Скачать книгу - Vincles ferotges. La dona singular i la ciutat

Vivian Gornick es una de les veus mes lucides de la critica i l'assaig contemporani i una de les memorialistes mes commovedores dels nostres temps. En aquest volum apleguem els seus dos esplendids llibres de memories.  Vincles ferotges, publicat l'any 1987, es un dels testimonis mes coratjosos i inspiradors sobre els lligams familiars que s'hagin escrit mai, construit a partir de converses, records i discussions entre Gornick i la seva mare mentre passegen per Nova York, que tambe te un paper importantissim en tot el llibre. Gairebe trenta anys mes tard, l'any 2015, retrobem Gornick a  La dona singular i la ciutat, una oda a l'amistat, a l'amor i a la vida urbana teixida a la manera d'un collage narratiu que inclou converses sobre les relacions humanes, reflexions sobre feminisme i el fet de ser dona, soltera i sense fills, i sobre l'evolucio de l'amistat al llarg dels segles.Aquests dos llibres ens descobreixen la veu implacable, sensible, critica, vulnerable, tenac, desacomplexada i ferotgement independent d'una dona, Vivian Gornick, que al llarg de la vida ha viscut i ha confrontat els seus conflictes en una recerca unica i innegociable: el descobriment i la consciencia d'ella mateixa.

Odd People: Being a Popular Description of Singular Races of Man Odd People: Being a Popular Description of Singular Races of Man

Автор: Майн Рид

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Three-dimensional Separated Flows Topology. Singular Points, Beam Splitters and Vortex Structures Three-dimensional Separated Flows Topology. Singular Points, Beam Splitters and Vortex Structures

Автор: Jean Delery

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This book develops concepts and a methodology for a rational description of the organization of three-dimensional flows considering, in particular, the case where the flow is the place of separations. The descriptive analysis based on the critical point theory of Poincare develops conventional but rather unfamiliar considerations from aerodynamicists, who face the understanding of complex flows including multiple separation lines and vortices. These problems concern industrial sectors where aerodynamics plays a key role, such as aerospace, ground vehicles, buildings, etc. Contents 1. Skin Friction Lines Pattern and Critical Points. 2. Separation Streamsurfaces and Vortex Structures. 3. Separated Flow on a Body. 4. Vortex Wake of Wings and Slender Bodies. 5. Separation Induced by an Obstacle or a Blunt Body. 6. Reconsideration of the Two-Dimensional Separation. 7. Concluding Remarks. About the Authors Jean Delery is a Supaero (French National Higher School of Aeronautics and Space) engineer who has worked at Onera (French national aerospace research center) since 1964. He has participated in several major French and European aerospace programs, is the author of many scientific publications, and has occupied various teaching positions particularly at Supaero, the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin, Ecole polytechnique in France and “La Sapienza” University in Rome, Italy. He is currently emeritus adviser at Onera.

The Star Carrier Series Books 1-3: Earth Strike, Centre of Gravity, Singularity The Star Carrier Series Books 1-3: Earth Strike, Centre of Gravity, Singularity

Автор: Ian Douglas

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The greatest threat to humanities survival is about to emerge from the depths of space.This bundle includes the first three books in New York Times bestselling author Ian Douglas’ Star Carrier series.There is a milestone in the evolution of every sentient race, a Tech Singularity Event, when the species achieves transcendence through its technological advances. Now the creatures known as humans are near this momentous turning point.But an armed threat is approaching from deepest space, determined to prevent humankind from crossing over that boundary—by total annihilation if necessary.To the Sh'daar, the driving technologies of transcendent change are anathema and must be obliterated from the universe—along with those who would employ them. As their great warships destroy everything in their path en route to the Sol system, the human Confederation government falls into dangerous disarray.There is but one hope, and it rests with a rogue Navy Admiral, commander of the kilometer-long star carrier America, as he leads his courageous fighters deep into enemy space towards humankind's greatest conflict—and quite possibly its last.Includes: Earth Strike, Centre of Gravity and Singularity.

The ideological foundations of technological singularity The ideological foundations of technological singularity

Автор: Boris Shulitski

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On the basis of the dialectical methodology, the philosophical foundations of technological singularity and trans-posthumanism (for the first time in world practice) are considered. The book provides examples of specific application areas of dialectical methodology viewed as a matrix for scientific research in the sphere of innovative technologies.Scientific edition. This book is intended for a wide audience.

Singularity Singularity

Автор: Ian Douglas

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The third book in the epic saga of humankind's war of transcendenceThere is an unseen power in the universe—a terrible force that was dominating the galaxy tens of thousands of years before the warlike Sh'daar were even aware of the existence of Sol and its planets.As humankind approaches the Singularity, when transcendence will be achieved through technology, contact will be made.In the wake of the near destruction of the solar system, the political powers on Earth seek a separate peace with an inscrutable alien life form that no one has ever seen. But Admiral Alexander Koenig, the hero of Alphekka, has gone rogue, launching his fabled battlegroup beyond the boundaries of Human Space against all orders. With Confederation warships in hot pursuit, Koenig is taking the war for humankind’s survival directly to a mysterious omnipotent enemy.