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Developed soon after World War II, the de Havilland Beaver has become one of the most successful and long-lived designs in aviation history. The Beaver was conceived as a “half-ton flying pickup truck” capable of setting down on land, water, and snow. Since its conception the Beaver has been adopted worldwide, becoming the floatplane of choice for island-hopping along the Pacific Northwest, flying into the Arctic, transporting missionaries and doctors into remote spots in Africa, and serving as a support aircraft in Antarctic expeditions. The Beaver also became “the generals’ Jeep” during the Korean War — and the generals’ favorite transport to fishing spots in peacetime.

Phedon, ou Entretiens sur la spiritualite et l'immortalite de l'ame Phedon, ou Entretiens sur la spiritualite et l'immortalite de l'ame

Автор: Moses Mendelssohn

Год издания: 

Примечание: «Федон, или О бессмертии души». Полный вариант заголовка: «Phedon, ou Entretiens sur la spiritualite et l'immortalite de l'ame / par Moses Mendels-Sohn; trad. de l'allem. par m. Junker».

Dithyrambe sur l'immortalite de l'ame Dithyrambe sur l'immortalite de l'ame

Автор: Jacques Delille

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Dithyrambe sur l'immortalite de l'ame : suivi du Passage du St.-Gothard: poeme [par Georgiana Devonshire] / trad. de l'angl. par Jacques Delille».

Futurological forecast. post —industrial civilization – nanotechnologies – nanomedicine – immortality Futurological forecast. post —industrial civilization – nanotechnologies – nanomedicine – immortality

Автор: Victor Gryaznov

Год издания: 

Futurological forecast. What is a post-industrial civilization. Nanotechnologies. Nanomedicine. Immortality. Already now for 3 million dollars it is possible to buy cyber immortality.

The Last Christmas Tree: An Idyl of Immortality The Last Christmas Tree: An Idyl of Immortality

Автор: Allen James Lane

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Immortal Songs of Camp and Field Immortal Songs of Camp and Field

Автор: Banks Louis Albert

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