Скачать книгу - Twitter Girl

Meet America's Tweet-Heart.She's network reporter Cassidy Shea, better known as @TwitterGirl, with more than a million followers thanks to her sarcastic tweets. One hundred forty characters that can take anyone down a notch.But while brevity may be the soul of wit, it can also get you fired.When a controversial tweet goes viral the snarky redhead finds herself locked out of the career she loves… and watches her boyfriend take a hike.Alas, no industry values sarcasm more than politics, and Cassidy becomes a marketable commodity for Presidential candidate Will Becker, a squeaky-clean, stone cold lock to be the next occupant of the White House. This candidate is unlike any other; he's the country's most eligible bachelor. He's also looking for a running mate, and we're not talking about a Vice President.Twitter Girl has caught his eye.Cassidy finds herself swept up in a whirlwind romance that turns her into the next Jackie Kennedy and becomes the favorite to be the next First Lady. The country can't get enough of America's First Couple… will Cassidy and Will Becker bring back Camelot?But an anonymous tip triggers her journalistic curiosity. Is Will Becker all that he seems? The search for the answer teaches Cassidy the meaning of love.

Лучшие афоризмы о любви для Twitter и SMS Лучшие афоризмы о любви для Twitter и SMS

Автор: А. Петров

Год издания: 

Уместите все чувства в ограниченное количество символов SMS или Twitter! Эта книга будет полезна тем, кто хочет доставить радость своим любимым. Готовые афоризмы помогут написать коротко и быстро о самом главном.

Продвижение бизнеса в социальных сетях Facebook, Twitter, Google+ Продвижение бизнеса в социальных сетях Facebook, Twitter, Google+

Автор: Наталия Ермолова

Год издания: 

Если вас нет в социальных сетях, значит, вас просто не существует! И это не шутка – недаром уже больше половины российских компаний используют социальные медиа для продвижения своего бизнеса. Если вы тоже хотите создать и успешно развивать корпоративный аккаунт в соцсетях, то вам нужно знать, какие задачи перед собой поставить и как выбрать верные инструменты для их решения. В этом вам поможет книга ведущего SMM-эксперта Наталии Ермоловой. Это подробное практическое руководство, в котором вы найдете ответы на все вопросы, которые могут у вас возникнуть.

Инкубатор Twitter. Подлинная история денег, власти, дружбы и предательства Инкубатор Twitter. Подлинная история денег, власти, дружбы и предательства

Автор: Ник Билтон

Год издания: 

История создания Twitter и история отношений ее основателей – четырех друзей-программистов – Эвана Уильямса, Биза Стоуна, Джека Дорси и Ноа Гласса неразрывно сплелись в этой книге. Вы узнаете, как возник стартап, выросший в миллиардный бизнес, и как менялись отношения его создателей, стремительно разбогатевших и ставших знаменитыми. Ник Билтон создал живые и яркие портреты технарей, случайно изменивших мир и многое узнавших о нем за годы совместной работы. Книга написана на основе тысяч документов и сотен часов интервью с самими создателями Twitter, их друзьями и знакомыми, настоящими и бывшими сотрудниками компании.

The Rise of the Platform Marketer. Performance Marketing with Google, Facebook, and Twitter, Plus the Latest High-Growth Digital Advertising Platforms The Rise of the Platform Marketer. Performance Marketing with Google, Facebook, and Twitter, Plus the Latest High-Growth Digital Advertising Platforms

Автор: John Lee

Год издания: 

Develop the skills and capabilities quickly becoming essential in the new marketing paradigm The Rise of the Platform Marketer helps you leverage the «always-on» consumer to deliver more personalized engagements across media, channels, and devices. By managing these interactions at scale throughout the customer lifecycle, you can optimize the value of your customers and segments through strategic use of Connected CRM (cCRM). This book shows you how to take advantage of the massive growth and proliferation of social and other digital media, with clear strategy for developing the new capabilities, tools, metrics, and processes essential in the age of platform marketing. Coverage includes identity management, audience management, consumer privacy and compliance, media and channel optimization, measurement and attribution, experience design, and integrated technology, plus a discussion on how the company as a whole must evolve to keep pace with marketing's increasingly rapid evolution and capabilities. The expansion of digital platforms has created addressability opportunity through search, video, display, and social media, offering today's foremost opportunity for competitive advantage. This book outlines the capabilities and perspective required to reap the rewards, helping you shift your strategy to align with the demands and expectations of the modern consumer. Develop the tools, metrics, and processes necessary to engage the modern consumer Gain a deep understanding of Connected Customer Relationship Management Leverage trends in technology and analytics to create targeted messages Adjust your company's structure and operations to align with new capabilities The new era of marketing requires thorough understanding of cCRM, along with the knowledge and innovative forethought to thrive in the ever-expanding digital audience platform environment. The Rise of the Platform Marketer gives you an edge, and helps you clear a path to full implementation.

Twitter For Dummies Twitter For Dummies

Автор: Laura Fitton

Год издания: 

A fully updated new edition of the fun and easy guide to getting up and running on Twitter With more than half a billion registered users, Twitter continues to grow by leaps and bounds. This handy guide, from one of the first marketers to discover the power of Twitter, covers all the new features. It explains all the nuts and bolts, how to make good connections, and why and how Twitter can benefit you and your business. Fully updated to cover all the latest features and changes to Twitter Written by a Twitter pioneer who was one of the first marketers to fully tap into Twitter's business applications Ideal for beginners, whether they want to use Twitter to stay in touch with friends or to market their products and services Explains how to incorporate Twitter into other social media and how to use third-party tools to improve and simplify Twitter