Скачать книгу - Lo Sceriffo Di Lodz Al Kafka Cafe

Come fa il comandante di un campo di sterminio nazista a diventare l'autore di un best seller intitolato Lo Sceriffo di Lodz su un giovane del ghetto che scambia la stella gialla per quella di uno sceriffo del far West? Dov'e finito il vero autore, un prigioniero ebreo? Per quale squadra di calcio tifava Franz Kafka? Chi e sepolto nel cimitero poldavo del becchino centenario?

ypracowania Franz Kafka ypracowania Franz Kafka "Proces

Автор: praca zbiorowa

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Apache Kafka. Потоковая обработка и анализ данных (pdf+epub) Apache Kafka. Потоковая обработка и анализ данных (pdf+epub)

Автор: Ния Нархид

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Between Quran and Kafka Between Quran and Kafka

Автор: Группа авторов

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What connects Shiite passion plays with Brecht's drama? Which of Goethe's poems were inspired by the Quran? How can Ibn Arabi's theology of sighs explain the plays of Heinrich von Kleist? And why did the Persian author Sadeq Hedayat identify with the Prague Jew Franz Kafka? 'One who knows himself and others will here too understand: Orient and Occident are no longer separable': in this new book, the critically acclaimed author and scholar Navid Kermani takes Goethe at his word. He reads the Quran as a poetic text, opens Eastern literature to Western readers, unveils the mystical dimension in the works of Goethe and Kleist, and deciphers the political implications of theatre, from Shakespeare to Lessing to Brecht. Drawing striking comparisons between diverse literary traditions and cultures, Kermani argues for a literary cosmopolitanism that is opposed to all those who would play religions and cultures against one another, isolating them from one another by force. Between Quran and Kafka concludes with Kermani's speech on receiving Germany's highest literary prize, an impassioned plea for greater fraternity in the face of the tyranny and terrorism of Islamic State. Kermani's personal assimilation of the classics gives his work that topical urgency that distinguishes universal literature when it speaks to our most intimate feelings. For, of course, love too lies 'between Quran and Kafka'.

Kafka y Brecht: entre el hacha y el asombro Kafka y Brecht: entre el hacha y el asombro

Автор: Sara Rodriguez Echeverri

Год издания: 

Els lleopards de Kafka Els lleopards de Kafka

Автор: Moacyr Scliar

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