Prusaka nauczyc porzadku po polsku (z cyklu historii pisanych „ku pokrzepieniu serc”).Hrabia Wentzel Croy-Dulmen ma wszystko, czego moze pragnac mlody mezczyzna: ogromny majatek, powodzenie u kobiet i z high life'u, i z polswiatka, dobrana kompanie przyjaciol do wspolnych zabaw oraz zdrowie i urode. Miary szczescia absolutnego dopelnia calkowity brak nadzoru ze strony starszych.Jednak spotkanie z pewna tajemnicza, niewrazliwa na jego wdziek i przymioty dama calkowicie odmieni jego zycie, czyniac malo wartosciowym wszystko, co mial dotychczas, za to wyznaczajac mu nowe, nielatwe do osiagniecia cele.

Applications of Dialogical Self Theory. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, Number 137 Applications of Dialogical Self Theory. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, Number 137

Автор: Hubert Hermans J.

Год издания: 

In an increasingly interconnected world, a dialogical self is not only possible but even necessary. People are closer together than ever, yet they are confronted with apparent and sometimes even insurmountable differences. While there is a need of increased dialogue between individuals, groups, and cultures, it is equally important to develop of dialogical potentials within the self of the individual person. Elaborating on these concerns, the authors present and discuss a Dialogical Self Theory based on the assumption that the self functions as a society of mind. The self is not simply participating in a “surrounding” society, but functions itself as a mini-society, which is, at the same time, part of the society at large. The authors: Present the theory in detail Explore the developmental origins of the dialogical self Elaborate on the identity development of adolescents growing up in multicultural societies Discuss a striking example of a social movement in India, where individual and collective voices merge in a nationwide protest. This is the 137th volume in this series. Its mission is to provide scientific and scholarly presentations on cutting edge issues and concepts in child and adolescent development. Each volume focuses on a specific new direction or research topic and is edited by experts on that topic.

Miedzy wierszami Miedzy wierszami

Автор: Tammara Webber

Год издания: 

Miedzy niebem a niebem Miedzy niebem a niebem

Автор: Joanne O’sullivan

Год издания: 

Miedzy nami samicami O kobietach mezczyznach i zyciu Miedzy nami samicami O kobietach mezczyznach i zyciu

Автор: Irena A. Stanislawska

Год издания: