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Captain of the Polestar Captain of the Polestar

Автор: Артур Конан Дойл

Год издания: 

The Captain of the Pole-Star is a collection of strange mystery tales that are independent of each other, sometimes involving ship voyages, shipwrecks, amnesia, lost love, grand thefts, comedy, and fairy tales.

Mark Twain's Burlesque Autobiography Mark Twain's Burlesque Autobiography

Автор: Марк Твен

Год издания: 

The book bears no relationship to Twain's actual life. The two short stories present fictional characters who are supposedly part of Twain's lineage.

Anacreontici e burleschi del secolo XVIII Anacreontici e burleschi del secolo XVIII

Автор: Группа авторов

Год издания: 

Satirici e burleschi: del secolo XVI Satirici e burleschi: del secolo XVI

Автор: Lodovico Ariosto

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Satirici e burleschi : del secolo XVI / Ariosto, Berni».

The narrative of captain David Woodard The narrative of captain David Woodard

Автор: Группа авторов

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «The narrative of captain David Woodard : and four seamen, who lost their ship while in a boat at sea, and surrendered themselves up to the Malays, in the Island of Celebes : containing an interesting account of their sufferings from hunger and various hardships, and their escape from the Malays, after a captivity oftwo years and a half : also an account of the manners and customs of the country, and a description of the harbours and coast, etc. : together with an introduction, and аn appendix, containing narratives of various escapes from shipwrecks, under great hardships and abstinence : holding out a valuable seaman's guide, and the importance of union, confidence, and perseverance, in the midst of distress».