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Mixing Business And Pleasure– Or Just Getting Mixed Up?Adam Lassiter is one of the top men in his field, a consultant who specializes in turning around unsuccessful businesses. He's married to his job, which explains why he's now divorced and why he needs to put some major time and effort into winning back his eight-year-old son's affection. Adam has a plan to get closer to the boy: a combined business and vacation trip to a run-down campground in the mountains above Harmony, Arizona, to see if he can salvage the campground–and his relationship with his little boy.But after a few hours at Glory Ridge with Jane Pitt, the owner–plain Jane, as she calls herself–Adam realizes he's out of his depth. In more ways than one…Jane is, too, of course. And neither of them knows what to do with their powerful attraction to the other!Welcome to Harmony

Plays. An Ideal Husband. A Woman of No Importance / Пьесы. Идеальный муж. Женщина, не стоящая внимания Plays. An Ideal Husband. A Woman of No Importance / Пьесы. Идеальный муж. Женщина, не стоящая внимания

Автор: Оскар Уайльд

Год издания: 

В сборник вошли две пьесы всемирно известного драматурга, «Идеальный муж» (1894) и «Женщина, не стоящая внимания» (1893). Действие первого произведения строится на шантаже и политических интригах. Во втором сюжет разворачивается вокруг семейной тайны. Сам того не подозревая, лорд Иллингворт назначает на должность секретаря своего незаконнорожденного сына.

An essay on musical harmony An essay on musical harmony

Автор: Augustus Frederic Christopher Kollmann

Год издания: 

Примечание: Очерк о музыкальной гармонии. Полный вариант заголовка: «An essay on musical harmony : according to the nature of that science and the principles of the greatest musical authors / by Augustus Frederic Christopher Kollmann».

Husband hunting, or The mother and daughters. Vol. 1 Husband hunting, or The mother and daughters. Vol. 1

Автор: Группа авторов

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Husband hunting, or The mother and daughters : a tale of fashionable life : in 3 vol. Vol. 1».

Chromatics, or an essay on the analogy and harmony of colours Chromatics, or an essay on the analogy and harmony of colours

Автор: Группа авторов

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Chromatics , or an essay on the analogy and harmony of colours».

The Three Energies. The Forgotten Canons of Health and Harmony The Three Energies. The Forgotten Canons of Health and Harmony

Автор: Rami Bleckt

Год издания: 

Practically everybody, who reads Rami’s books, notes that his books are both practical and useful, besides trey are read easily. His books give readers the opportunity to find answers almost to all questions because they help to settle basic problems. This book, being republished several times, once again proves that the truth is simple and practical. The book “The Three Energies” was written on the base of ancient wisdom, the best modern scientific works and long life experience of a lot of people. Rami Bleckt gives answers to the questions in simple and interesting style. Without knowing these answers it is difficult to be in harmony with yourself in the swift stream of modern life, to keep one’s health and spirits. This book is recommended for a wide range of readers, especially for doctors, psychologists, teachers, leaders and administrators of all levels.