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4 Day Detox 4 Day Detox

Автор: M.D. Ian K. Smith

Год издания: 0000

Maxim Detox №4 (осень 2009) Maxim Detox №4 (осень 2009)

Автор: Коллектив авторов

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Detox Diets For Dummies Detox Diets For Dummies

Автор: Matthew Phillips Brittain

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Detox Diets For Dummies is your guide to making informed choices about cleansing your body and mind safely and conveniently Researchers have found that we ingest dangerous chemicals every day in our food, water, and the air we breathe. Detox Diets For Dummies helps you understand the effects of these chemicals on your body and find safe, gentle methods to expel them from your system. This comprehensive guide provides clear, reliable information on the leading detox plans so you can accurately assess your own needs and select the best plan for your desired detox goal. A screening quiz helps you identify the program and plan that best suits your lifestyle and personal detox objectives. Detox Diets For Dummies provides plenty of healthy recipes and exercises help clear your body of toxins without harmful or unpleasant side effects. Helps you flush away harmful chemicals safely and easily Reveals why some popular detox programs may cause more harm than good Supplies a screening quiz to help you identify your personal detox needs and choose the right program Recommends programs for quitting smoking or drinking, fighting allergies, and losing weight, calming stress and anxiety, increasing your energy, and revitalizing your spirit. Includes more than 35 recipes for safe cleansing of toxins and other harmful agents Whether you are motivated by weight loss, disease prevention, metal purification, or physical revival-Read Detox Diets For Dummies for a variety of detox programs that are all natural and fit every lifestyle.

Detox Your Desk. Declutter Your Life and Mind Detox Your Desk. Declutter Your Life and Mind

Автор: Theo Theobald

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Why is there never enough time in the day to do all the stuff you want to? Why does your in-tray just keep growing? Is it alive? Written for the time-starved and terminally untidy, Detox Your Desk is the perfect antidote to pressure cooker of the modern office. It's flat out but you still fell like you're not getting anything done. And no wonder. It's hard to do anything meaningful when you're swamped by piles of paperwork and endless 'to do' lists. Detox Your Desk helps you fight back by purging your system office toxins, so you can take control of the everyday stuff and calmly field whatever lands in your in-tray. It starts with the physical clearing out of all the rubbish that litters your life and then gives you practical tips to help free up your thinking. Detox Your Desk puts you on a ten-day programme that'll result in a tidy workspace and a clear head. All of the changes are easy. Stick with them over the long term and you'll change the way you work forever, giving you more time and a greater choice in every area of you life. This you big chance to get on top of your workload and start to enjoy work and life again. You'll soon be the most efficient and effective person you know!

365 detox 365 detox

Автор: Творческий коллектив шоу «Сергей Стиллавин и его друзья»

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Детокс-напитки и снэки 365 detox – это легкий способ поддерживать здоровье, бодрость и красоту в условиях большого города. Свежевыжатые овощные соки холодного отжима, смузи и полезные десерты разработаны по рецептуре Оли Малышевой – специалиста по питанию и детоксу.

5LBs in 5 Days: The Juice Detox Diet 5LBs in 5 Days: The Juice Detox Diet

Автор: Jason Vale

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Lose at least 5lbs in 5 days with Jason Vale’s newest, easiest and most effective juicing programme ever. Jason Vale aka The Juice Master – and the man responsible for turning around the lives (and diets) of celebrities and top athletes from around the world – has designed a brand new programme to reshape and reinvigorate your body in just 5 days. Lose the weight you’ve always dreamed of without restricting what you can eat or drink at the weekend. The culmination of over a decade’s worth of research, 5lbs in 5 Days is a new and fresh approach to juicing and the ultimate guide to kickstarting rapid and healthy weight loss, boosting your energy levels and motivation, and maintaining optimum health. Follow Jason’s plan and you’ll lose at least 5lbs in 5 days (the average is actually 7lbs) and be recharged on both a physical and a mental level. Packed full of juicy recipes and tips for getting started, it’s simple to start and straightforward to follow. Start juicing today!