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The Place of Honeymoons The Place of Honeymoons

Автор: MacGrath Harold

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The Incredible Honeymoon The Incredible Honeymoon

Автор: Эдит Несбит

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The Honeymoon The Honeymoon

Автор: Bennett Arnold

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It's Your Money, Honey. A Girl's Guide to Saving, Investing, and Building Wealth at Every Age and Life Stage It's Your Money, Honey. A Girl's Guide to Saving, Investing, and Building Wealth at Every Age and Life Stage

Автор: Laura McDonald J.

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Turning smart girls golden; the women's guide to personal finance Rebranding finance with a feminine spin, It's Your Money, Honey is designed to encourage women of all ages to take a greater interest—and play a greater role—in the financial issues that affect their everyday lives and financial futures. Conversational, irreverent, and intelligent, this guide to wealth creation, wealth management, and financial protection as it relates to women and their families provides exactly the kind of advice that smart women today need to know in order to take charge of their finances. Organized by decade and the events—from childrearing to retirement—that need to be planned for, presently enjoyed, or recovered from, It's Your Money, Honey is packed with expert information in the no-nonsense style of a girlfriend who knows her stuff. Finances aren't that hard, you just have to deal with them yourself. Finally, a book that understand that every woman needs to make time for a personal finance education Highly accessible, the book is designed to be read whenever you find yourself with a spare second, providing important information in bite sized chunks Helps women prepare for major life events with the help of real life stories, helpful checklists, and easy-to-apply Golden Rules Born out of the notion that too many smart women let their financial situations be ignored, swept under the rug, or dictated by others, It's Your Money, Honey is everything you need to know about money but were too busy to ask. www.goldengirlfinance.ca

Milk and Honey. Белые стихи, покорившие мир Milk and Honey. Белые стихи, покорившие мир

Автор: Рупи Каур

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Рупи Каур – индианка по происхождению, молодой, но всемирно известный писатель и художник. Ее стихи не имеют рифмы, но поражают в самое сердце. Ее иллюстрации символичны, но накаляют чувства. Ее книгу никто не хотел публиковать, но она стала мировым бестселлером. Лирический сборник Рупи Каур – это откровенная, смелая и чувственная поэзия, которая захватывает с первых строк. Каждый может найти в этих коротких, эмоционально сконцентрированных и проницательных историях что-то из собственной жизни. Рассказывая о трагедии детства, несчастной любви и боли своих потерь, Рупи Каур погружает читателя в противоречивое чувство прекрасной грусти, подтверждая заявленное: «Пройти сквозь самые горькие моменты жизни, чтобы обнаружить в них сладость, ведь она есть во всем». Переводы стихов публикуются вместе с оригинальными текстами на английском языке.