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Hailey's Hero Hailey's Hero

Автор: Judy Duarte

Год издания: 

SHE DIDN'T BELIEVE IN HEROESHailey Conway believed in making a good, predictable life for herself. Until San Diego detective Nick Granger saved her from a mugger and swept her off her feet–and into bed. Their steamy one-night stand was almost enough to melt the snow that had stranded them together…and then they said goodbye.Except Nick's dark eyes and whispered endearments haunted Hailey's dreams, and continued to set her world on edge. For their night together had conceived more than insatiable passion. They had a baby on the way. And when Hailey shared her secret, she knew the rugged rebel might break her heart…unless he became the hero who saved it.

Falling Fast - Hailee & Chase 1 (Ungekurzt) Falling Fast - Hailee & Chase 1 (Ungekurzt)

Автор: Bianca Iosivoni

Год издания: 

Hailee DeLuca hat einen Plan: Die Zeit, in der sie sich zu Hause verkrochen und vor der Welt versteckt hat, ist vorbei. Sie will mutig sein und sich trauen, all die Dinge zu tun, vor denen sie sich fruher immer zu sehr gefurchtet hat. Doch dann lernt sie Chase Whittaker kennen – und wei? augenblicklich, dass sie ein Problem hat. Denn mit seiner charmanten Art weckt Chase Gefuhle in ihr, die sie langst verloren geglaubt hat. Und nicht nur das. Er kommt damit ihrem dunkelsten Geheimnis viel zu nahe … Die neue Reihe von Bianca Iosivoni: emotional, romantisch, herzzerrei?end!

Flying High - Hailee & Chase 2 (Ungekurzt) Flying High - Hailee & Chase 2 (Ungekurzt)

Автор: Bianca Iosivoni

Год издания: 

Das Einzige, was fur mich zahlt, ist, dass du jetzt hier bist Hailee hatte ein Geheimnis. Ein dunkles Geheimnis, das niemand kannte und niemand erfahren sollte. Am allerwenigsten Chase, in den sie sich Hals uber Kopf verliebt hat. Hailee war klar, dass sie Chase verlieren wurde. Sie wusste es von der ersten Sekunde an, als sie ihm gegenuberstand. Und doch hat er ihr Herz mit jedem Lacheln und jeder Beruhrung ein bisschen mehr erobert. Aber gibt es fur sie beide uberhaupt eine Chance? Oder mussen sie einsehen, dass manchmal nicht einmal die Liebe ausreicht, um zwei Menschen zusammenzuhalten? Die mitrei?ende Fortsetzung von Falling Fast!

Emperor Haile Selassie Emperor Haile Selassie

Автор: Bereket Habte Selassie

Год издания: 

Emperor Haile Selassie was an iconic figure of the twentieth century, a progressive monarch who ruled Ethiopia from 1916 to 1974. This book, written by a former state official who served in a number of important positions in Selassie’s government, tells both the story of the emperor’s life and the story of modern Ethiopia. After a struggle for the throne in 1916, the young Selassie emerged first as regent and then as supreme leader of Ethiopia. Over the course of his nearly six-decade rule, the emperor abolished slavery, introduced constitutional reform, and expanded educational opportunity. The Italian invasion of Ethiopia in the 1930s led to a five-year exile in England, from which he returned in time to lead his country through World War II. Selassie was also instrumental in the founding of the Organization of African Unity in 1963, but he fell short of the ultimate goal of a promised democracy in Ethiopia. The corruption that grew under his absolute rule, as well as his seeming indifference to the famine that gripped Ethiopia in the 1970s, led finally to his overthrow by the armed forces that he had created. Haile Selassie was an enlightened monarch in many ways, but also a man with flaws like any other. This short biography is a sensitive portrayal of Selassie as both emperor and man, by one who knew him well.

Hailey's Story - She Was an Eleven-Year-Old Child. He Was Soham Murderer Ian Huntley. This is the Story of How She Survived Hailey's Story - She Was an Eleven-Year-Old Child. He Was Soham Murderer Ian Huntley. This is the Story of How She Survived

Автор: Hailey Giblin

Год издания: 

The name Ian Huntley is one synonymous with pure evil. Convicted of one of the most horrific and baffling crimes ever witnessed by the nation – the brutal murders of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman – it was only after his conviction that the horrific nature of this man's predatory past became apparent. It was only when it was too late that many girls and women stepped forward to reveal that they, too, had been victims of this terrifying man.One such woman is Hailey Giblin, who was just eleven years old when she had the tragic misfortune of encountering Huntley. Having persuaded young Hailey to go for a walk with him, he then brutally assaulted her and threatened to kill her if she told anyone what had happened. When the truth eventually came out, Huntley was questioned but released without charge.The attack, and the subsequent release of Huntley, left deep scars on Hailey and in desperation she turned to drugs to numb the pain. The ramifications of the failure to stop this sexual predator have been devastating, both for Hailey herself and on a larger scale. When Hailey heard that the Soham caretaker had been arrested for the murders of Holly and Jessica, her nightmare at his hands came flooding back to her.In this heart-rending book, Hailey tells her own story in her own words. She describes the terror she felt during and after the attack, and how she bravely struggled to come to terms with what had happened to her.This is the story of a girl who, despite having been robbed of her childhood innocence, eventually managed to rebuild her life. Now, with a blossoming career in modelling, Hailey is moving on. With Huntley finally admitting the crimes he committed against her, she will now be able to leave the past where it belongs. But she will never forget…