Скачать книгу - Threshold of Passion

It's a battle between good and evil, and she's the prize…Jessica Vandemeer left home after her parents were brutally murdered. But now something–and someone–is calling her back to the windswept coast off Vancouver. The man of her dreams is urging her to return. With his promise that he'll protect her, Jessica decides to confront her past.But Jessica has barely settled in to the home where she grew up when she senses a dark presence haunting the estate. It's a darkness she recognizes. It's as familiar to her as the man who called her back home. She felt it for the first time on the day her parents died, and she knows that it has returned for her. Will she be able to resist its sinister seduction?

A philosophical treatise on the passions A philosophical treatise on the passions

Автор: Thomas Cogan

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «A philosophical treatise on the passions / by T. Cogan».

Physiologie des passions. T. 1 Physiologie des passions. T. 1

Автор: J. -L. Alibert

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Physiologie des passions : Tome 1 : Ou nouvelle doctrine des sentimens moraux / par J.-L. Alibert».

Physiologie des passions. T. 2 Physiologie des passions. T. 2

Автор: J. -L. Alibert

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Physiologie des passions : Tome 2 : Ou nouvelle doctrine des sentimens moraux / par J.-L. Alibert».

Appassionata Appassionata

Автор: Mart Laur

Год издания: 

On 1974. Pietro Salvari, andekas muusikaopetaja, kelle kulm ratsionaalsus voib olla sama havitav kui tema sisemised vastuolud ja talitsematu saavutusjanu, leiab end vaikesest Itaalia magikulast, kus tema saabumine rebib lahti vanad haavad ning ahvardab pinnale tuua aastakumneid varjatud saladused. Intriigide hamaruses saab Pietro majakaks erakordne mees, kelle voimuses on anda elu suurmeistrite sundimata muusikale, ent kes peab selle eest maksma ranka hinda… Samal ajal kaivitab Roomas plahvatanud autopomm uleriigilise otsingu terroristi tabamiseks ning jaljed osutavad tundmatule, kelle uks varjunimesid on Salvari. Viiskummend aastat enne seda astub aga noor Silvia Manzo Napoli uduses sadamas viimasele laevale, mis viib pogenikke Uude Maailma, aimamata, et teda ootab ees suurim proovilepanek, mille ta eales labi teeb… Mart Lauri debuutromaan Appassionata palvis Tanapaeva 2011. aasta romaanivoistlusel teise koha.

The King's Threshold; and On Baile's Strand The King's Threshold; and On Baile's Strand

Автор: William Butler Yeats

Год издания: