Скачать книгу - Wyoming Cinderella

GLASS SLIPPER SEDUCTRESS Gorgeous multimillionaire William Hawk was caught in a tornado – and her name was Ella McBride! The tantalizing nanny brought order to his children but left Hawk's senses spinning out of control. A massive, primal desire hammered at his resistance – he simply must keep this luscious live-in temptation out of his bedroom! But how to avoid her bedroom eyes…?PRINCE CHARMING HUSBAND Ella felt utterly transformed! In Hawk's arms she was the most beautiful woman on earth, a sensuous princess, his Wyoming Cinderella. And with just a little coaxing, this sexy older man had introduced her to womanhood. Now would it be Ella's turn to usher him into husbandhood?

Золушка. Спящая красавица. Рапунцель / Cinderella. The Sleeping Beauty. Rapunzel Золушка. Спящая красавица. Рапунцель / Cinderella. The Sleeping Beauty. Rapunzel

Автор: Группа авторов

Год издания: 

В предлагаемый сборник вошли лучшие сказки для девочек, героини которых стали всемирно известными и любимыми благодаря многочисленным экранизациям и мультипликации. Тексты сказок сопровождаются комментариями к наиболее трудным для понимания словам и выражениям, а также упражнениями на проверку понимания прочитанного. В конце книги расположен словарь, облегчающий чтение. Книга предназначается для тех, кто только начинает изучение английского языка (уровень 1 – Elementary). В формате pdf A4 сохранен издательский макет.

Красавица и чудовище. Золушка. Спящая красавица. Рапунцель. Волшебная лампа Аладдина / The Beauty and the Beast. Cinderella. The Sleeping Beauty. Rapunzel. The Story of Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp Красавица и чудовище. Золушка. Спящая красавица. Рапунцель. Волшебная лампа Аладдина / The Beauty and the Beast. Cinderella. The Sleeping Beauty. Rapunzel. The Story of Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp

Автор: Группа авторов

Год издания: 

В настоящий сборник вошли самые известные и любимые волшебные сказки: «Красавица и чудовище», «Золушка», «Спящая красавица», «Рапунцель» и «Волшебная лампа Аладдина». Тексты произведений сокращены, адаптированы для начинающих изучать английский язык (уровень 1 – Elementary) и снабжены комментариями, объясняющими значение различных словосочетаний. Также каждая сказка сопровождается упражнениями и небольшим словарем.

A Modern Cinderella A Modern Cinderella

Автор: Douglas Amanda M.

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Wyoming Wyoming

Автор: Ellis Edward Sylvester

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Fine Just the Way It Is: Wyoming Stories 3 Fine Just the Way It Is: Wyoming Stories 3

Автор: Annie Proulx

Год издания: 

The fantastic new collection of stories from the Pulitzer Prize winning author of The Shipping News and Brokeback Mountain.Fine Just The Way It Is marks Annie Proulx's return to the Wyoming of Brokeback Mountain and the familiar cast of hardy, unsentimental prairie folk. The stories are cast over centuries, and capture the voices and lives of the settlers this sagebrushed and weatherworn country has known, from the native Indian tribes to the modern day ranch owners and politicians, and their cowboy forebears.In 'A Family Man', an old man nearing the end of his life unburdens himself of the weighty family secrets that were his father's unwelcome legacy. 'Them Old Cowboy Songs' follows Archie and Rosie, a young pioneer couple, and their hardships in their attempt to homestead in the exposed wintry expanses of the prairie, and 'Testimony of the Donkey' finds a young international couple, Marc and Caitlin, struggling with much more modern concerns, and confronting uncertainty as their relationship comes to its end.These are stories of desperation and hard times, often marked by an inescapable sadness, set in a landscape both brutal and magnificent. Enlivened by folk tales, flights of fancy, and details of ranch and rural work, they juxtapose Wyoming's traditional character and attitudes – confrontation of tough problems, prejudice, persistence in the face of difficulty – with the more benign values of the new west. These are bold, elegant and memorable pieces, and once more confirm Annie Proulx as one of the most talented, unique short story writers in the language.