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Citizen’s Handbook Citizen’s Handbook

Автор: Mart Jagomagi

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The Conflict between Private Monopoly and Good Citizenship The Conflict between Private Monopoly and Good Citizenship

Автор: Brooks John Graham

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The Conscience of a Libertarian. Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gold and Tax Cuts The Conscience of a Libertarian. Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gold and Tax Cuts

Автор: Wayne Root Allyn

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Libertarian-conservative solutions to the political, social, economic and tax issues facing the United States from a 2012 Third Party Presidential contender, as well as one of America's leading Tea Party political leaders In today's uncertain economy, people are growing more and more concerned about their financial future, and looking for common sense, limited government solutions. In The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gold & Tax Cuts, 2008 Libertarian Party Vice Presidential nominee Wayne Allyn Root presents a passionate case for smaller government; dramatically reduced spending and taxes; States' Rights; free markets; adherence to the Constitution; an end to the Fed; a ban of bailouts, stimulus, earmarks, pork and corporate welfare; economic and personal freedom; and a return of power to the people, just as the Founding Fathers intended. The book Explains why Obama's big government solutions are leading to a Great Depression II and a coming Citizen Revolution Proposes a one year «Income Tax Vacation,» a permanent end to capital gains taxes, and detailed spending freezes and cuts across all levels of government Proposes dramatic education reform centered on school choice, home-schooling, charter schools, teacher accountability, and parental freedom Proposes unique reforms in the areas of health care, energy and the public sector (government employee unions) The Conscience of a Libertarian reveals how Americans can take back their country from big government, big unions, big corporations, corrupt politicians, bureaucrats, lawyers and lobbyists.

The Good Corporate Citizen. A Practical Guide The Good Corporate Citizen. A Practical Guide

Автор: Doris Rubenstein

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Corporate citizenship refers to the way a company integrates basic social values with everyday business practices, operations and policies. A corporate citizenship company understands that its own success is intertwined with societal health and well being. Therefore, it takes into account its impact on all stakeholders, including employees, customers, communities, suppliers, and the natural environment. This handbook draws from the author?s experience crafting and implementing philanthropic and volunteer strategies with companies such as IBM, Exxon, Mobil, 3M, and General Mills. A step-by-step primer on creating a comprehensive corporate citizenship program, The Good Corporate Citizen lays out how companies can maximize this exciting new trend. Doris Rubenstein (Minneapolis, MN) has worked for over 25 years with some of America?s most respected nonprofit organizations.

The British Citizenship Test For Dummies The British Citizenship Test For Dummies

Автор: Julian Knight

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Includes chapters 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 from the Home Office’s Life in the United Kingdom book. This fully updated edition of The British Citizenship Test For Dummies covers all the most up to date information that you need to know to pass the latest UK Government’s Life in the UK test – valid for tests taken after April 2007. With an in-depth coverage of the nation’s history, culture, customs and educational, political and social institutions, and over 300 questions to practice on, this is the perfect helping hand on your way to becoming a British citizen. The British Citizenship Test For Dummies 2nd Edition covers: Part I: Deciding to Stay in the UK. Part II: Getting to Know the Immigration and Citizenship Players. Part III: Taking Care of Immigration and Citizenship Paperwork. Part IV: Taking the Citizenship Test. Part V: Troubleshooting Your Application. Part VI: Reaping the Rewards of Citizenship. Part VII: Ten Helpful For Dummies Books. Appendix A: Revision Material for the Life in the UK Test. Appendix B: Sample Questions and Answers for the Life in the UK Test. Index