Скачать книгу - Peggy Guggenheim: The Life of an Art Addict

This edition does not include illustrations.Please note that due to the level of detail, the family tree is best viewed on a tablet.The wayward life (1898–1979) of the voracious art collector and great female patron of world-famous artists.‘Mrs Guggenheim, how many husbands have you had?’ ‘Do you mean my own, or other people’s?’ Peggy Guggenheim was an American millionairess art collector and legendary lover, whose father died on the Titanic returning from installing the lift machinery in the Eiffel Tower. She lived in Paris in the 1930s and got to know all the major artists – especially the Surrealists. (Later she bullied Max Ernst into marrying her, but was snubbed by Picasso.) When the Second World War broke out, she bought great numbers of paintings from artists fleeing to America; as a Jew she escaped from Vichy France and set up in New York, where in the 1940s and 50s she befriended and encouraged the New York School (Jackson Pollock, Rothko, etc.)Her emotional life was in constant turmoil – a life of booze, bed and bohemia (mostly rich bohemia). Her favourite husband was a drunken English dilettante writer called Lawrence Vail, but she bedded many others, including Samuel Beckett. Later she moved to Venice, where her memory is enshrined in the world-famous palazzo that houses her Guggenheim Collection.

The Intrusions of Peggy The Intrusions of Peggy

Автор: Hope Anthony

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Little Miss Peggy: Only a Nursery Story Little Miss Peggy: Only a Nursery Story

Автор: Molesworth Mrs.

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Кнопка Власти. Sex. Addict. #Признания манипулятора Кнопка Власти. Sex. Addict. #Признания манипулятора

Автор: Виктория Исаева

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История блестящего психологического мошенничества! Самые действенные и простые методы достижения целей, для успешного использования которых не обязательно быть магистром психологии! Что обычно делают влюбленные, решившие связать свою жизнь и свить семейное гнездышко в Москве? Правильно! Устраиваются на работу (а лучше на несколько) и начинают мучительно копить деньги на покупку ВСЕГО. А что если нет времени и желания играть по правилам? Что если у вас сводит скулы при мысли о «нормальной жизни»? Что если вы открыли другой путь к благополучию и финансовой обеспеченности? Что если вы обладаете талантом, способным быстро обеспечить вам безбедное существование и яркую жизнь? И пока сотни людей прилежно изучают психологию, чтобы бороться с собственными комплексами, парочка аферистов решают использовать последние достижения психологии как оружие в гонке на выживание. Это непридуманная история двух профессиональных манипуляторов, которые не постеснялись использовать собственные таланты и познания для обогащения.

Beating Sugar Addiction For Dummies Beating Sugar Addiction For Dummies

Автор: Dan DeFigio

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Are you a sugar addict? Beating Sugar Addiction For Dummies provides you a safe and healthy path to overcome your addiction, eliminate stress eating, and upgrade your nutrition for a healthier lifestyle. Sugar addiction is a rapidly growing epidemic that can lead to obesity, chronic fatigue, diabetes, and a host of other medical and psychological problems. Beating Sugar Addiction For Dummies helps those who are affected by this commonly overlooked addiction to outsmart their sugar cravings and overcome their addiction. The tips in this book will help you: Learn to stop stress eating and perform a nutrition makeover that makes the low-sugar lifestyle easy! Stop the frustration of yo-yo dieting, and finally find an eating plan that works. Free yourself from the grip of sugar addiction and regain control over your life. Beating Sugar Addiction For Dummies contains everything you need to start your journey down the road to wellness: Four common types of sugar addicts – which one are you? Finally understand carbs, protein, and fat with a simple nutrition system for weight loss and healthy eating, including what to choose and what to stay away from Detoxing from sugar and performing a kitchen makeover Eating mindfully – making purposeful decisions instead of stress eating How to survive holidays, restaurants, and special occasions Building a support system Exercise programs for energy and weight loss Speedy low-sugar recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and desserts Staying on track and breaking the cycle of failure – including a step-by-step list of exactly what to do when a sugar craving strikes! If you're one of the millions of people worldwide who relies too much on sugar for energy, comfort, or convenience, Beating Sugar Addiction For Dummies is your no-nonsense guide to decreasing your sugar intake, losing weight, and changing your life for the better!

Addiction Dilemmas. Family Experiences from Literature and Research and their Lessons for Practice Addiction Dilemmas. Family Experiences from Literature and Research and their Lessons for Practice

Автор: Jim Orford

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Addiction Dilemmas explores the impact of addiction on those closest to the individuals affected and their families. Drawing on a wide range of sources, the book discusses the stresses and strains that family members are subjected to, the dilemmas that they face, and the coping strategies that they have found useful. Draws on a unique breadth of material to illustrate the dilemmas faced by family members in coping with a close relative's addiction Raises questions and points to controversies rather than dispensing prescriptive «one size fits all» advice Brings together accounts from research interviews, biography, autobiography and relevant fiction in a creative and original way Tackles common misunderstandings at public, practitioner, scholarly and policy levels about the predicaments that family members commonly find themselves in Each chapter closes with a commentary, questions and exercises designed to further develop understanding for professionals and students