Скачать книгу - The Art of the Click

Every business making sales online is engaged in a battle to get customers to click. More clicks equals more sales equals a more successful business. How do you write copy that will encourage more people to buy from you? How do you persuade customers over the line to make that final buying decision? What is <i>The Art of the Click</i>? The answer lies in the power of direct-response copywriting.
In this entertaining and highly readable guide, copywriting expert Glenn Fisher boils down over a decade of experience to present a huge array of techniques, tactics and industry secrets to improve your copywriting, get more clicks… and ultimately, get more sales.
You will discover:
– The single thing every great writer must do if they want to improve. – How anyone can learn to write a headline that will stop all potential customers in their tracks. – Where to find inspiration and how to feed ideas. – How you can get a customer physically nodding along with every word you write. – How to avoid waffle and make your copy more succinct. – How you can write irresistible offers than no one can refuse. – And much more!
Pick up <i>The Art of the Click</i> now to improve your copywriting. You’ll soon be wondering how you ever made a sale without it…

Юрий Вировец и Алексей Бабин, инвестор и основатель Clickberry Юрий Вировец и Алексей Бабин, инвестор и основатель Clickberry

Автор: Максим Спиридонов

Год издания: 

Юрий Вировец и Алексей Бабин о новых возможностях для маркетинга, о том сможет ли Clickberry изменить традиционный ТВ-формат, и как поднять конверсию на новый уровень. Интервью с гостями: – Что заставляет опытного предпринимателя верить в монетизацию онлайн-видео? – Как обстоит дело на рынке онлайн-видео сегодня? – «Будущее в том, что телевизор станет полноценным интерактивным каналом». – Чем уникален Clickberry? – Где интерактивное видео может занять свое место? – Смогут ли Юрий и Алексей к столетию «Великого октября» произвести революцию?

Tap, Click, Read. Growing Readers in a World of Screens Tap, Click, Read. Growing Readers in a World of Screens

Автор: Lisa Guernsey

Год издания: 

A guide to promoting literacy in the digital age With young children gaining access to a dizzying array of games, videos, and other digital media, will they ever learn to read? The answer is yes—if they are surrounded by adults who know how to help and if they are introduced to media designed to promote literacy, instead of undermining it. Tap, Click, Read gives educators and parents the tools and information they need to help children grow into strong, passionate readers who are skilled at using media and technology of all kinds—print, digital, and everything in between. In Tap, Click, Read authors Lisa Guernsey and Michael H. Levine envision a future that is human-centered first and tech-assisted second. They document how educators and parents can lead a new path to a place they call 'Readialand'—a literacy-rich world that marries reading and digital media to bring knowledge, skills, and critical thinking to all of our children. This approach is driven by the urgent need for low-income children and parents to have access to the same 21st-century literacy opportunities already at the fingertips of today's affluent families.With stories from homes, classrooms and cutting edge tech labs, plus accessible translation of new research and compelling videos, Guernsey and Levine help educators, parents, and America's leaders tackle the questions that arise as digital media plays a larger and larger role in children's lives, starting in their very first years of life. Tap, Click, Read includes an analysis of the exploding app marketplace and provides useful information on new review sites and valuable curation tools. It shows what to avoid and what to demand in today's apps and e-books—as well as what to seek in community preschools, elementary schools and libraries. Peppered with the latest research from fields as diverse as neuroscience and behavioral economics and richly documented examples of best practices from schools and early childhood programs around the country, Tap, Click, Read will show you how to: Promote the adult-child interactions that help kids grow into strong readers Learn how to use digital media to build a foundation for reading and success Discover new tools that open up avenues for creativity, critical thinking, and knowledge-building that today's children need The book's accompanying website keeps you updated on new research and provides vital resources to help parents, schools and community organizations.

Predictive Analytics. The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die Predictive Analytics. The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die

Автор: Eric Siegel

Год издания: 

"Mesmerizing & fascinating…" —The Seattle Post-Intelligencer «The Freakonomics of big data.» —Stein Kretsinger, founding executive of Advertising.com Award-winning | Used by over 30 universities | Translated into 9 languages An introduction for everyone. In this rich, fascinating – surprisingly accessible – introduction, leading expert Eric Siegel reveals how predictive analytics works, and how it affects everyone every day. Rather than a “how to” for hands-on techies, the book serves lay readers and experts alike by covering new case studies and the latest state-of-the-art techniques. Prediction is booming. It reinvents industries and runs the world. Companies, governments, law enforcement, hospitals, and universities are seizing upon the power. These institutions predict whether you're going to click, buy, lie, or die. Why? For good reason: predicting human behavior combats risk, boosts sales, fortifies healthcare, streamlines manufacturing, conquers spam, optimizes social networks, toughens crime fighting, and wins elections. How? Prediction is powered by the world's most potent, flourishing unnatural resource: data. Accumulated in large part as the by-product of routine tasks, data is the unsalted, flavorless residue deposited en masse as organizations churn away. Surprise! This heap of refuse is a gold mine. Big data embodies an extraordinary wealth of experience from which to learn. Predictive Analytics unleashes the power of data. With this technology, the computer literally learns from data how to predict the future behavior of individuals. Perfect prediction is not possible, but putting odds on the future drives millions of decisions more effectively, determining whom to call, mail, investigate, incarcerate, set up on a date, or medicate. In this lucid, captivating introduction – now in its Revised and Updated edition – former Columbia University professor and Predictive Analytics World founder Eric Siegel reveals the power and perils of prediction: What type of mortgage risk Chase Bank predicted before the recession. Predicting which people will drop out of school, cancel a subscription, or get divorced before they even know it themselves. Why early retirement predicts a shorter life expectancy and vegetarians miss fewer flights. Five reasons why organizations predict death – including one health insurance company. How U.S. Bank and Obama for America calculated – and Hillary for America 2016 plans to calculate – the way to most strongly persuade each individual. Why the NSA wants all your data: machine learning supercomputers to fight terrorism. How IBM's Watson computer used predictive modeling to answer questions and beat the human champs on TV's Jeopardy! How companies ascertain untold, private truths – how Target figures out you're pregnant and Hewlett-Packard deduces you're about to quit your job. How judges and parole boards rely on crime-predicting computers to decide how long convicts remain in prison. 182 examples from Airbnb, the BBC, Citibank, ConEd, Facebook, Ford, Google, the IRS, LinkedIn, Match.com, MTV, Netflix, PayPal, Pfizer, Spotify, Uber, UPS, Wikipedia, and more. How does predictive analytics work? This jam-packed book satisfies by demystifying the intriguing science under the hood. For future hands-on practitioners pursuing a career in the field, it sets a strong foundation, delivers the prerequisite knowledge, and whets your appetite for more. A truly omnipresent science, predictive analytics constantly affects our daily lives. Whether you

Click Here. Make the Internet Work for Your Business Click Here. Make the Internet Work for Your Business

Автор: Rich Evans

Год издания: 

Click Here is the ultimate guide to making the internet work for your business. By using just some of the many methods contained in this book, you will reach more people, improve your business and have an awesome website that you can be proud of. Packed full of tips showing you what – and what not – to do, this book will guide you through the process of building the most valuable marketing tool you could ever invest in, and help you get the most out of your business. In this book you'll discover how to: attract people to your website (and get them to come back again) sell your product online (and sell more of it) manage your online business (so that it works for you) set and achieve all your business goals (whatever they may be!)

Convert Every Click. Make More Money Online with Holistic Conversion Rate Optimization Convert Every Click. Make More Money Online with Holistic Conversion Rate Optimization

Автор: Benji Rabhan

Год издания: 

A holistic approach to conversion rate optimization that encompasses an entire business—online and offline—to drive more sales and referrals, and increase bottom-line profits In order for your business to survive, you must convert anonymous traffic into sales. The better you do that, the more money you make. The science of tweaking and testing webpages to convert the maximum number of people is known as conversion rate optimization (CRO). Convert Every Click introduces an expanded vision of CRO that the author, Benji Rabhan, calls «holistic conversion rate optimization.» Internet technology and innovation have changed the way you should be optimizing your business, your marketing, and your websites. The book looks at the psychology behind this new way of optimizing an entire business for more profits. It examines how your website plays a role in your overall business strategy, and details how to use CRO psychology and strategies to increase profits. Teaches proven strategies for increasing conversions across your entire business Details various split testing and data gathering methods and when to use each one Unveils a holistic approach to conversion rate optimization, using technology to create a more customer-centric experience that not only increases conversions, but also improves customer engagement and satisfaction With guidance from Convert Every Click, you'll learn how to boost conversions and consumption across your entire business by maximizing every bit of your hard-earned traffic before, during, and after a sale.