Скачать книгу - Song for Emilia

She'd always imagined her song for Emilia would quietly develop, and one day she would sit at her piano or the desk, take a blank music sheet, and begin the first sweet bars. It did not begin like that… It's 1964 and Sandra turns 19. She is studying at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music and playing piano with fellow student Billy at a jazz club. She wonders if she's still in love with Nick but he is far away, having left university to help his father on the family property during the drought. A letter comes from best friend Emilia that shatters their bond, and Sandra's long-promised 'Song for Emilia' becomes a storm of hatred and love for her oldest friend.

Emilia Galotti: Trauerspiel Emilia Galotti: Trauerspiel

Автор: Г. Э. Лессинг

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Полный вариант заголовка: «Emilia Galotti : Trauerspiel / von Gotthold Ephraim Lessing».

Sandra Belloni (originally Emilia in England). Complete Sandra Belloni (originally Emilia in England). Complete

Автор: George Meredith

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Emilia Galotti Emilia Galotti

Автор: Г. Э. Лессинг

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Emilia Krakowska. Aktorzyca Emilia Krakowska. Aktorzyca

Автор: Katarzyna Kaczorowska

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Kobiety z ulicy Grodzkiej. Emilia Kobiety z ulicy Grodzkiej. Emilia

Автор: Lucyna Olejniczak

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