Скачать книгу - Walden Pond, en tierra de angeles

Walden Walden

Автор: Генри Дэвид Торо

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La Tierra de Todos La Tierra de Todos

Автор: Висенте Бласко-Ибаньес

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Toronto. New York. Los Angeles Toronto. New York. Los Angeles

Автор: Olev Remsu

Год издания: 

Maailmaranduri ja kirjaniku Olev Remsu reisikiri „Toronto – New York – Los Angeles“ valmis parast 2007.aasta reisi kolme Pohja-Ameerika kosmopoliitsesse suurlinnas. Linnas jalgrattal ja linnade vahel vaga ebaameerikalikult bussiga reisides, on autori pilk kinni puudnud detailid, mis reeglina kahe silma vahele jaavad. Raamatut illustreerivad arvukad fotod, nende autorite hulgas on ka Eesti uks tuntumaid arhitektuurifotograafe Arne Maasik.

A Companion to Los Angeles A Companion to Los Angeles

Автор: Deverell William

Год издания: 

This Companion contains 25 original essays by writers and scholars who present an expert assessment of the best and most important work to date on the complex history of Los Angeles. The first Companion providing a historical survey of Los Angeles, incorporating critical, multi-disciplinary themes and innovative scholarship Features essays from a range of disciplines, including history, political science, cultural studies, and geography Photo essays and ‘contemporary voice’ sections combine with traditional historiographic essays to provide a multi-dimensional view of this vibrant and diverse city Essays cover the key topics in the field within a thematic structure, including demography, social unrest, politics, popular culture, architecture, and urban studies

Cuando la tierra era nina Cuando la tierra era nina

Автор: Натаниель Готорн

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