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All growth comes with growing pains—especially corporate growth. Larry Solomon, CEO of Solomon People Solutions and former executive vice president of human resources for the Dr Pepper Snapple Group, tackles the major challenges of mobilizing employees in his new book, <i>Translate, Motivate, Activate.</i> Using proper change management, team leaders can unify employees by following Solomon’s four principles: engage, align, enable, and sustain. Through discussion and professional examples from Solomon’s career, learn how to effectively communicate not just the plan but the vision of success to employees of all levels. Translate the company’s vision to apply to the actions of each employee. Motivate team members to work towards a common goal. Activate individuals’ unique skills to unlock your company’s full potential. Join Solomon on an enlightening discussion of the power that lies in communication, empathy, and teamwork.

Extracts From Adam's Diary (Translated From The Original MS) Extracts From Adam's Diary (Translated From The Original MS)

Автор: Марк Твен

Год издания: 

Written at the end of Twain's career, Extracts from Adam's Diary was first published in 1897. Twain's Adam was based on himself.

100 Ways to Motivate Others: How Great Leaders Can Produce Insane Results Without Driving People Crazy 100 Ways to Motivate Others: How Great Leaders Can Produce Insane Results Without Driving People Crazy

Автор: Scott Richardson

Год издания: 

This new edition includes fresh insights into communication and rapid decision-making, the importance of personal self-leadership and physical energy, and exciting new methods for enrolling clients and selling to customers in service-oriented ways that leave behind the old paradigm of manipulation and persuasion. The authors will help you learn: • How to slow down and enjoy a new level of focus. • How to build on your peoples' strengths. • A simple and creative way to hold people accountable. • How to enjoy cultivating the art of supportive confrontation. Это новое издание поможет вам по-новому взглянуть на свои коммуникации и вашу способность быстро принимать решения, а также важность личного лидерства и физической энергии. Авторы помогут вам узнать: • как замедлить или ускорить процесс работы и повысить внимание к деталям. • как построить корпоративную этику, корпоративный дух и прочие составляющие ответственного коллектива. • как воспитать ответственность и любовь к работе у ваших сотрудников. • как с помощью искусства конфронтации добиться от подчиненных максимальных результатов в короткие сроки.

Managing for Happiness. Games, Tools, and Practices to Motivate Any Team Managing for Happiness. Games, Tools, and Practices to Motivate Any Team

Автор: Jurgen Appelo

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A practical handbook for making management great again Managing for Happiness offers a complete set of practices for more effective management that makes work fun. Work and fun are not polar opposites; they're two sides of the same coin, and making the workplace a pleasant place to be keeps employees motivated and keeps customers coming back for more. It's not about gimmicks or 'perks' that disrupt productivity; it's about finding the passion that drives your business, and making it contagious. This book provides tools, games, and practices that put joy into work, with practical, real-world guidance for empowering workers and delighting customers. These aren't break time exploits or downtime amusements—they're real solutions for common management problems. Define roles and responsibilities, create meaningful team metrics, and replace performance appraisals with something more useful. An organization's culture rests on the back of management, and this book shows you how to create change for the better. Somewhere along the line, people collectively started thinking that work is work and fun is something you do on the weekends. This book shows you how to transform your organization into a place with enthusiastic Monday mornings. Redefine job titles and career paths Motivate workers and measure team performance Change your organization's culture Make management—and work—fun again Modern organizations expect everyone to be servant leaders and systems thinkers, but nobody explains how. To survive in the 21st century, companies need to dig past the obvious and find what works. What keeps top talent? What inspires customer loyalty? The answer is great management, which inspires great employees, who then provide a great customer experience. Managing for Happiness is a practical handbook for achieving organizational greatness.

Lead Like Reagan. Strategies to Motivate, Communicate, and Inspire Lead Like Reagan. Strategies to Motivate, Communicate, and Inspire

Автор: Dan Quiggle

Год издания: 

A first-hand account of Ronald Reagan's leadership style, with personal insight and practical application. Lead Like Reagan is a guide to more effective leadership, inspired by the Great Communicator himself. Drawing upon his time serving Ronald Reagan, author Dan Quiggle relates lessons learned first-hand from his front row seat to history. Using Reagan and other prominent business leaders as examples, Quiggle illustrates what leadership looks like at the highest levels, why such leadership is effective, and how it can be successfully emulated. Readers will learn strategies to motivate, communicate, and inspire, forming a unique leadership template with personal application. Sitting at the feet of greatness and personally observing what Ronald Reagan did and said, made an indelible mark on Dan's own personal leadership style, shaping his thoughts about the key traits and actions of great leaders. In Lead Like Reagan, readers gain insight into both the personal attributes and leadership traits which are required to lead with vision, excellence, and impact. Practical advice and inspiring vision provide a template to: Assemble the right people to form a successful team Earn loyalty and commitment from others Lead by example to model excellence Manage crises by finding the opportunity in the midst of challenge Leave a lasting legacy of optimism and inspiration Leadership is a process of continual growth and Ronald Reagan provides an inspiring example. Lead Like Reagan is a meaningful and memorable guide to leadership, forging a framework for inspiring greatness and achieving success.

The Best Damn Management Book Ever. 9 Keys to Creating Self-Motivated High Achievers The Best Damn Management Book Ever. 9 Keys to Creating Self-Motivated High Achievers

Автор: Warren Greshes

Год издания: 

A practical guidebook to managing a stellar staff of high-achievers The Best Damn Management Book Ever teaches managers, executives, and business owners how to create a staff of self-motivated, confident, high-achieving, self-starters. Acclaimed author of The Best Damn Sales Book Ever, Warren Greshes draws from years of experience to offer practical, easy-to-implement steps explained through entertaining, informative real-life stories. Learn to communicate more effectively with the people who report to you. The Best Damn Management Book Ever delivers actionable advice to hone your leadership skills. Install the self-starting generator in your people, enabling them to perform at a high level whether you're there or not Gain insight and determine each employee's «Hot Buttons» and motivators Correctly manage the three distinct groups that comprise every organization Delegate more effectively Use your time as a manager, executive, and business owner more efficiently Become the best damn leader your staff needs to achieve their goals and blow away the competition.