Скачать книгу - Bad at Adulting, Good at Feminism

#1 New Release in Art of Comics and Manga, Essays, and Women in Art - Cartoons About Feminism, Relationships, Self-Love and Adulthood by Planet Prudence Planet Prudence book of comics:  Popular online illustrator and Instagram sensation Prudence «Planet Prudence» Geerts presents her take on the struggles of adulting and finding your own voice. Funny Planet Prudence comics:   Bad at Adulting, Good at Feminism  is the debut collection from Prudence Geerts. Never before seen comic strips bundled with all the best Planet Prudence comics. This book will make you laugh at the awkward moments we all go through as we learn to be functioning adults in society and, hopefully, learn to make the world a better place. Graphic novel of humor, feminism, and relationships:  We all think: “Am I the only one who acts like this? Am I the only one who goes through this moment in life?”  Bad at Adulting, Good at Feminism  shows you that you’re not. It laughs with you at the struggles you’re going through as women fight for equal pay, respect and realistic role models. Filled with love, laughter and food  Bad at Adulting, Good at Feminism  helps us realize that we’re all not so different after all. Readers will find: Comic strips about the hilarious reality of work, relationships, dating, exercise, and beautyInspirational illustrations about being confident and loving yourself If you liked  We Should All Be Feminists  by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie,  Bad Feminist  by Roxane Gay,  Not That Kind of Girl  by Lena Dunham, or  Herding Cats: A Sarah's Scribbles Collection  by Sarah Andersen, you'll love Planet Prudence's  Bad at Adulting, Good at Feminism   

The Fraud of Feminism The Fraud of Feminism

Автор: Bax Ernest Belfort

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How to Win at Feminism: The Definitive Guide to Having It All... And Then Some! How to Win at Feminism: The Definitive Guide to Having It All... And Then Some!

Автор: Reductress

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’People say women can't be funny. WRONG… I love Reductress.’-Sam Bain, co-creator of Peep ShowThe definitive manual on how to be the best feminist you can be—as told by a hilariously misguided yet well-meaning women’s magazine. From the creators of the wildly popular satirical website, Reductress.From hot feminist sex to a trendy feminist up-do, the bold and brilliant minds behind Reductress reveal the secrets to being super progressive—and cool, hip, and pretty. Feminism today means demanding gender equality—and a fabulous manicure. After all, we’re not wearing girdles and cleaning the house anymore. We’re wearing Spanx and hiring a cleaning lady. That’s feminism!How to Win at Feminism defines what’s feminist and what isn’t, shows you how to take up space (but not too much space), identifies which clothes and products to be offended by, and offers funny insight, knowledge, tips, and advice every fourth-wave feminist needs, including:• How to Love Your Body Even Though Hers is Better• The 9 Circles of Hell for Women Who Don’t Help Other Women• Designer Handbags to Hold All Your Feminism• How to Apologize for Having it All• Finding Your Spirit Feminist• Rebranding Your Relationship Issues as Feminist IssuesWith this ultimate guide—complete with four-color illustrations—you can femsplain feminism to basic friends, and learn how to battle the patriarchy while maintaining a dependable moisturizing routine. We may have come a long way, baby, but we have a long way to go. How to Win at Feminism is the road map to get there!’Reductress has discovered a rich, deep seam of comedy.’-Graham Linehan, creator of Father Ted, Black Books and The IT Crowd

Sacred Cows: Is Feminism Relevant to the New Millennium? Sacred Cows: Is Feminism Relevant to the New Millennium?

Автор: Rosalind Coward

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The women’s movement has transformed British society since the 1960s. In this contentious and controversial book leading feminist writer Ros Coward asks, is it now holding us back?When women set out to change the world and their place in it in the 1960s and 1970s it seemed they had a long struggle ahead. Educational standards for girls were lower, they were not expected to take on serious jobs, women did not get paid as much as men in identical jobs, they were not given maternity provision (not least because they were not expected to work after getting married, let alone having children). Women’s health was not researched as thoroughly as men’s, there were few women doctors, politicians, senior managers…Within a generation, our world has been transformed into one in which women are assumed to be the equals of men. Indeed, many feminists continue to argue that women are superior to men. But in a world in which girls consistently attain better exam results than boys, achieve a higher percentage of university places, are more likely to get jobs and whose expectations – of flexible working lives – are more attuned to the needs of the modern workplace, such a suggestion seems as discriminatory as the world of the 1960s was to women.In this controversial, hard-hitting and myth-debunking book, Ros Coward looks at feminism’s achievements and asks that most un-PC of questions: do we need feminism any more? Or is it damaging of real relations between men and women, demonizing men and denying them the right to understanding and equality in a world that is harsher for them than ever before?

The Disorder of Women. Democracy, Feminism and Political Theory The Disorder of Women. Democracy, Feminism and Political Theory

Автор: Carole Pateman

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Carole Pateman is one of the leading political theorists writing today. This wide-ranging volume brings together for the first time a selection of her work on democratic theory and her feminist critique of mainstream political theory. The volume includes substantial discussions on questions of democracy and citizenship, including the construction of the concept of the political and complex, but largely unrecognized, problems surrounding women's participation and consent, and their relation to the social contract tradition. This work should be of interest to students and researchers in political theory, women's studies and sociology.

Politically Incorrect Guide to Women, Sex, and Feminism Politically Incorrect Guide to Women, Sex, and Feminism

Автор: Carrie L. Lukas

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