Скачать книгу - Windshield Wilderness

In his engaging book Windshield Wilderness, David Louter explores the relationship between automobiles and national parks, and how together they have shaped our ideas of wilderness. National parks, he argues, did not develop as places set aside from the modern world, but rather came to be known and appreciated through technological progress in the form of cars and roads, leaving an enduring legacy of knowing nature through machines.With a lively style and striking illustrations, Louter traces the history of Washington State�s national parks – Mount Rainier, Olympic, and North Cascades – to illustrate shifting ideas of wilderness as scenic, as roadless, and as ecological reserve. He reminds us that we cannot understand national parks without recognizing that cars have been central to how people experience and interpret their meaning, and especially how they perceive them as wild places.Windshield Wilderness explores what few histories of national parks address: what it means to view parks from the road and through a windshield. Building upon recent interpretations of wilderness as a cultural construct rather than as a pure state of nature, the story of autos in parks presents the preservation of wilderness as a dynamic and nuanced process.Windshield Wilderness illuminates the difficulty of separating human-modified landscapes from natural ones, encouraging us to recognize our connections with nature in national parks.

Cosmetic auto repair, repair of windshields and car optics, car body polishing, in eBook Cosmetic auto repair, repair of windshields and car optics, car body polishing, in eBook

Автор: Монолит

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Technology repair of windshields and car optics

Windows and headlights polishing technology using abrasive grinding and polishing paste

Polishing the car body

Reservation the headlamps and body wrap

Caring for the inside of the car interior

The Country Beyond. A Romance of the Wilderness. В дебрях Севера. Романтическая история сурового края The Country Beyond. A Romance of the Wilderness. В дебрях Севера. Романтическая история сурового края

Автор: Джеймс Оливер Кервуд

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Главный герой – мужественный и честный человек, Роджер Маккей, – встав на защиту индейцев, был вынужден нарушить закон. Скрываясь от полиции Канады, он поселяется в глухом уголке страны, где встречает свою любовь. Однако преследования стражей порядка заставляют влюблённых расстаться. Маккей и его верный пёс Питер отправляются в долгое, полное опасностей путешествие на Север, навстречу своей судьбе… Текст сокращён и адаптирован. Уровень Intermediate.

Away in the Wilderness Away in the Wilderness

Автор: Robert Michael Ballantyne

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The Country Beyond: A Romance of the Wilderness The Country Beyond: A Romance of the Wilderness

Автор: Джеймс Оливер Кервуд

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Tom Fairfield's Hunting Trip: or, Lost in the Wilderness Tom Fairfield's Hunting Trip: or, Lost in the Wilderness

Автор: Chapman Allen

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