Скачать книгу - The Maestro, the Magistrate and the Mathematician

The Hairdresser of Harare, which the New York Times Book Review called “a fresh and moving account of contemporary Zimbabwe,” announced Tendai Huchu as a shrewd and funny social commentator. In The Maestro, the Magistrate & the Mathematician, Huchu expands his focus from Zimbabwe to the lives of expatriates in Edinburgh, Scotland. The novel follows three Zimbabwean men as they struggle to find places for themselves in Scotland. As he wanders Edinburgh with his Walkman on a constant loop of the music of home, the Magistrate—a former judge, now a health aide—tries to find meaning in new memories. The depressed and quixotic Maestro—gone AWOL from his job stocking shelves at a grocery store—escapes into books. And the youthful Mathematician enjoys a carefree and hedonistic graduate school life, until he can no longer ignore the struggles of his fellow expatriates. In this novel of ideas, Huchu deploys satire to thoughtful end in what is quickly becoming his signature mode. Shying from neither the political nor the personal, he creates a humorous but increasingly somber picture of love, loss, belonging, and politics in the Zimbabwean diaspora.

Maestro Maestro

Автор: Geir Tangen

Год издания: 

Uhel hallil sugishommikul aratab Haugesundi vaikelinna morv: uks naine on korghoone rodult alla visatud. Eelmisel paeval sai kohaliku ajalehe reporter Viljar Ravn Gudmundsson hoiatava e-kirja, mida ta tosiselt ei votnud. Kui saabub uus e-kiri, taipab Gudmundsson, et on sattunud halba kriminulli meenutava jantliku morvaloo keskmesse. Politseiuurija Lotte Skeisvoll peab tapja peatama, enne kui too jouab oma ennustused taide viia, aga aega on napilt. Iga kaotatud sekund voib kellelegi elu maksma minna. Tagaplaanil seisab taktikeppi vibutav dirigent, kes juhatab oma isiklikku reekviemi. Klassikalist surmasumfooniat, kus orkestri liikmed peavad mangima nii, nagu tema tahab. Partituur on tema kaes. Tema on Maestro.Geir Tangen (snd 1970) on oppinud politoloogiat ning info- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogiat, tootanud ajakirjaniku, vabakutselise toimetaja ning pohikooli opetajana. Ta elab Norra laanerannikul Haugesundis ja on Norras tuntud oma populaarse blogiga, kus ta arvustab kriminaalromaane. „Maestro“ on Geir Tangeni debuut kirjanikuna. „Maestrot“ voib pidada sumboolseks Nordic Noir’i kvintessentsiks.328 lk

Maestros de la musica Maestros de la musica

Автор: Nadia Koval

Год издания: 

Este libro compila 66 articulos sobre la musica clasica escritos por Nadia Koval y publicados en la Revista de la cultura urbana QUID (Argentina) y en Russia Beyond the Headlines (Edicion en espanol) (Rusia), durante el periodo de 10 anos: desde el 2006 hasta el 2017. El libro contiene dos partes: La Parte I esta dedicada a los compositores mas famosos desde la epoca barroca hasta los tiempos modernos. La Parte II esta destinada a los interpretes de la musica clasica mas destacados.

Английский язык для математиков / English for Mathematicians Английский язык для математиков / English for Mathematicians

Автор: Елена Столярова

Год издания: 

Представляет собой учебное пособие по специальностям «Математика / Научно-педагогическая деятельность» и «Математика / Информационные технологии». Содержит 4 контрольные работы в трех вариантах, тексты для ознакомительного чтения и тексты для перевода со словарем, а также приложение. Предназначено для студентов I и II курсов механико-математического факультета заочной формы обучения.

electrodnevnik maestro electrodnevnik maestro

Автор: Илья Платонов

Год издания: 

Роман-дневник, в котором смешалось всё: рассказы, заметки, научные трактаты, необычайно умные мысли об окружающем мире и межличностных отношениях. Книга создана на основе электродневника.

Introductory Fluid Mechanics for Physicists and Mathematicians Introductory Fluid Mechanics for Physicists and Mathematicians

Автор: G. J. Pert

Год издания: 

This textbook presents essential methodology for physicists of the theory and applications of fluid mechanics within a single volume. Building steadily through a syllabus, it will be relevant to almost all undergraduate physics degrees which include an option on hydrodynamics, or a course in which hydrodynamics figures prominently.