Скачать книгу - How to pump up the intimate muscles. Vumbilding. We strengthen the muscles of the vagina. Instructions. Advice

Vumbilding (imbilding) is a special set of exercises to strengthen the pelvic and intimate muscles.Get well and become the best mistress with strong muscles in the intimate zone! Modern women took our advice and instructions on a “note” and “colored” their intimate life with new colors!

Cracking the Tech Career. Insider Advice on Landing a Job at Google, Microsoft, Apple, or any Top Tech Company Cracking the Tech Career. Insider Advice on Landing a Job at Google, Microsoft, Apple, or any Top Tech Company

Автор: Gayle McDowell Laakmann

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Become the applicant Google can't turn down Cracking the Tech Career is the job seeker's guide to landing a coveted position at one of the top tech firms. A follow-up to The Google Resume, this book provides new information on what these companies want, and how to show them you have what it takes to succeed in the role. Early planners will learn what to study, and established professionals will discover how to make their skillset and experience set them apart from the crowd. Author Gayle Laakmann McDowell worked in engineering at Google, and interviewed over 120 candidates as a member of the hiring committee – in this book, she shares her perspectives on what works and what doesn't, what makes you desirable, and what gets your resume saved or deleted. Apple, Microsoft, and Google are the coveted companies in the current job market. They field hundreds of resumes every day, and have their pick of the cream of the crop when it comes to selecting new hires. If you think the right alma mater is all it takes, you need to update your thinking. Top companies, especially in the tech sector, are looking for more. This book is the complete guide to becoming the candidate they just cannot turn away. Discover the career paths that run through the top tech firms Learn how to craft the prefect resume and prepare for the interview Find ways to make yourself stand out from the hordes of other applicants Understand what the top companies are looking for, and how to demonstrate that you're it These companies need certain skillsets, but they also want a great culture fit. Grades aren't everything, experience matters, and a certain type of applicant tends to succeed. Cracking the Tech Career reveals what the hiring committee wants, and shows you how to get it.

The Cross-Border Family Wealth Guide. Advice on Taxes, Investing, Real Estate, and Retirement for Global Families in the U.S. and Abroad The Cross-Border Family Wealth Guide. Advice on Taxes, Investing, Real Estate, and Retirement for Global Families in the U.S. and Abroad

Автор: Andrew Fisher

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Make sense of international personal finance with expat-specific expert advice The Cross-Border Family Wealth Guide is the long-awaited financial handbook for cross border families, with expert insight from a financial advisor who specializes in expat issues. Whether you're an American living abroad, or foreign-born and living in the U.S., this book demystifies the complex issues surrounding the worldwide tax system, international information reporting, sensible investments, international real estate, and retirement planning. When your wealth crosses international borders, managing even the most mundane financial affairs can become wrought with time-consuming complexity; moving money, opening accounts, dealing with currency risks and translation, and setting up investments suddenly involves a whole new set of rules and regulations. Your 401(k), IRA, or annuity must be handled properly to retain certain tax benefits, and retirement planning takes on a brand new dimension of difficulty. This book shows you how to navigate the maze to make sure your money keeps working for you. Real world examples illustrate solutions to common problems, and real, actionable advice gives you a solid plan for your next steps. While personal finance management is rarely simple, the recent crackdown on tax havens and increased tax collection vigilance has made things even more difficult for cross border families. This book answers your questions, and shines a light on the way forward to long-term financial security for international families. Navigate the complexities of international taxation Get specific guidance on retirement planning Make sense of how real estate fits into your financial picture Invest appropriately to maximize growth for the future Manage your assets and tax benefits across borders With the right know-how, cross border professionals can make sensible investment and financial planning decisions, but credible guidance is rare and difficult to find. Simple and practical, with targeted advice, The Cross-Border Family Wealth Guide is the international family's solution for avoiding financial confusion.

Romancing the Brand. How Brands Create Strong, Intimate Relationships with Consumers Romancing the Brand. How Brands Create Strong, Intimate Relationships with Consumers

Автор: Tim Halloran

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A young woman tells a focus group that Diet Coke is like her boyfriend. A twenty-something tattoos the logo of Turner Classic Movies onto his skin. These consumers aren’t just using these brands. They are engaging in a rich, complex, ever-changing relationship, and they’ll stay loyal, resisting marketing gimmicks from competitors and influencing others to try the brand they love. How can marketers cultivate and grow the deep relationships that earn this kind of love and drive lasting success for their brands? In Romancing the Brand, branding expert Tim Halloran reveals what it takes to make consumers fall in love with your brand. Step by step,he reveals how to start, grow, maintain, and troubleshoot a flourishing relationship between brand and consumer. Along the way, Halloran shares the secrets behind establishing a mutually beneficial “romance.” Drawing on exclusive, in-depth interviews with managers of some of the world’s most iconic brands, Romancing the Brand arms you with an arsenal of classic and emerging marketing tools—such as benefit laddering and word-of-mouth marketing—that make best-in-class brands so successful. The book is filled with examples, strategies, and tools from powerful brands that consumers love, including Coke, Dos Equis, smartwater, the Atlanta Falcons, Domino’s Pizza, Bounty, Turner Classic Movies, and many more. Ultimately, Romancing the Brand provides marketers with a set of principles for making brands strong, resilient, and beloved—and the insight and confidence to use them.

Fine Art and High Finance. Expert Advice on the Economics of Ownership Fine Art and High Finance. Expert Advice on the Economics of Ownership

Автор: Clare McAndrew

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Art and finance coalesce in the elite world of fine art collecting and investing. Investors and collectors can’t protect and profit from their collections without grappling with a range of complex issues like risk, insurance, restoration, and conservation. They require intimate knowledge not only of art but also of finance. Clare McAndrew and a highly qualified team of contributors explain the most difficult financial matters facing art investors. Key topics include: Appraisal and valuation Art as loan collateral Securitization and taxation Investing in art funds Insurance The black-market art trade Clare McAndrew has a PhD in economics and is the author of The Art Economy. She is considered a leading expert on the economics of art ownership.

81 Financial and Tax Tips for the Canadian Real Estate Investor. Expert Money-Saving Advice on Accounting and Tax Planning 81 Financial and Tax Tips for the Canadian Real Estate Investor. Expert Money-Saving Advice on Accounting and Tax Planning

Автор: Don Campbell R.

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From Canada's best-selling real esate author, Don R. Campbell, and his team. From rental properties to business offices, more and more Canadians buying real estate are unwittingly setting themselves up for problems. Real estate investments and their corresponding tax policies are complicated–without knowing the tax rules, investors will see how quickly seemingly viable investments can become financial disasters. 81 Financial and Tax Tips for the Canadian Real Estate Investor offers practical advice on successfully navigating the tax implications of property ownership, including tips on a) deductions from income; b) preparing for an audit; and c) leveraging professional help. Filled with insights and Canadian-specific tips, there's no other book like it on the market.