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Karl Barth saw Chapter 15 as the center of 1st Corinthians, arguing that a misunderstanding of the resurrection underlies all the problems in Corinth. In this volume, he develops his view of biblical eschatology, asserting that Chapter 15 is key to understanding the testimony of the New Testament. Barth understood the last things not as an end to history but as an end-history with which any period is faced.
"He only speaks of last things who would speak of the end of all things, of their end understood plainly and fundamentally, of a reality so radically superior to all things that the existence of all things would be utterly and entirely based upon it alone, and thus, in speaking of their end, he would in truth be speaking of nothing else than their beginning." Page 104

Воскресіння патера Брауна = The Resurrection of Father Brown Воскресіння патера Брауна = The Resurrection of Father Brown

Автор: Гилберт Кит Честертон

Год издания: 

Гілберт Кіт Честертон (1874—1936) – англійський християнський мислитель, журналіст і письменник кінця ХІХ – початку ХХ століття. Лицар-командор із зіркою ватиканського ордену Святого Григорія Великого. Усього Честертон написав близько 80 книжок, серед яких кілька сотень віршів, 200 оповідань, 4000 есеїв, п’єси та романи. Зажив слави як автор циклу детективних новел, головним персонажем яких був патер Браун. Цей, на перший погляд, нічим не примітний священик завдяки своїй спостережливості й вмінню зіставляти факти вмів майстерно розкривати найскладніші і найзаплутаніші злочини. До видання увійшло 8 новел з детективним сюжетом, серед яких «Злощасна доля сім’ї Дарнуеїв», «Привид Ґідеона Вайза», «Воскресіння патера Брауна» та інші. В формате a4.pdf сохранено издательское форматирование

Back from the Brink: The Inside Story of the Tory Resurrection Back from the Brink: The Inside Story of the Tory Resurrection

Автор: Peter Snowdon

Год издания: 

Lifting the lid on the most captivating story in British politics today, ‘Back from the Brink’ charts the Conservative Party's remarkable journey from the political wilderness to the threshold of power.Based on unprecedented access to key figures in the Conservative party, including every leader from John Major to David Cameron, political journalist Peter Snowdon sheds new light on the dramatic decline and renaissance of the party that dominated 20th century British politics.He reveals how the Conservatives were torn apart by in-fighting as they struggled to come to terms with their catastrophic electoral defeat in 1997 and the continuing trauma of Margaret Thatcher's sudden removal from office several years earlier. Under a succession of hapless leaders – William Hague, Iain Duncan Smith and Michael Howard – the party lost two further elections and at times effectively ceased to function as a political force across whole swathes of Britain. It took the emergence of a new generation of Conservatives, and David Cameron's election as leader in 2005, to set the party on the uneven road to electoral recovery.Packed full of fresh insights into what really goes on behind closed doors at Westminster, Back from the Brink exposes the bitter rivalries and recriminations that have blighted the Conservatives in Opposition, and gets to the heart of Cameron's quest for power and ambitions for office.

Matthew Hawkwood Thriller Series Books 1-3: Ratcatcher, Resurrectionist, Rapscallion Matthew Hawkwood Thriller Series Books 1-3: Ratcatcher, Resurrectionist, Rapscallion

Автор: James McGee

Год издания: 

The Sunday Times bestselling historical thrillers. Meet Matthew Hawkwood: soldier, spy, lover. A man as dangerous as the murderers, spies and traitors he hunts on the crime-ridden streets of London at the height of the Napoleonic wars.Book 1, RATCATCHER: The backstreets of London are harbouring turncoats, French spies and a rogue inventor with a dangerous idea that could tip the balance of war. You don’t send a gentleman to catch vermin. You send Hawkwood.Book 2, RESURRECTIONIST: In London, the death trade is booming. But there’s a fine line between body snatching and murder. Hawkwood investigates, and his trail leads him to an obsessive surgeon – who has escaped from Bedlam – with a terrible point to prove…Book 3, RAPSCALLION: Britain’s infamous prison ships are the only fate worse than the gallows for French prisoners of war. But rumour tells of a sinister smuggling operation aboard, and when two Royal Navy officers mysteriously disappear, it’s time to send in Hawkwood…

Resurrection Inc. Resurrection Inc.

Автор: Kevin J. Anderson

Год издания: 

IT IS THE FUTURE – AND THE DEAD WALK THE STREETS.Resurrection, Inc. found a profitable way to do it. All it took was a microprocessor brain, a synthetic heart and blood, and a viola! Anyone with the price could buy a Servant with no mind of its own and trained to obey any command. But for every Servant created, Resurrection, Inc.’s profits became everyone’s else’s loss. Some take to rioting in the streets, their rampages ruthlessly ended by heavily armed Enforcers, eager for the kill. Others join the ever growing cult of Neo-Satanism, seeking heaven in the depths of hell.Only one man tries to save the world. He is the last hope for the living. His name is Danal, he’s dead – but he remembers. Everything.

Resurrectionist Resurrectionist

Автор: James McGee

Год издания: 

Hawkwood, the Regency James Bond, returns in this gripping, action packed sequel to the bestselling ‘Ratcatcher’.Matthew Hawkwood. Soldier, spy, lover – a man as dangerous as the criminals he hunts.The tough Bow Street Runner is back where he's not wanted, in the most forbidding places London has to offer: its graveyards and the rank, sinister halls of Bedlam, the country’s most notorious lunatic asylum.There are missing bodies all around – dead and alive. 'Resurrection men' serve the demands of the city's surgeons by stealing corpses – and creating a few of their own along the way.Far more worrying is the escape from Bedlam of a very unusual inmate: one Colonel Titus Xavier Hyde, an obsessive, gifted surgeon whose insanity is only matched by his dark intelligence. And this twisted genius has a point to prove. Which will mean plenty more work for the gravediggers…