Скачать книгу - Independent Child Migrations: Insights into Agency, Vulnerability, and Structure. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, Number 136

Explore the complexities of international independent child migration. This volume gives particular focus to agency and vulnerability as central concepts for understanding the diverse experiences of children who have migrated alone. Combining perspectives from academics and practitioners, the volume is filled with thought-provoking insights into the nature of current programmatic interventions for independent child migrants. It further invites critical reflection on the complex socio-economic, political, and cultural contexts in which migration decisions are taken. Contributors recognize that independent child migrants, despite vulnerabilities, are active decision-makers in determining movement, responding to violent and discriminatory situations, resisting stereotypical assumptions, and figuring out integration and life choices as these are shaped by existing structural opportunities and constraints. This is the 136th volume in this series. Its mission is to provide scientific and scholarly presentations on cutting edge issues and concepts in child and adolescent development. Each volume focuses on a specific new direction or research topic and is edited by experts on that topic.

Web Application
Development with PHP 4.0 Web Application Development with PHP 4.0

Автор: Tobias Ratschiller, Till Gerken

Год издания: 

While the success of Open Source software like Linux or Apache has been documented extensively throughout all mainstream media, the rise of PHP has gone largely unnoticed. Still, the Web scripting language PHP is the most popular module for the Apache Web server, according to an E-Soft survey (www.e-softinc.com/survey/). Netcraft studies have found that PHP is in use on over 6% of all Web domains in the world (see www.netcraft.com/survey).That’s an incredible market penetration for a rather specialized product.This popularity continues to rise exponentially. Increasingly, this is being reflected in traditional media: As of May, 2000, more than 20 books about PHP have been published in different languages, with more in the pipeline. Commercial players are beginning to join the bandwagon: PHP is included with Web servers, for example C2’s Stronghold, and Linux distributions. A new company, Zend Technologies, has been formed to provide commercial add-ons and support for PHP.A long list of large-scale Web sites employ PHP, as well as hundreds of thousands of small to medium Web sites.

Secure PHP Development: Building 50 Practical Applications Secure PHP Development: Building 50 Practical Applications

Автор: Mohammed J. Kabir

Год издания: 

The personal home page (PHP) server-side scripting language is particular well adapted to connecting HTML-based web pages to a backend database for dynamic content. This book explains the entire nuts-and-bolts process of the PHP application life cycle: requirements, design, development, maintenance and tuning. It shows how PHP can be used to design and develop highly manageable and secure applications to solve practical problems.

Роль инстинктов при выборе стратегии childfree. Влияние культуры на инстинкт Роль инстинктов при выборе стратегии childfree. Влияние культуры на инстинкт

Автор: Николай Камзин

Год издания: 

Человек не может не ощущать инстинктивного стремления, однако в его власти подавить его. Человек может воспитывать и обуздывать инстинктивные устремления, ведомый высшими ценностями, путем упражнений он способен вырабатывать в себе поведенческие навыки, поднимающиеся над чисто инстинктивными действиями. Основой мотивации поведения являются более или менее значительные и длительные отклонения от нормального уровня физиологических функций, нарушения внутренних ритмов, обеспечивающих жизнедеятельность организма. Эти сдвиги выражаются в появлении потребностей. Огромное значение для психологического здоровья личности имеет формирование культуры инстинктивного поведения. Инстинкты составляют часть человеческой природы, а разум подчиняет и регулирует их проявление. Инстинкт как мотивационная сила человека является предпосылкой развития основообразующих структур личности и является преобразователем биологически заданного материала силами социальной действительности.

How To Start Your Own PR-Agency In Russia? Anti-Learner's Guide How To Start Your Own PR-Agency In Russia? Anti-Learner's Guide

Автор: Роман Масленников

Год издания: 

In what there is a value of PR-officer occupation? What useful things do they do? In what there is a creation of work? In what there is a great mission? In what there is a profit for self-actualization, for clients, for society? At first PR-officers are worried with these questions; clients who have no more money for PR are also worried, besides people who count money are worried as well. Why do we overpay to an organized crowd of bullshitters, if a secretary, any staff advertising manager or a marketer, or at the worst I myself (when there is no work I’d better wag my tongue instead of wasting time) can manage with all that things. Where is fun for those who hire PR-agency? Let’s leave it for those who still hire PR-agency, and will no ramble it on a secretary who is irresponsible for advertising or marketing, or on ourselves. Perhaps we’ll return to it later, perhaps we won’t.

Детям о звёздах. Star Stories for Children Детям о звёздах. Star Stories for Children

Автор: Наталия Пенькова

Год издания: 

Первой книгой «Детям о звёздах» автор открывает захватывающую серию развивающих сказок для детей 3-7 лет. Строго контролируемый словарь и элементарная грамматика, используемые в этой книге, делают её легкой для чтения и понимания. Параллельные тексты и два словаря в конце книги: англо-русский и русско-английский – позволяют использовать её для обучения маленьких детей обоим языкам. Сказки помогут развить воображение ребёнка и создать атмосферу доброжелательности, которая особенно важна в воспитании детей. Книга представляет интерес для родителей, которые хотят помочь детям освоить русский и английский языки с раннего возраста. By Star Stories for Children the author launches an exciting series of developing tales for young children of 3-7 years old. The book is based on strictly controlled vocabulary and elementary grammar that makes it easy for comprehension. Parallel texts and two vocabularies at the end of the book: English-Russian and Russian-English– make the tales suitable for teaching little children both languages. The tales help unlock the imagination and create an atmosphere of goodwill which is especially valuable in the upbringing of children. The book is of interest to those parents who want to help their children to master both Russian and English languages from the early age.