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A History of Pendennis. Volume 1. His fortunes and misfortunes, his friends and his greatest enemy A History of Pendennis. Volume 1. His fortunes and misfortunes, his friends and his greatest enemy

Автор: Уильям Мейкпис Теккерей

Год издания: 

Thrice Armed Thrice Armed

Автор: Bindloss Harold

Год издания: 

Akiva and Rachel. One of the greatest love stories of all time Akiva and Rachel. One of the greatest love stories of all time

Автор: Gertz (Gertcel) Davydov

Год издания: 

This book draws the reader’s attention to the story of high love that existed 2000 years ago between Rabbi Akiva and Rachel as described in the Talmud. Thanks to his wife Rachel, Akiva went from being an illiterate shepherd to becoming one of the greatest wise-men in Jewish history.This story took place approximately two thousand years ago and since then has been passed from generation to generation as an example of the idea of high love in a relationship between a man and a woman.

The journalists from the gateway. History of client clinics of the greatest cardinal The journalists from the gateway. History of client clinics of the greatest cardinal

Автор: Din Serdyuchenkova

Год издания: 

The first play is devoted to the everyday life of a provincial town. The second play is the author’s ironic fantasy. Plays are based on the author’s interpretation and processing of real events.

Hermes Hermes

Автор: Творческий коллектив шоу «Сергей Стиллавин и его друзья»

Год издания: 

Hermes International S.A. – французский Дом моды, который специализируется на производстве готовой одежды, кожаных изделий, аксессуаров, парфюмерии и предметов роскоши. Основан в 1837 году Тьерри Эрмесом…