Найти книгу: "A Husband for All Seasons"

A Husband for All Seasons A Husband for All Seasons

Автор: Irene Brand

Год издания: 0000

His faith was being tested for the first time: Chad Reece's promising pro football career was cut short by a devastating accident, and then a kidney transplant revealed his biological parents were a couple he'd considered family friends. Shaken, Chad was determined to recover on his own, when he met Vicky Lanham, a pretty hospital volunteer. Vicky's passion for mission work impressed Chad, who felt a call of his own to assist others. Perhaps it was the start of God's new plan – a life together helping others.
Plays. An Ideal Husband. A Woman of No Importance / Пьесы. Идеальный муж. Женщина, не стоящая внимания Plays. An Ideal Husband. A Woman of No Importance / Пьесы. Идеальный муж. Женщина, не стоящая внимания

Автор: Оскар Уайльд

Год издания: 

В сборник вошли две пьесы всемирно известного драматурга, «Идеальный муж» (1894) и «Женщина, не стоящая внимания» (1893). Действие первого произведения строится на шантаже и политических интригах. Во втором сюжет разворачивается вокруг семейной тайны. Сам того не подозревая, лорд Иллингворт назначает на должность секретаря своего незаконнорожденного сына.

Husband hunting, or The mother and daughters. Vol. 1 Husband hunting, or The mother and daughters. Vol. 1

Автор: Группа авторов

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Husband hunting, or The mother and daughters : a tale of fashionable life : in 3 vol. Vol. 1».

Uncle's Dream; and The Permanent Husband Uncle's Dream; and The Permanent Husband

Автор: Федор Достоевский

Год издания: 

The School for Husbands The School for Husbands

Автор: Мольер (Жан-Батист Поклен)

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Sganarelle, or, the Self-Deceived Husband Sganarelle, or, the Self-Deceived Husband

Автор: Мольер (Жан-Батист Поклен)

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