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Many think of Muslims in Europe as a twentieth century phenomenon, but this book brings to life a lost community of Arabs who lived through war, revolution, and empire in early nineteenth century France. Ian Coller uncovers the surprising story of the several hundred men, women, and children—Egyptians, Syrians, Greeks, and others—who followed the French army back home after Napoleon’s occupation of Egypt. Based on research in neglected archives, on the rediscovery of forgotten Franco-Arab authors, and on a diverse collection of visual materials, the book builds a rich picture of the first Arab France—its birth, rise, and sudden decline in the age of colonial expansion. As he excavates a community that was nearly erased from the historical record, Coller offers a new account of France itself in this pivotal period, one that transcends the binary framework through which we too often view history by revealing the deep roots of exchange between Europe and the Muslim world, and showing how Arab France was in fact integral to the dawn of modernity.

Nouvelle classique de France Nouvelle classique de France

Автор: Сборник

Год издания: 

Острый захватывающий сюжет и стилистически отточенная форма, глубокие пронзительные чувства и яркие рельефные образы сделали короткие рассказы Проспера Мериме и Ги де Мопассана классикой новеллистического жанра. Prosper Merimee. Mateo Falcone Prosper Merimee. La Chambre bleue Guy de Maupassant. Boule de Suif Guy de Maupassant. La Parure

The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax

Автор: Артур Конан Дойл

Год издания: 

The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax is widely considered to be one of the top 100 greatest books of all time. This great novel will surely attract a whole new generation of readers. For many, The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax is required reading for various courses and curriculums.

De l'influence attribuee aux philosophes, aux francs-macons et aux illumines sur la Revolution de France De l'influence attribuee aux philosophes, aux francs-macons et aux illumines sur la Revolution de France

Автор: Jean Joseph Mounier

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «De l'influence attribuee aux philosophes, aux francs-macons et aux illumines sur la Revolution de France / par J. J. Mounier».

Oraisons funebres des dauphins de France et de la dauphine Oraisons funebres des dauphins de France et de la dauphine

Автор: Jacques l'eveque d'Alet Maboul

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Oraisons funebres des Dauphins de France et de la Dauphine / par Mr. l'eveque d'Alet, le pere Gaillard, le pere de la Rue, &c. ; on y joint le recueil des vertus du duc de Bourgogne, & ensuite Dauphin, pour servir a l'education d'un Grand Prince par le R.P. Martineau, son confesseur».

Recueil des vertus de Louis de France, duc de Bourgogne, et ensuite Dauphin Recueil des vertus de Louis de France, duc de Bourgogne, et ensuite Dauphin

Автор: Isaac Martineau

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Recueil des vertus de Louis de France, duc de Bourgogne, et ensuite Dauphin : pour servir a l'education d'un grand Prince : augmentee du Memoire de M. le Dauphin au Pape : suivant la copie de Paris / par le R.P. Martineau».